Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dear Mr President

September 30, 2014
Dear Mr. President.
I am sure that you are familiar with the path that we have been on since our coming to these shores: The creation the first U.S. Constitution,1789, The struggle to eliminate the legality of slavery from the document in 1865, the ongoing struggle to guarantee freedom and equality for all.

I mention these as examples of what can be reached when we are willing to strive for the common good.

This nation is far from a perfect manifestation of the Principles which are enshrined in our Constitution. “We the People of the United States….” However, we are continually striving toward those Principles; even though we face setbacks again and again, we do and will move forward.

What President Lincoln said about the United States it true of the United Nations. I suggest that we, The U.S., initiate an effort within the United Nations to create a Constitution for the United Nations of this planet. The present document is not working in the same way that the Articles of Confederation did not work. In order to free all of the People from the mire of antiquated customs and laws, to “form a more perfect Union” we need to  have a government of for and by the people which puts the Principles of freedom, equality and dignity in front of any individual nation’s laws.

I understand that this is a huge undertaking. I know that it can be intellectualized to death. But we the people have always achieved through the Heart. The heart, “the bridge of the worlds” knows that this is the path that will lead to Equality and Freedom for all.

Lots of love, the measure of understanding,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President

I reviewed the press reports of your UN Speech. The majority of these reports dealt with an analysis of you rather than the content of the message. Needless to say, they missed the point not only of your character, but of the speech, and of the United States of America.

The generators of the olds (or news) if you prefer are either not interested or incapable of registering the deep Principles which you clearly laid out in a number of places in your speech and which motivate our actions. We are thinking of your enunciation of those Principles which we “hold to be self evident Truths.” All men (meaning all human beings) were created equal and were endowed with certain inalienable Rights.

You, very clearly indicated that these inalienable Rights are not exclusive to the United States of America but are the birth right of all peoples of the entire world regardless of the nation, the race, the religion, the sex or anything else. You also indicated quite clearly that these rights, rather than any country, are the target of the insanity called terrorists. And that their defense and support were the responsibility not just of the United States but of all people of all countries, governments all religions, and that any people, country, government, religion that failed to participate in this humanity wide effort were contributors to the forces who would enslave us all.

I thought it was a great speech, and I have one suggestion. On your next opportunity put these kinds of remarks up front in plane simple language, in bold words. Make sure that everyone understands the why behind our diplomacy, our military actions and actuality our reason for being The United States Of America.

Lots of love

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Monday, September 22, 2014
Dear Mr. President:
It is heartening to see you trying to work with the United Nations. This Institution represents Humanity’s best opportunity to create a world in which the principles which are enshrined in our Constitution, Equality, Justice and Liberty for ALL, can be realized.

I think that this goal was the driving force behind the creation of the UN. While its Charter includes the Security Council veto, which makes it ineffective in any really significant way, It still is a Path into Humanity’s undeniable destiny.

We had to overcome Article One Section 9, which legalized slavery of our original Constitution. You know how this was achieved and at what cost.

Surly, we can find a way to amend the UN Charter so that it becomes the document of Humanity’s will rather than being held in thrall by the will of one of only five of the world’s Governments.

It is of course a heart matter rather than an intellect problem to be solved. The heart will see the way to bring equality and justice into our planet.

At you upcoming meeting who knows what opportunities will be presented.

Lots of love


Monday, September 15, 2014

Regarding the Eternal Unavoidable Presence and Power of Virgo:

“The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.

You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.

You who fear the end, turn to all four directions and say, Let us realize Infinity! The summits and the recesses of Earth are your sources. Limitless are the currents of these sources. If people would only know how to gather the eternally flowing currents of Infinity, then verily the laboratory of life would be realized.

The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.

You who fear the end, affirm yourself in the power of the spiral of Light and of the Fire of Space. Let us say, Beautiful is the Breath of Cosmos!”

Infinity I, 10

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

I was happy to hear about the impending meeting with the UN Security Council. A brief note at the end of a series of pending actions, I think it was the most important comment in the address.

You spent a lot of time speaking about “America’s” role as a separate nation in the world. There is no doubt that without that role, the planet would in a far worse mess than it is now. However, In spite of the billions of dollars and thousands of invested lives, the levels of insanity and hate are growing. The dooms day clock is still 5 minutes to midnight. I suspect that come the time change we will see that time grow shorter.

The path we travel, vis-à-vis, the ISIS insanity is a slippery slope. It very much looks like “some dumb stuff that does not work.” All of our efforts since the WW2 have been halfway measures. All have returned very much less than good results. The proposed measures with the exception of engaging the United Nations will be repeats of the previous halfwayness.

An article in today’s NYT: “American intelligence agencies have concluded that the group poses no immediate threat to the United States” The crucial point that seems to have totally escaped the “intelligence community” is that the days when wars were regional are over. There are no “regions” on this planet.

The Ebola epidemic,  (Sept. 9: WHO says the death toll jumped by almost 200 in a single day to at least 2,296 and is already likely to be higher.) is a world issue, all wars everywhere are world wars. We have the WHO to combat the medical issues. The only truly effective tool we have to combat the insanity of terrorism is the United Nations.

Doing it alone or even with the so called coalition will simply be another halfway measure. The United States is intact because it is a union of 50 states with Laws that pertain to all 50. This is the only path out of the ancient, no longer valid concept of National Sovereignty.

We need to find a way to return the UN to Its intended function. This will require real heartfelt Leadership. Intellect will not suffice. It is a matter of the intuition.

Lots of love

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

It is inconceivable that  7 billion humans can be held in perpetual fear and pain by the actions of a few madmen, in the fullest meaning of the word. I have the sense that you realize that the solution to this aberrant situation is to  first of all recognize that it is a world problem not a United States of America problem. I see that you are striving to unite other nations to confront the situation.

I think that it is time for us to involve not just the handful of other nations that you mentioned the other day, but the United Nations. The whole world is suffering behind the actions of a very small number of individuals. Few problems are national anymore, and this is clearly a world problem, and we need to involve the world in its solution.

The people of the world cannot tolerate this kind of insanity any longer. We, as a world people, must say ENOUGH and act as One.

Anything else will be a halfway measure. It may retard the slide down the slope to disaster, but will not, because it never has, stop it.

As it was pointed out in 1858, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”   Then it was a national issue. Now it is a world issue. Involve the United Nations.

Rivers of blood were spilled to bring the UN into existence. It is the only tool we actually have that will work. Please, go there. Talk to the people of the world. It is our world.

Lots of love


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Visions of Virgo

Virgo Revisited
Since my initial encounter with it, when I was eight or so, I have been very suspicious of the spin on the Genesis myth, re the 6 days and such, but especially the way the Adam and Eve bit was presented. It made me feel creepy and guilty. When I discovered, in my late twenties, that a day and night of Brahma was equal to 8,640,000,000 mortal years, I felt lots better.

However, the Adam and Eve spin really needs some clarification. So, just to offer a different view on the interpretation of the Genesis metaphor, here are a couple of things. The metaphor of breathing life into form is fine; however, the notion that the Divine Breath produced only a male and then had to take a rib from the male to make the female is simply ridiculous. Then claiming that Eve’s punishment for being conned by the Snake was to bear children! We wonder why Women have always been seen as less than.

The Breath lasted seven days and nights of Brahma. Plenty of time for a Cosmic Thinker to evolve self producing human forms, i.e., woman and man that could handle the Life Force.

Also, one should point out here that if the "snake-Eve scenario" actually happened, Eve took the apple, not because she was conned by an evil male snake, or because she was “just a weak female”, but because: A. She was a strong woman, born, as are all human beings with a Free Will, and had the courage to take a necessary step to birth or free Humanity from a pointless, dead end perfection, a so called garden of Eden where A Big Daddy called the shots, nobody knew anything, and life was a huge bore, and B. because Adam was busy doing guy stuff like naming animals and kicking back while eating grapes.

Also, who said the serpent of matter was evil? It makes more sense to me to think of this bit of the myth as an allusion to the coming of the Agni Agnishvattas, “the builders on the fifth or gaseous subplane of the cosmic physical, and—from the human standpoint—are the most profoundly important, for they are the builders of the body of consciousness per se. From the psychic standpoint of occult physiology, they have a close connection with the physical brain, the seat or empire of the Thinker….” A treatise On Cosmic Fire P.635

Sort of the opening round in phase Two of the Plan. This is more like evolution. The Garden of Eden was the “blissful ignorance” of pre-self-consciousness.(incidentally, with Tyrannosaurus Rex running all over the place it  was not that blissful either). Leaving it was absolutely necessary for the unfolding of the Plan. Eve’s courageous act actually got Humanity started on the Path of Return to the Father’s house.

Eve chose to take the apple. That is, Eve took action. It is the receptive, feminine aspect of the Will to Good that alone can manifest that Will.  She expressed her Free Will which was part of the package with which humans were equipped at the get go. Also, I think it would be wise to keep in mind that there are no Gardens of Eden or Endless Kickbacks. There is, however, the amazing and joyful journey into Cosmos which will always involve the next step and leaving the comfort of the known, or the “cemetery of the Spirit” behind.

Think of the sacrifice of giving birth. If the mother’s total focus was on the pain of the process rather than the effort of giving birth to the new, that emerging bundle of beauty and joy, one wonders how many children would be born.