Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's Happening!
As has been pointed out, "energy follows thought." The real battle for human freedom and dignity, as it always has been, is being waged on mental and emotional dimensions. It is the results of these struggles that finally manifest on the dense physical plane either as laws and policies that lead toward freedom and dignity or toward continued bondage and suffering.

Most of the wars which break out the dense physical plane are the effects of greed and corruption. They are the efforts of the "Owners" or as they have renamed themselves, the "Job Creators" to improve their personal standing in the hierarchy of privilege or to simply "harvest their investments."

On the other hand, the wars raging on the ground in Syria and other places in the Middle East are effects of a very long smoldering determination on the emotional and mental planes of the will to be free. The Arab Spring is an effect of that determination to live free by hundreds of millions of not free Arab people. The slave holders, could not be moved by reason or compassion to release the people from bondage. This war is the result of that intransigence and evil.

In this country, we had to go to war on the dense physical on several occasions to establish and maintain our freedom which we call democracy. Since the terrible Civil War, we have been able to avoid actual war among ourselves; and we have moved forward, if slowly,  through discussion, compassion, cooperation and respect.

However, in recent times, roughly since 1945, the end of the World War in which they were driven from the dense physical plane, the Retrogressors, who are not even remotely interested in Freedom and Justice for all, have refocused their efforts to maintain their hold on humanity and the planet to the mental and emotional planes. And it is on these dimensions that the battle for human freedom and even survival is now being waged.

Make no mistake about the fact that "energy follows thought". Both the advances, the establishment of The United Nations, the Civil Rights Laws to give just two examples, and the loses, the current unemployment situation and the national debt are effects of the battle being waged on these two higher dimensions.
A clear example of the intensity and scope of this battle is the offensive that was launched by the Retrogressors some 30 years ago. The code name for this particular sophistic lash up, which is a complete plan to subvert government of the people, by the people, for the people, was Supply Side or Trickle-down economics. This multilayered charade is the most recent of any number of similar concoctions such as the Divine Right of Kings, Lords and Ladies, Captains of Industry and so on.

Of all places, it was ginned up at the University of Chicago, the home of the great humanist Robert Hutchins, by what had to be a group of reincarnated sophists from ancient Greece who were still intent on destroying that ancient fountain of Truth, The Academy. I am referring to those who persecuted Pythagoras, had Plato sold into slavery, and were responsible for the death of Socrates.

This offensive, not at all trickling, has been a devastating flood to human dignity, freedom, justice. It has created  great damage to the institutions, imperfect as they are, which we are trying to evolve to maintain our democratic way of life. As we see daily on our televisions, facts, and Truth itself are almost meaningless.

Fortunately today, there is a sufficient number of us who in addition to processing thoughtforms, actually think, and we know that Cosmic Life is not a top down or bottom up finite linear system. It is an infinite multidimensional, Nothing into Something from the Center out Reality. We know because we have direct experience of this reality.

We have experienced that there is nothing even remotely like trickle in Cosmos. There is infinity, inexhaustible energy beyond our ability to even imagine. Likewise, there is nothing in Divine Intention about major portions of the ever expanding Light being diverted by a few psychotic mentalities into deep reservoirs for the exclusive us of the privileged few "job creators" who will dribble it out in sufficient amounts to keep the "job doers" or wage slaves from dying.

Well, it is, finally becoming clear to a large enough sector of  the general population that we have, once again, been scammed. Trickle-down economics is another example of ancient sophistry designed to delude humanity and divert or stall the progress of multidimensional Evolution. Like all of their scams, trickle-down was and is another major distortion of the Divine Expansion of Life which moves "from beyond all names and forms" into manifestation.

What we see playing out on our the political stage now in 2012 is the last frenzied assault of the Retrogressors. While perhaps none has been as crucial as this one, history is full of these moments.  Except for a few occasions, including the collapse of Atlantis which did not work out that well for us, these moments always occur before the final collapse of the retrogressive forces.

Currently,  the Retrogressors have pulled out all stops. However, the times have changed. Evolution has been working. In spite of the thirty year vacation we apparently took, this time, because of our growing realization and understanding of our essential divinity, and the fact of the One Humanity and the One World which we have gained in the long struggle back from our self centered defeat at Atlantis, we will emerge triumphant.

This present  fear driven, psychotic  frenzy of the Retrogressors, while creating huge short term suffering and fear has only worked to bring their cruelty, ignorance, greed, and selfishness into the Light. In spite of the Law that made it possible for Corporations and private "super-pacs" to pump billions of dollars into the people's elections and to keep their identity hidden many of these self serving million and billionaires, formerly seldom seen and almost totally unknown, are being exposed.

These individuals have always been the power, or just say money, behind these offensives. However, the exposure of the offensive as privately designed and funded solely for the purpose of fostering the systems of  private ownership of property, exclusivity, and greed, has brought it out from the shadows and made it very clear for us to see. The most recently unveiled bit of sophistry in this scam is what is called the Person Amendment which intends to make a fertilized egg able to own property.

During the coming days, we must not confuse the holding and use of power with hubris, greed, gluttony, cruelty and amorality. On the long journey to the place we now occupy, we have all passed through the tests of holding power in any number of forms in the material world. The test was the use we made of the power.

It is only reasonable that until we can manage to serve the common good and general welfare with the power available to us on these planes, we will not be allowed to enter into the levels of the power of the Cosmos. There are many brothers and sisters who control and direct power, some in enormous amounts, with love and wisdom, and I am not referring to just money here. Evolution concerns the development of beings who can access the power of the Cosmos, and not get caught up in the insanity of separation, who can co-create with Cosmic Intention. Our planet is a training ground for such a destiny.

What did you think we were doing here?