Celebrate, Friends! the Calvary is coming.
It is a thundering, uncountable herd
of 4 to 30 year olds, and more of them are being born every minute. For those
of you who do not understand or even accept the Cosmic Law of reincarnation,
this fact may not be that exciting. However, your opinions on the matter really
do not matter. The thing about the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation that one needs to grasp is that it only makes sense. If you can get recycling, you should be able to
get reincarnation. Without it evolution is a joke. Anyway that is another topic
for another blog.
The thundering herd which is avalanching
toward us contains an untold number of us who have been evolving, that is
becoming more and more conscious of who and what we are, for a very long time. This scientific fact puts
light on the incredible explosion of humanity, that is the humane principles
which are the core of our humanity and which are rapidly manifesting through
these coming ones, that we are witnessing.
If your head is still in the sand
of yesterday, you might not be aware of this
amazing unfolding event. It is an event that makes any tornado, earthquake,
storm volcanic eruption a fly speck in comparison to the changes it is bringing
about and will continue to bring about only on a more advanced and obvious
scale in the immediate future.
These coming ones, a huge number
of whom have already arrived, are not
riding horses. They ride waves of light and information on the world around
internet. They are armed with the very latest electronic communication systems,
and they use them with incredible skill. They, the ones who are old enough to have
their own interface systems any way, are much better informed regarding the
real world and what is going on in and on it than the vast majority of their seniors
many of whom are exhibiting a kind of early manifesting senility, or mental
degradation due to having drank the cool aid and becoming fixated on platitudes,
shibboleths, illusory slogans, attitudes which, if they were ever true in some strange
context, are worn out and useless now, as well as certifiable outright lies
woven by the sophist of today and yester year.
This advancing avalanche of young
brothers and sisters is remarkable for other reasons as well. For starters this
avalanche includes, in fact is often driven and directed by, women and girl
children. This fact alone makes the size and collective power of the group millions
and millions of times more powerful than
any previous evolutionary expansion of consciousness, which is what this
phenomena is, of which we have any records.
Also, the huge percentage of this
Life Wave, of this new root race, to use some esoteric jargon, have hearts that
actually work, that do something besides pump blood. Their hearts are sensitive
to and able to register the feelings, the equality and beauty of others and to
honor them as themselves. This is what the heart was designed to do. The program
is in the DNA, and there was, as we are seeing, no escaping its inevitable manifestation.
They care for some things which
they consider to be other and greater than their own personal, immediate
comfort. Their goal is not to "get
ahead" at the expense of their brothers and sisters, but to actually, through
collective government of the people by the people and for the people, see that
everyone gets ahead. And ahead does not mean for them that everyone has a
personal jet, yacht, island and penthouse apartment in some Dubai, New York, or
Paris skyscraper.
Ahead for them means that everyone's
essential humanity is respected and encouraged and helped to flower. It means
that we understand that there is, after all only One Humanity and One Planet.
There are no commodities on planet Earth. Everything, from the rocks to the
people is part of this world and all are to be respected and encouraged to
evolve in their individual patterns.
No evolutionary pattern is in competition with another for survival. Patterns,
like competition and exclusivity which depend on the enslavement or death of
others for their own survival or comfort are alien to this world. The Life
Force of the Planet will eventually bring them to a point of extinction.
In the mean time, don't just hang
in there help it out. Celebrate! That is get involved in some joyful activity.
BIG HINT! If it isn't joyful or happy. Do not do it. Life is a joyous,
unfolding revelation of what is really going on.
lots of love