Note: The following blog was given as a talk at the full Moon meditation for Aries in Los Angeles California on Sunday September 17th
We stand now within a field love wisdom a field of heart energy woven together by the beautiful ritual of recognition and gratitude which always creates or manifests in group cohesion and power.
As a group of dedicated and determined disciples we are immersed in what Master M calls the great Act of Reconstruction. We are co-creating the New World. We are working with the energy of Synthesis which has been brought into our reach through the combined efforts of Christ, Sanat Kumara and the Avatar of Synthesis.
This inflowing extra systemic energy is creating and empowering enormous and unavoidable energy vortices throughout our planetary life. These energy vortices impact human consciousness as highly enhanced and refined manifestations of the ancient Principles of Cosmos. They create very rapid and extremely violent change.
Over the past 150 years there have been many examples of the action of the inflowing synthesis energy: The Civil war in the United States lasted four bloody and destructive years and created basic significant changes to the American Constitution. The great war which we call World War I and II lasted a total of 10 years. It was extremely violent ending in atomic explosions and changed the face of the world enormously. Compare these events with the old wars of Europe, the 100 years war for example which lasted 114 years and resulted in little if any significant change in human freedom.
These recent wars had to do specifically with the principle of Freedom an Ageless Cosmic Principle about which we know very little. Master D. K. has pointed out that Freedom is “one of the attributes of Cosmic Deity like will, love and mind.” It “is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner….” The sudden uprisings of oppressed masses throughout the Middle East are current examples of the impact of the Synthesis energy on human consciousness. While not as physically violent as some, it is notable that in Egypt, it took only 19 days from the day of revolt to the resignation of Mubarak.
It is vital that we realize that the growing presence of these high frequency vortices of synthesis in our planetary life have caused enormous change. They will continue to do so. Their presence is the Cosmic reaction to the great imbalance and discord that humanity’s actions over the centuries has caused to manifest within the planetary life.
Cosmos will have equilibrium through reconstruction. End of discussion.
Synthesis is the process of reconstruction. It absorbs the Life Force from the gross, dark, inharmonious and discordant forms in which human ignorance and selfishness has encased it and builds new more coherent lighted and beautiful forms in all areas of human living.
This Evening, the Luminaries with whom we will be working are ultra powerful. The energies following into our field through our alignment with these Luminaries augment and empower the energy and work of the Christ, Sanat Kumara and the Avatar of Synthesis. This is Aries. This is the Launch. If you have ever watched the launch of the space shuttle from Cape Canaveral you get the idea of what we going to meet this evening.
This level of power has always characterized Aries. What is different today from, say two or three hundred years ago, is that humanity is much more capable of receiving and containing this energy. The reason for this new ability is the evolutionary development of group consciousness and the manifestation of that development is visible right here in this room, right now. If you would look back over the past 150 years or so at the evolution of group consciousness you would get a good idea of why Master M. calls this reconstruction.
A little understood but primary effect of the development of true group consciousness is the emergence of the long submerged and denied presence in every human being of what Master M. calls the Devine Feminine. This emergence is, by the way, one of the factors, perhaps the major, which has to be in place before the Christ’s appearance can actually be registered by humanity. The primary evidence of the emergence of the feminine principle is the growing presence of the frequency of love wisdom within the human psyche.
We speak of these things as if they were a list or if they happened in some sort of order. The truth is that these events are 4th dimensional occurrences. They all happen all at once. It is our underdeveloped vision that sees them as “knowledge or as force expressing itself”. We process them as data, rather than experience them as real events in consciousness. As we continue to evolve into our heritage we will be more and more able to think, that is to use “love-wisdom which is energy in action.”
You may think it strange that I would be talking about the divine feminine in an Ares talk. However, it is acute that we understand the attributes and qualities of the feminine principle. They are the power of Goodwill and— the basic function of the Divine Mother—the power of receptivity. We need to understand how these qualities connect with the Heart or seat of love-wisdom which is the only aspect in Cosmos that can register and hold energy this refined or at this power level.
As we approach the point of contact in our meditation, we will endeavor to bring the entire power of the group feminine principle into play. We need to be 100% receptive. This is the great power of the Mother. She is able to contact receive and hold the inflowing energy of Divine Will, and to subsequently give that will form and birth in the dense physical world. This is all possible because She is the vessel of Love Wisdom. She is Venus the Goddess of Love Wisdom.
It is also instructive to consider the force field into which these energies are being directed which is Libra, the balance. The Ray energies at play in Libra are all along the first ray line of will and power; Rays 3, 5, and 7. Again there is no second ray present; however, the being that holds the balance is the Mother of the World, the vessel of Love Wisdom. Who better to weigh and Judge than the Divine Mother?
It is the expansion of consciousness that accounts for our ability to finally register these always existent facts, for if we think, that is use the heart to ponder on this, it is clear that when the consciousness expands, it moves from knowledge into Love-Wisdom. From one dimensional analysis into fourth dimensional experience.
So, this evening, as we enter into the heart of this co-creative ritual we call the full moon meditation work, let us do so with deep love and gratitude for our Planet and all its myriads of beings and for ourselves and for those who guide and help us. Only thus will be able to stand receptive in the arms of the Mother.