Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Dear Mr. President:
your presentation to the press the other day. It was a powerful and moving message.
The low key straight forward truth of it carried compassion and understanding.
It was the kind of message to which people can relate. It probably did not go
over that well with the politicians and gamesters, and from the responses I saw and heard, many of them did not even register
what you were saying but rather heard a
political attempt to make points.
usual kind of talks that I hear coming from you and your White House co-workers
do not speak to the people. They seem "crafted" for other politicians, lobbyists,
press operatives, billionaire funders, and random apparatchiks. The speeches/talks resemble data
processing roll outs of the unending 5 or 15 point plans that accountants and
bankers like to see for fixing or doing stuff that nobody who is not in that
group even knows about.
The people, if by some accident they were even listening to begin with, tune
out of those presentations in seconds.
These kinds of presentations carry a frequency that is deadly to the
people. The numbers and details of policy say nothing to them. They cannot
relate to this stuff which, basically, is heartless, and being heartless, it
has no attractive power. It speaks to those who are clawing their way up the
ladder of income or success and are very minimally concerned with the Common Good,
if at all. These folks listen to see if they are going to benefit or not.
I think that it is actually amazing that 57% of
the eligible voters bothered to vote in the last election. It says a lot about
the effort that was made to get out the vote. The numbers of people voting for
"change that matters" in the general election were encouraging, and
the ongoing effort is also encouraging.
But, the 57% figure begs the question. Where were
the 91,000,000 people who did not "bother" to vote? There lots of nuances
to the answer to that question, but one obvious fact is that we are not
reaching them.
Your talk to the Press regarding the Trayvon Martin
tragedy carried the kind of energy that will, that does speak to people regardless
of where they are on the ladder of income. It addressed the people at the level
of their heart. You were speaking to the content of their character rather than
the content of their wallets.
It, of course, takes character to understand the content of another's character.
It is not by policy presentations, but by speaking from the heart to the hearts
of the people, those 91,000,000 especially, that you and all those from the
White House that speak for you can ignite the little flames of character that
are slowly growing cold in those 91,000,000 chests.
I am hoping that you and you co-workers will make
many more opportunities to speak directly to us, the people, about the things
that matter, like character, compassion, and appreciation for the beautiful
diversity that is the United States of America.
lots of love