Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Dear Mr. President:
Just a brief note:
I have been monitoring the problems with the roll out of the Affordable Healthcare Program. I was not surprised  that there were a lot of glitches and soft and hardware issues. As long time employees of the Los Angeles County DPSS my wife and I experienced the launch, crash, and resurrection of many of most everyone of our computer programs.

The complexity of the Affordable Healthcare program is many times greater than any of our programs for Food Stamps AFDC, Medi-Cal. I think that the issues facing us in the Affordable Care program are in reality par for the course.

That they are being blown up into a giant issue is also par for the course, typical of the retrogressors processes.

I do have a suggestion on how to fix this thing.

You simply transfer a 100,000 or so of those, probably highly paid, programmers and software program wizards from NSA to work on this problem. Probably take them about week to have it humming.

Probably do a lot more for our National Security too.
lots of love


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Good Comes From Good!

Thursday, October 03, 2013
Dear Mr. President:
No doubt, it is your life experience of unquenchable striving and the will to move forward in the face of huge obstacles and power blocks that is is demonstrating in this most recent and perhaps greatest test. I can only say that I, and in that I, I am a "we" because I am part of that humanity that has a heart,  we are all ennobled and made aware of the strength of the human heart, the heart that thinks not of itself but of the common good of all humanity.

You can rest assured that WE  have your back, perhaps not in the billions of dollars sense, but in the much more powerful sense of the will to good and the determination to secure liberty and freedom and, yes, even health care for all of our people.

I was so moved by your closing remark to the UN General Assembly. When we, as a nation speaking through our President, extended the Vision, the Principles and  Guarantees of our Constitution to all of Humanity and the planet as inalienable rights, It was, I think, a defining moment in the growth of this Nation.

These closing remarks opened a huge door and turned on a bright light in the world's mind. The United States of America wants for all peoples of all nations what we have for ourselves.

"I know what side of history I want to the United States of America to be on.  We're ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges with you -- firm in the belief that all men and women are in fact created equal, each individual possessed with a dignity and inalienable rights that cannot be denied.  That is why we look to the future not with fear, but with hope.  And that’s why we remain convinced that this community of nations can deliver a more peaceful, prosperous and just world to the next generation."

Thank you for having the courage to be who you are.
lots of love