Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President.
Re your note of August 26.
I have no doubt that we must reach the "undecided" with clear information. I am, however, equally concerned about the non-voters. Every day, I talk with young folks about their intentions. Most of the individuals I speak to are not members of the middle class, many of them are living with their parents because they do not have work. Because of the budget cuts in the educational arena they can't even find classes to go to at their local Junior or four year colleges. Most are discouraged with politics; they do not see any reason for voting. I think that this constituency far out numbers the "undecided". 

I know that we will be out spent. That was a given going in. I have counseled on this issue in earlier letters. I am counseling now, that the money we do have be better spent.

I have heard you speak about the Principles upon which our Nation is founded. I know from much experience that when you speak from the heart on these matters, you open minds and hearts. The details of budgets and what you plan are not that interesting to most people who are not already decided. It's just so much talk. Your sincerity is evident; (Just as Mr. Romney's hollowness is evident.)  However, I think we are wasting valuable time and resources beating that drum.

Consider this: a once a week 15 minute address to the nation on major networks focusing on the Principles of our heritage: on what freedom means, on what "united" means, on what the Common Good means, on what the General Welfare means.... you get the drift.

It is my sense that such an address would find its way on Utube and hundreds of millions of computers and iphones. You are, no doubt aware of "One More Term". How many individuals do you think have seen and heard and will see and hear that? I sent it to about a thousand of my contacts. It cost nothing!

You can do this better than anyone since FDR,  J. and R. Kennedy, and Doctor King.
Do it. It only makes sense.
loving us

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Law Of The Spiral

Dear Friends:
We know, as does Urusvati, “that the law of the spiral is the basis of Cosmos. This is confirmed not only by physics, but also by evolution....People usually are amazed that human consciousness appears to experience again and again the same achievements and the same failures” Supermundane II, 332

I think that we have all experienced an unexplainable sense of  perhaps sadness or loss which had come on us suddenly at a certain time of a year and which, upon reflection would surface, for example,  the memory of some one’s passing. Such experiences are part of the turning of the Great Wheel. We, who are actually congeries of consciousness on the Great Wheel, move through spaces on the emotional and mental planes that are still vibrating to those old events only we are a tiny bit above them or out of them now, so that the frequencies of the old event are not so powerful as they were once were.

This is a personal example of experiencing the small spiral within the Great Spiral. To appreciate this bit of Wisdom  from M.M. on a broader scale of, say the One Humanity, we simply need to have look at a much larger slice of the spiral of evolution.

A few months ago I was in Costco to gets some groceries. I happened to walk past a 60 inch television screen, upon which there was a huge talking head kind of smirking or so it seemed. I stopped to listen, and I was suddenly shocked, disturbed, deeply frightened, emotionally and mentally when I heard this talking head, a person of great wealth and power whom I recognized, proclaim that he and his class were the JOB PROVIDERS!

I am a usually a calm and laid back kind of guy, and I could not understand this sudden fear and then the revulsion and anger that came from the very depths of my being.  Later, when I unpacked this energy signature, I encountered some old frequencies and images from an earlier turning of the Great Wheel.

I recalled from history and in some of my least gratifying dreams, something called serfdom. This, you may recall, was a kind of  two tier system of control. On the one tier we had feudal Lords: the  kings, dukes, barons, in a word, the Owners or the 1%. On the other we had the “subjects” or more accurately the serfs. The serfs were the 99%. These folks were branded, sometime literally, or labeled, or considered to be the low hereditary class, slavishly attached to a piece of property, land or farms or pastures, castles, manor houses and so forth owned by one of the feudal lords and were required to perform labor. These were “not slaves” in that if they did not want to work they could leave and try to be “not slaves” somewhere else or perhaps become the 15th century version of the homeless or vagabonds in which case they starved or died of some disease a bit more rapidly than did the “not slave” serfs.

Many things have changed since serfdom. Many people are truly self actualized, are actually not slaves and are perfectly capable of providing for themselves in a society where the Common Good and the General Welfare are the national priorities. Yet there is this huge disconnect. Apparently the “owners” or the notion of ownership has not evolved with the Wheel.

I cannot for the life of me see the difference between the then “owners”, by heredity or divine right, of the common wealth and the now million and billionaire “owners” of the commonwealth. Then as now they are claiming some kind of special or exclusive status as human beings. To consider themselves to be somehow superior to any non-million or billionaire and to assume that they are by the fact of their possession of Billions above the Common Wealth and exist outside of and independent of the Common Good and are therefore somehow divinely draped with the mantle of PROVIDER for the rest of us is simply absurd.

Surely, friends, we do not have to go around on that spiral again. It is time for us to start to dismantle, not Social Security, but this whole non-sense about the “ownership of property.” It’s a simple question. I can understand how we are responsible for stuff, but how can some transient form “own”  pieces the planet, or any other material thing for that matter? What does ownership actually mean?
Lots of love
“Let us not be shortsighted when speaking about the destruction of the world. It is true that Armageddon is raging and incredible crimes have been committed, but it is also true that against the background of these terrors a speedy evolution rushes onward. Is it possible that people do not see how much of the new is entering life? We should not permit the doubting worldlings to proclaim that the dark forces are victorious. That which belongs to Infinity cannot be conquered. (Or, I might add, cannot be owned.)

The Thinker wisely encouraged His disciples, and prophesied the victory of the Forces of Light.” 
Supermundane II, 259

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dear Friends:
This post is a letter that was sent to the President by an old friend and fellow warrior who was inspired to VOTE, as it were. Your letters to him may not ever reach "him" but if you are aware of the fact that energy follows thought you can see the power of filling space, in this case the mental plane, with powerful and loving thoughts... thoughts are things, and every word is a thunder bearing arrow when losed by the heart.
loving us

To: ''
Subject: RE: This will be blunt: ME TOO

Dear Campaign Managers,

I have donated what I can at this point, and may yet donate more.

What I would really like to see in the face of this disgusting election model of raising millions and billions of dollars in the face of the abject poverty, and paucity of effective education and healthcare we have in this country (& don’t even get me started on our fear of the NRA!),… what I would really like to see is a Democratic Party message  with which the American people can resonate – one that promises models for improvement in ‘how we do “business”!”

I am not interested in putting out money to fight the war against the Koch Brothers, or any mega-corporation which wishes to have an open road to their pathetic self-serving.  I am also not interested in solving every little problem we have with recalcitrant countries by “bombing the hell out of them”!

My major donations go to organizations which are seriously setting models for attaining peaceful and collaborative solutions for human problems.  As the American and Planetary consciousness becomes more awakened to our inherent Oneness, we will be making decisions in the  Light of This Fact.

I voted for Barack Obama, was thrilled to do so!  I will do so again!  I see where he has made strides, and I see just as well how our Congress is failing to support the citizens of this country.  Our kindergartners are made to behave better in their playgrounds than are our “leaders”.

I am a 74-year-old woman, married for 50 years to a (now retired) Marine Officer, up from the ranks.  You think generally military families are going to vote Republican because they are afraid that the Democrats are going to let them wither on the vine.  I, if I would admit to any fear, am troubled that the knee-jerk reaction to problems is to go to war.  I say again, I don’t want to pay for that, not with money, not with the blood of our young people, nor with the endless line of PTSD-ers and brain-damaged military persons.  I am grateful for the work that Michelle and Jill have done on behalf of our military.  If we can reasonably reduce our military might and equipment in any way, without endangering our safety as a nation, and use that money to really take care of the military persons we have maimed, then I’m for that!

Well, I could go on…. And on…. And on…. But they say usually one should make their point in one page, what with attention spans being what they are these days…

And I’d love to hear from you, whoever you are.  Smiles!

Love & Blessings!

A USMC Dependent

Retired Civil Service Secretary

(to the Commanding General(s) of

Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center)