The Road Ahead
The Back Trail
Since the beginning of the second Solar System, we have been involved in the Long Struggle with the Forces of Retrogression. Although the many, many battles have always involved all three of the lower dimensions, most of them were focused on the dense physical plane. On that plane, we have killed each other, and anything else that got in the way, by untold billions. At their core all of these battles were and are in reality only different chapters in the Long Struggle to prevent the effort on the part of the Retrogressors to subvert human freedom and the evolution of consciousness on this planet.
The Actual Situation
In the most recent World War, (circa 1914-1945) through the world around defeat of the Retrogressor’s Forces, the Forces of Light achieved an extraordinarily crucial victory on the dense physical plane. If the Retrogressors had been successful in obtaining atomic weapons, and the struggle had continued with the use of atomic weapons, the planet and humanity would be vastly different today. However, great as the victory was, it was only on the dense physical plane. The “door where evil dwells” was not finally closed, and it was not, as we have seen over the last 67 years, the war to end wars, or the end of the struggle.
During the last 67 years, the Light forces have managed to keep the majority of the battles off of the dense physical plane. Those that did break out were successfully contained in a relatively small areas of the globe. However, today, even as we meet here and meditate, battles of epic proportions are being waged on the subtle dimensions of the mental and emotional fields of human life. The battle is still totally global. It has multidimensional and multifaceted fronts in all of our institutions: systems of government, economy, politics, religion, education, health and welfare. It takes only a moment to look over the globe to realize that, although being waged on the subtle dimensions, these encounters produce no less terrifying results on the dense physical.
The Hidden Revealed
The Retrogressors are international. They pay allegiance to no country, and care not at all which nations suffer under their actions. Their ultimate global strategy of is to reinstitute the age of Kings. By whatever name that works, they aim to recreate a two tier system of total domination over the planet. As it was in the past, this system would consist of a small ruling elite, perhaps 1% of the total population, and the rest of us.
The Retrogressors are enormously powerful on the lower dimensions. They observe absolutely no rules of battle or anything like compassion or mercy, and yet, they are finding it be very difficult to control 7 billion individuals. We have all bemoaned the problem of “over population”. The fact is that the planet under a rational system of right sharing could easily support with beauty and harmony more than 7 billion souls. It fails only when the systems of energy distribution are malfunctioning, as they are today.
It well may be that the presence of the 7 billion souls is a significant factor in the Light forces ability to contain the Retrogressors as well as we have. It does appear that a significant percentage of these 7 billion individuals have actually evolved through the evolutionary process of reincarnation to a point of being somewhat group conscious. I mean, you and I have. What makes us so special?
It is the growing presence of group consciousness that, for the first time in history, the strategy of the Retrogressors, is being seen, and understood by very large segments of the international public for what it is: The struggle between the 1% who own/control 90% of the world’s resources and the 99% of the rest of us.
The Immediate Challenges
Consequently, the Retrogressors are all about getting rid of people. What better way to achieve that than an atomic war? Thus, to bring the struggle back to the dense physical is their immediate objective and the rationale behind all of the “minor wars” which they engineer and hope to be able to escalate into global atomic confrontations. Today, if a major war breaks out on the dense physical, given the presence of atomic weapons and the willingness to engage in the use of poison gas and biological war, even if the forces of Light win, humanity will be set back thousands of years.
The Exposed Secret Weapon
That the planet is presently enormously out of balance is strikingly apparent. This imbalance appears in many ways but none so obvious as the totally distorted sharing of planetary wealth. In the pursuit of their grand scheme of a two tier system, the Retrogressors or 1%ers have consciously and systematically deployed their power, the almost total control over planetary wealth, to create and maintain a stealth system of slavery over humanity.
This kind of stealth slavery denigrates and devalues labor and gradually indentures individuals by binding them in chains of debt. The Retrogressors manage this by diverting and impounding energy or wealth from the systems blood stream into their own exclusive and separative coffers. They thereby remove an enormous part of the world energy from circulation.
This forces individuals to go into debt, to sell their freedom, to become indentured, just to maintain anything like a decent standard of living. This situation finally results as we have all too frequently witnessed in massive unemployment, despair, discouragement, the outbreak of starvation, disease, anarchy, and warfare over what little there is left.
The Great Understanding
Although the picture, particularly the world financial picture, does not look that rosy, the success of evolution has resulted in large advances for humanity in many areas and is seriously impeding the Retrogressor’s time table. It is this fact which accounts for the their present level of fury, their insanity or madness and is generating their tireless efforts to bring the conflicts down to the dense physical plane. However, we have, I think, learned that war on the dense physical simply does not get anything done.
The results of our victory in the last world war have shown us, I think, that the Retrogressors cannot be killed, or eliminated through physical plane warfare. They, and the problem they present to us, cannot be dealt with on the dense physical plane at all. And if it came to dense physical plane war, win or lose, they would be much happier with a world population of a few hundred million or so.
The Revelation
However, although these individuals cannot be killed, they can, because of the expansion of human consciousness, be exposed and made irrelevant. It is exactly this result which the expansion of consciousness from the separative, self centered individual to the group conscious soul centered person is achieving. To expose their sick dead end agenda, and to be made irrelevant not only defeats the Retrogressors, it makes them, well, irrelevant to the further evolution of the planet. Although this is a fate toward which they are not pleased to go, it is their inevitable doom, and has been so from the beginning.
Among the most striking results of this phenomena of the expansion or, more accurately, the evolution of consciousness is the recognition by the individual human being of one’s self in others. This recognition creates a realization of relationship or the embryo of brotherhood. And from this realization their flows a natural evolutionary development which is the willingness to actually do unto others as one would have them do unto one’s self.
The Power Of The Good
This recognition of kindness and the automatic extension of love to others is, in short, what we call service. Service is a natural indicator of the presence of Soul or our Truth. Service is always automatically rendered to what is a spontaneous recognition of the Light in the brother or sister. This Light is the Good. As Soul presence evolves through our efforts to implement this recognition of the Good our skill in spontaneously recognizing it evolves. Eventually, we realize that it is the Good which is Common to us all and that the Common Good is the only Good there is.
So, the way ahead is pretty clear. Our job is to make the principles of the Common Good and its companion, the General Welfare, high profile concepts in the vocabulary of the planetary intelligentsia and the general public. If you have noticed, these two terms have pretty much resisted the efforts of the Retrogressors to render them meaningless. They make efforts to link them with such terms as socialism and communism and liberalism and so forth, but it is pretty hard to speak out against the Common Good.
We need always remember that energy follows thought, and when the focus of a couple of billions of our brothers and sisters zeros in on the Common Good and the General Welfare, the 1% will become basically irrelevant. Thus our meditation work for 2012 will be focusing on empowering these two Deeply Esoteric concepts through the penetration of meaning and significance and the embodiment of the inevitable Light which follows.
Cleaning Space
Also. we will be ramping up the use of the “sub-plane Clearing meditation” which we have been using for the New Moon on line mediation. We have been including an abbreviated and focused form of this clearing and seeding meditation in the distribution phase of our daily mediations, and we will make this available to everyone.
This sub-plane clearing meditation is the most effective way of distributing the Light contacted in our meditations throughout the Planetary etheric body. This process of filling space with Light or the Good not only drives the incoherent and discordant formulations of chaos from the planes, but it makes this Light much more readily available to any person anywhere who is working with Goodwill for the Common Good and General Welfare at any level on any task at all from driving a bus to planning a new government
Let us all so remember, that in this work, by making them irrelevant, we are rendering a great service to our brothers who are imprisoned in their old thoughtforms of power and privilege. We are setting them free from this planet so that they will have an opportunity to evolve elsewhere.
Tom Carney
Sagittarius, 2011