Monday, November 26, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
Well, as we knew we would be, we
were triumphant in this most recent struggle with the Retrogressors. Once
again, we have seen that "from the beginning they struggled. From the
beginning we triumphed." We triumph because we put everything we have and
are into the struggle.
So, onward!
I suppose that you will be
getting lots of input for your inaugural speech; however, I would like to suggest
some ideas around frequencies and themes that would be most beneficial to the
reconstruction of the Planet, the Nation, our neighborhoods, and the unfolding
of our destiny.
As the physicist will gladly tell
us, there are no coincidences. There is only a chain of cause and effect. We
think of this chain as something that goes back in time, and it does. However, it
also involves the unfolding of Cosmic Principle from inner dimensions, or the
future, a process in which time, because it is relatively endless, while still
important, is not such a huge factor.
From the beginning of this Nation,
relative as that may be, we were a continuation of the manifestation of the expanding
ability of human consciousness to register or see the unfolding Cosmic Principle
of Unanimity. The fact that in the last analysis there is only one world and
one humanity was growing more clear to us every year. That inner longing for freedom
and equality that drove us from the stagnating conditions of Royalty and privilege
supplied the will and the courage to strive, no matter the cost, to implement
those conditions that foster the expansion of Reality on the physical dimension,
as nearly true to the Impulse as we can, into Law, into systems, programs and structures that support
the One World and the One Humanity. Thus was born this Nation.
In 1966, some 200 or so years
into the current chapter of the Great Struggle, humanity launched a rocket that
made it possible for us to actually see a photo of the One World, an image of
Earth from space. As we know, for many of us, seeing is believing. This photo,
and the many more that followed, gave physical evidence to what we have known
for eons to be a fact. It became an omnipresent and very powerful symbol of the
fact of the One World.
This symbol has in the
intervening 45 years or so begged for meaning. The search for that meaning by
thinking people the world around was like a fermenting yeast in Human
consciousness. While still very much
in the bud, Concepts like The Common Good and The General Welfare grew from
idealistic fantasies not only into visible facts but to real, achievable goals
for Humanity. Neil Armstrong's first step on the Sea of
Tranquility in 1969, was a significant sign-post of our ultimate destiny.
These were steps, small but
significant, in our history. There have been "giant steps" (as well,
the Constitution, the Civil war, The
Four Freedoms and our collective triumph in the Great War over the
retrogressive forces of the Nazis) that are easily recognized as growth points
in our evolution. To me the step which mankind took in this past election, the
step that reelected you, was one of those giant steps.
You, of course, understand that although the election was held here in the
United States it was the Good Will of the world's people that helped generate
the power which swept us to victory. This Good Will was generated and fostered
by the steps you took, mostly ignored or not even noticed by the forces of
retrogression, in the realm we call "foreign affairs". Your efforts
and those of Ambassadors Clinton and Susan Rice in terms of including Humanity
in our visions for freedom and equality were enormously effective ideas in the
The reelection in itself was a step of affirmation, a step that revealed the continuing expansion of consciousness that we as a people have made in the past 12 years,
a step that indicated that we are committed to the Principles of the Common
Good and the General Welfare for Humanity.
So, these are the themes and frequencies that I suggest you consider deeply
in your upcoming inaugural address: One Humanity, the essential divinity and
value of every single human being; One World, reveling the nature of our
relationship with this planet, our role as stewards of it; The Common Good
and the General Welfare, Ideas that include not only the world's people, but
the planet.
I also think it would be good to keep in mind that you are addressing not
just our citizens, but the citizens of the world, all of whom will be watching
and listening.
lots of love