Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dear Mr. President

Thursday, November 19, 2015
Dear Mr. President,
Thank you, sir, for the forthright, intelligent, constructive, common sense, to say nothing of heartfelt courageous action regarding the Syrian Refugees in the U.S.

As you are probably very much aware this struggle in which we have been locked for centuries between the heart and chaos. It does not take a great mind to look at the results of the intermixing of the races and cultures that have occurred over the years, especially in these United States to see that this is the way to realization of the fact of the One Humanity.

With the usual exceptions for the ignorant and selfish--which It t seems are ever with us and rather a much bigger problem than the poor who would not be among us if it were not for the greed and power driven group of the Ignorant--we have created a United and beautiful Nation. We  have lots of clean up to do, and we are, even when it is hard for the form focused to see, proceeding very well.

This singular action of yours is a mighty blow to the forces of retrogression. Know that you have the power of, well of evolution behind you. That’s a pretty big deal.

Lots of love


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dear Hilliary

Saturday, November 7, 2015
Dear Hilleary:
Watching you last night in your conversation with Rachel was to say the least refreshing. As I have said, I think that you would make a great president and that you could be elected. After your presence last night I am fairly sure that  you will be the next President. Your commentary on the death penalty was a big step forward on the Path toward clarity on this issue. I feel that you will proceed in that direction.

I wanted to let you know that I will be voting for you in the California Primary.

During the period leading up to the Convention I think that it is very important that the discussions and addresses from you and the other two persons strive to be focused on the ideas and paths that underlie our Democracy and the attacks and destruction upon them that has been unleashed by retrogressive forces and power over the past 35 years.

I think it is very important that we recognize that each of you is a very valuable part of the healing that we are bringing to the Nation. We need all of the hearts we have, and I am sure that both Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley would be very valuable partners as we break out of the cages in which the retrogressive forces of exclusivity and privilege have had  us imprisoned.

As it was pointed out long, long ago, “From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we triumphed.”
Lots of love
