18 November 2014
Dear Mr. President:
Thank you for your heart engendered response to my small letters to you. I write to illuminate the Principles for which not only we two work but for which all women and men of heart, the world around work: Equality, Freedom, Justice for all beings, those basic principles which gave birth to our beloved Nation. I think, as I know you do, that ours is a Nation whose destiny is to be the way shower. Our function is to model for Humanity the actual manifestation of these “Self Evident Truths” into human civilizations.
This project has always been a struggle, at times a very bloody struggle. We have been constantly engaged with those who would prevent the brothers and sisters of the world, and indeed the very planet itself, from the experience of these Self Evident Truths. In our short history we have always risen to the Clarion Call of our Principles. And, We have always prevailed.
I have no doubt that we will do so again. I see the recent so called defeat of the Democrats in the just concluded elections, as a much needed wake up call. We, the people, it seems are like this. We can’t get going until the going gets tough, and in this case, “very tough” was an essential requirement.
Freedom and equality are like a huge ship that is plowing through an ocean that would hinder its progress. But without this hindrance, we would be sitting on our comfortable hands. With it, we become unstoppable. The greater the hindrance, the more power it draws form the Soul of this Nation. So, these so called victories of the Retrogressors only serve to call out our power. From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we triumphed. We just need a qualified adversary to get us going.
Know, I suspect that you do, that you have the power of millenniums of evolution behind you. This power is heart driven mind power. It requires harmony, justice, freedom and equality for all. These things are, after all Cosmic “self evident Truths (or Principles)”. They cannot be avoided!
Lots of love
From the Beginning they struggled.
From the Beginning we conquered!
We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist.