Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thoughtline January 2016

The Revelation Of The Foundations
How, then, is it possible to expect successful results, when the seeds, laid into the foundation, bear within themselves a potential of dissolution? Fiery World III, 333.

or many years our meditation, service, and study have been directed towards a single end, to aid and support in any possible way the manifestation of the purpose of our Ashram. That purpose is to establish the foundations of the new civilization on Earth and to support the processes of the externalizing Hierarchy and the reappearing Christ which are essential steps in the revelation of those foundations.

When we talk of the foundations of an Age or of a society or anything else, we are talking about the basic conceptions, of reality upon which the micro builders or the macro Builders have manifested their will in form. A new Age requires a new civilization. This planet, and that, by the way, includes the fourth Kingdom, Humanity, is in the process of transiting out of the old planetary Piscean Age and into the new planetary Aquarian Age. On a vastly greater cycle, which probably concerns other planets or systems rather than just our planet—"One should never limit one's thinking to a single planet. [or cycle]" Agni Yoga #314—we are deeply involved in the transition from the Kali Yuga, the Black Age, a period of 432,000 years into the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age, a period of 1,728,000 years. (And, boy, are we ready for that one!)

The purpose we serve "to establish the foundations of the new civilization on Earth and to support the processes of the externalizing Hierarchy and the reappearing Christ" is a great assignment. It is also, more than likely, the basic reason, and impulse that brought us into manifestation in this particular age and at this particular time. As a group, we have had an awful lot of training for this gig.

This assignment does, however, beg a couple of questions: Why this and Why now, and How are we supposed to do this?

The answer to the "Why this" has to do with the Cosmic Cycles that govern evolution. The "Why Now" is because the exceedingly disastrous, and growing worse daily, condition of the planet demands it.

 As for the second question, How are we supposed to do this? We will see that it's basically a revelation/reconstruction project. However the revelation/reconstruction cannot go forward on the "old foundations."

This requires, much as many of us like to avoid looking at it, a clear understanding of the "foundations" upon which much of our present civilizations and cultures rest. We are particularly concerned with those of the Piscean era, the past 2500 years or so but also, of course, those of numerous previous millenniums. We need to understand what, in fact, these so-called foundations are; where they came from; and how they got here?

Generally, the short answer to the where and how is that for the most part, these so-called foundations are the results of ancient, way, way pre-Piscean Age, and deeply flawed assumptions concerning the nature of Reality. So, where did they come from? Simply, but profoundly put, these assumptions were generated as a result of the loss of the point of view of the heart. "Originally the boundary between the physical and the Subtle World was not so clear-cut. In the most ancient annals you can find fragmentary indications about the very close cooperation between these worlds. During the densification of the physical, the focus of the heart was needed to maintain a balance between the physical and the subtle energies. The corporeal world itself was necessary as a way of reworking matter and thereby increasing energies. But as you know, the intellect strove for isolation, which ended up impeding evolution. The time of Kali Yuga has been a difficult one; Satya Yuga must once more bring together the worlds, which were separated by force." Heart, 78.

In the Dvapara Yuga which immediately preceded the Kali Yuga there were only two pillars of religion, compassion and truthfulness. Dvapara Yuga, Wikipedia  During these times the Class structure or the Hierarchy of civilizations was based on these pillars. The loss of heart focus which was present in the Dvapara Yuga corresponds with the advent of the Kali Yuga the 432,000 year cycle out of which we are moving.

Here is a brief list of the conditions on the planet which were prophesied to be the products of the loss of the heart focus at the end of the Kali Yuga:
From the Mahabharata: Markandeya's discourse Wikipedia
"Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that. Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life. Sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish. People will take vows and break them soon after. People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs"

Sounds all too familiar!

Well, what does it mean in practical terms to lose the heart focus? What was lost with the heart focus, and what still prevails today is the realization and understanding of the fact of a unified multidimensional Reality based in Cosmic Principles. The prevailing view which replaced in dominance, but not totally, the heart focus was/is based on intellectually assumed mind generated “facts”. "The mind does not love fire, for it is always contending with the heart. The mind does not love wisdom for it fears Infinity. The mind attempts to limit itself with laws, because it does not rely upon flights. Thus it is possible to discover the earthly principle, and also flights into the Fiery World." Fiery World III, 463.

The broadly accepted view of most scientists and educated people holds that we live in a single physical dense dimension. Within this single physical dimension all things exist as separate entities completely independent of any other thing. All things including "men" are mortal. They die. And with the separation from Cosmic Reality which the loss of the heart focus caused, there was the absence of any thing after Life. Thus, the fear of death was implanted within the human psyche.
Religions attempted to fill this huge void in consciousness with two options: A. If you were bad, you got to go to either purgatory or hell, both of which held out the promise of ages, on the one hand or eternities on the other of horrendous torture and suffering. (See Dante's Inferno for a detailed and graphic delimitation.) B. If you were good, or rich enough to afford the indulgences on the open Priest Market, you got to have a harp, a neat set of wings and to play with other angels in the clouds or rest on a comfortable lounge on the right hand of God.

Given the current attitudes of the vast majority of humans, it is obvious that neither of these options was successful in eliminating the fear of death. Thus to prolong their lives and avoid their inevitable death and at best one of the above options,  all, or almost all, humans are involved in an eternal combat, covert or overt, with their immediate others, or with groups of others of their own species from neighbors to nations, and, simultaneously, with things of all types of other species. Forgetting for a moment the religious options, which none but the most frightened believed anyway, this heartless view gave us, as a foundational principle, the mind generated assumption that The Survival of the Fittest is a Natural Law.

The “science” that supports these conclusions and “facts” is totally based in the illusion of one dimensional materialism. Thus, its conclusions are extremely superficial. It denies the existence of any dimension other than the dense physical, or 99% of Cosmos. Thus it is ignorant of Cosmic Principles, and the endless motion of energy in and out of form that constitutes Infinity. It is totally unaware of the synthesis of Cosmos, of the indivisible unity of all energy and matter.

The assumptions that led to the Law of the Survival of the Fittest are not just words. These are the foundations that underlie what constitutes the Real World for the vast, vast majority of Humanity. They condition, support, direct, and control the behavior of most Human beings.

A Subtle Example: A few years ago my family and I were visiting the Olympic National Forest in Washington. We happened on a group of children that were being lead on a Science Of Nature walk by a National Forest Ranger. The group had paused by a fallen Douglas Fir tree that was 300 feet or more in length. The Tree had fallen 100 years or so ago, and was covered in many places with a varying layers layer of moss and vegetation. However, its remains made a clear straight path through the forest for a couple of hundred feet.

Close to where we were standing with the group of children, a row of small Fir trees had taken root in the detritus and were growing in a perfect line on the trunk of the fallen big tree. The Ranger was pointing out to the children how the root systems of the small trees were growing out and stretching down the trunk of the fallen tree to reach the ground. He said that the trees were in a race with each other to reach the ground and that the first tree to do so would rapidly grow and kill the other smaller trees.
For the Ranger, this scenario was an excellent example of the Natural Law of the Survival of the Fittest. He went on to elaborate, with a few examples of species extinction and such, how this phenomena was a basic Law of Nature, and that the Law works for the benefit of all, by eliminating the weaker members of the species from the evolutionary cycle throughout the planet. This Law, he pointed out, is Nature’s way of assuring that only the best or the superior members of a species survive to produce the next generation.

This person, a qualified Forest Ranger who was obviously quite intelligent and well trained, was simply not aware, or capable of seeing or realizing how absurd, how ignorant were the one dimensional conclusions that he was sharing as science with these children. Such trees, as this fallen giant, are called “nurse trees”. From a heart focused point of view, they naturally, intelligently, beautifully, harmonically recycle the Life force of Tree by providing a kind of nursery for the continuation of the cosmic cycle of treeness.

No tree is killed off and eaten by a more rapidly growing other tree. The Life force or energy of each of the tiny trees that had taken root on the nurse tree was not lost or killed. It is and always was one with all of the other trees and "lived" on with the One Tree.

Observations such as those offered by the Ranger are the results of the psychoses of a one dimensional form identification. They are not accurate in terms of the Nature Kingdom and when extrapolated, as Natural Law into the Human Kingdom they have become seed beds of terror, destruction and insanity.  The Life Force of Being Tree within each tree does not exist separate from any tree. Just as the Life Force of Being Human within each Human is not separate from Life Force of any Human Being.  The illusion of Separation and Conflict is not present in the trees, or in any other naturally occurring life form on this planet including human beings. The illusion of separation and all of the hideous consequences that flow from it are exclusively the product of delusional human beings.   

There is a lot to say about this, but the example pretty much captures the basic notion of the illusory assumptions regarding Life upon which our civilizations rest. It also opens a window into understanding how and why our present system is "hell bent" on self destruction. The "rationale" of our present controlling systems, Social, Economical, Governmental, were gradually generated as divine truth by those individuals who had under the prevailing view of reality "got their roots into the ground first" or had gained the top positions in the power structure. Not possessing the heart view or the Wisdom of Nature, these individuals saw themselves as the Kings and Rulers, the Royalty, the most deserving and superior beings generated by “Natural Selection”.

The proof that all men are mortal was that everybody apparently dies. The proof of the Kings/Rulers natural superiority was the fact that they were the King/Rulers. It was also an obviously divine fact that the children of these rulers, who were born with their roots already in the ground of their superiority, were absolutely supposed to be the next Rulers.

Thus this illusory system became dominant in the Separated Nations. It created a worldwide one dimensional hierarchy in place of the multidimensional Hierarchy based on equilibrium energy frequencies and Cosmic Principles.  This one dimensional, horizontal hierarchy of power in which the superior individuals or Supermen, were "born" to rule those who where were borne to be ruled is at the core of our present civilizations.

Nietzsche was not the first to come up with the idea of the Super Man. Hitler, for example, is a very recent, and not the last, of a long, long line of self proclaimed Supermen. The latest of these egomaniacs is perhaps the Donald! The present oligarchy of the Super Rich is a "natural" even unavoidable result of mind generated one dimensional psychosis

At any rate it was thus that The Great Lie perpetuated itself for hundreds of millenniums. This Lie "…finds its major expression in wrong thinking, false values and the supreme evil of materialistic selfishness and the sense of isolated separativeness...."The Rays and The Initiation P.753  Also, the inbreeding of the ruler/royal class which went on over many, many generations has produced a number of private dynasties and warped individuals who became kings and rulers in one way or another further ingraining the above expressions of the Great Lie in the fabric of any civilization. Witness today the presence on the planet of the 1% or the Super Wealthy. The primary foundations of the nations, governments, cultures that came and went over these millenniums were, and to a very large part still are, based on The "Great Illusion" or, because it was and is deliberately propounded by Retrogressive Forces, "The Great Lie."

What we call war is an unavoidable effect of these foundations. Wars of conquest and dominance have been constant on some level for these many centuries. Most wars were generated by the egomania of various rulers who, often acting on the perceived insults of other rulers, or being in caught in the insane cycle of revenge, felt that conquest of others was what they were supposed to do. Louis XIV, The Sun King of France, who ruled for 72 years and 110 days, the longest of any monarch of a major country in  European history, excelled in this area. Wikipedia

There are numerous contemporary examples of the Great Lie in action. Outstanding are the insanities which various egomaniacs, Saddam Hussein and a cabal of individuals in the U.S. Government among others, generated in the Middle East. The ongoing insanities of the nation of ISIS and its brutal war of conquest indicate that we are still far from understanding and eliminating the Great Lie.

It is important to realize that these historical and current events are primarily the result of Humanity’s lack of the ability to see. We were/are literally blind. In a sense, we died to reality when we had a heart attack that detached us from Truth.

However, the Wheel of Intention did not cease from turning and the Kali Yuga is fading. Another observation from Markandeya's discourse on the Kali Yuga, "At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser."

I think that this is a somewhat fair description of the past couple of thousand years. Could it be that the whole appearance of a 5th dimensional Being on the planet in the last years of BCE or so was a modeling or a foretelling of what is happening now?  As we have been taught in the Bible and as Handel’s Messiah so beautifully proclaims “The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised."

To many of us this meant our corpses would rise from the grave, sort of like Lazarus, and start walking around. This is an understanding of "The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised" consistent with a heartless view. It is pretty clear that in the metaphors of the ancients, the "trumpet" of the Lord is the Heart. Its sound is a harmony of the frequencies of common sense, of all of those really abstract words we have for the principle of cosmic physics, beauty, love, brotherhood. The dead in the phrase has reference to the ignoramuses, our one dimensionally frozen-in-form brothers and sisters. Raising them means turning them on. Waking them up to what is coming. They have been dead, out, dark, or to use a more scientifically appropriate term, unconscious. Raising Consciousness, or waking the dead which is the secret of the salvation of Humanity and the Planet, is what our job is.

So, under, within, and through all of this insanity, the Principles of Cosmic Physics upon which Evolution is based continued to function. In spite of Humanity’s deep ignorance, other humans here and there knew, had heart enough, knew enough, served enough, sacrificed enough to hold the Planet together. The meaning, significance, function, power, and beauty of these Principles of Cosmic Physics still vastly beyond our present understanding are the future into which we are evolving.

We have "named" them with deep abstractions like Beauty, Justice, Liberty, Freedom, Right Human Relations, Essential Divinity, Unanimity, and Good Will. These Living Energies interpenetrate every aspect of manifested Life, and can be denied or avoided only for so long before Cosmic Physics restores the natural equilibrium of evolution.

And so, as Master M has said, "From the beginning they struggled and from the beginning we triumphed." In our present work, we join this long, long line of women and men who have constantly and unceasingly, strived to move Humanity and the Planet from the foundations of illusion and ignorance upon which it was built into the future of The Intention. Over the centuries we have appeared in every conceivable aspect of human life. We have forever been the light bringers, the poets, the painters, the musicians, the alchemists, scientists, philosophers, the explorers, and pioneers.

With ongoing frequency, we have been the objects of scorn, and have been and still daily are threatened and or paid by the established powers to lie about what we know to be Truth. We have been hunted and exiled, tried and executed in various ways. Hundreds, mostly what were called witches, including Joan of Arc, were burned at the stake. Still we incarnate and serve.

In the past hundred years or so with a number of notable exceptions like the Kennedy brothers and Dr. King, rather than being murdered, we have faced prison, financial destruction, ostracism, labels of idealists, impractical dreamers. Any effort to bring forth the facts of Reality have always been attacked and ridiculed or denied. (See The New York Times "The Assault on Climate Science" By Michael E. Mann December 8, 2015)

Efforts to improve social programs and educational systems that serve the Common Good have been reduced to accusations of supporting the lazy and shiftless "free loaders." Some 30 or 40 years ago a concentrated effort to dismantle the Liberal Arts aspects of the educational systems was launched by the heartless. Primary targets were the curriculums of music, literature, poetry, art, philosophy, history, political science, economics, archeology, psychology, sociology. Teaching as a profession was and is today denigrated to something that people who cannot do, do.

The Liberal Arts Curriculum was/is the Hearts program. It is a kind of exploration concerning the nature of Reality and revelation leading to a harmonious relationship with life.  Art and true science and philosophy move from the heart through the intellect into form rather than simply from the mind/intellect into form. This latter path has proved over and over again that it is incapable of contacting and/or comprehending the Reality of a multidimensional Cosmos of Pure Reason. Thus we have the present degenerate conditions of all aspects of planetary life.

So, our assignment is one of revelation and reconstruction. The Foundations of Evolution have always existed, always been present. Our work is more a matter or revealing them anew than establishing them.

This work must begin in the heart which is the only path to and from the home of Principle or Divine Intention. Evolution works from the heart through an obedient mind into form. Its primary function is to serve the Common Good, and the General Welfare.  This is a Foundation of the Intention behind the Plan. The revelation of Principles such as these will generate vast and hopefully minimally destructive change.

Things like profit, the idea of ownership, a value system based on wealth and power are all form focused mind generated psychotic illusions. These non-foundational illusions must, and will, go. The dead will be raised. Light, or Common Sense and Love or the recognition of our incredibly beautiful unanimity is happening.... far faster than we think. "One should never limit one's thinking to a single planet." Agni Yoga #314
How little do people reflect upon those fundamentals which are shown to be the foundations of construction, whereas this process is a most essential one. Into the foundation of construction is laid a most substantial and steadfast affirmation. Of all the supports the most fiery one is the magnet of the heart. To exclude it means to leave the structure without a soul, for the magnet of the heart contains all the cosmic saturations. The magnet of the heart is the synthesis of all subtle energies. The magnet of the heart consists of the accumulations of thousands of years; in it is expressed Karma and attraction. Just as it is impossible to replace the sun, so also does the heart remain a powerful creator. Thus on the path to the Fiery World it must be especially remembered that the fiery magnet of the heart is the basis of construction.
Fiery World III, 372. 
Tom Carney
January 2016

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dear Hillary

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Dear Hillary
I know from watching you for all these years that you have a big heart. I saw you perform as a group presence, which is how the heart always presents itself, in many, many ways besides the efforts you and you husband made to gain the human right of medical care for all people. It Takes A Village, was another heart expression. Because of the fact that it was about children, those who do not see form a heart focus missed that it was a deeply wise observation about raising a Democracy or any other growing thing. (These deeper implications of your thesis, however, did and continue to excite the ire, cynicism,  and criticism of the heartless blind.)

In fact it is because you and the President were so heart motivated that you received such vicious and relentless attention for those eight years. My point: The heart focus attracts the attention of the retrogressive forces. Every heart centered person will travel over such a path. Regardless of one’s place or role in life, the would be heart focused will be “tested”. As it was noted, “Blessed are the obstacles by them we grow.” Perhaps you are familiar with Marianne Moore’s “In Distrust Of  Merits” I have appended it to this note, just in case.

I watched over the years as the heart in you got gradually pushed aside and all but buried in the unending onslaught of the heartless retrogressors that masquerade in the midst of the Republican party. When you faced President Obama in the 2008 primaries, it was all but gone. President Obama was a heart force in those confrontations. And in virtually every day of his presidency he has been moving through that fire about which you know so much.

Today, I see flashes of your heart whenever you address a women's group or speak to woman's issues, and it showed up a few times in the your recent New Hampshire talk. When talking to our Sisters, you have every ounce of your considerable experience  and intellectual strength, and you also reveal the fearless power of the heart. When you speak about Women's issues there is a kind of energy and light that flows through the heart into your speech and mannerisms that touches hearts and then minds with real power.

Noticeably missing in such presentations is even the slightest hint or question of comprise on any of the issues. Nor should there be. The heart does not compromise. That is why so many of our Hearts have been murdered over the eons. For you, for the heart, these are not things that would be nice to have; they are inalienable rights, and we will have them.

Usually, however, when you are discussing other issues of equal importance to Human Rights you present this “reasonable” side, this “pragmatic” side that “knows” from intellect and  “experience”. When you say that you work for what will work, you have already compromised. The retrogressors, who insist that it does not in fact take a village but a few self appointed, strong, invariably “males”, to make things work, already have achieved over half of their objective.

Equal pay for equal work is a Human  Right, that all women should be able to vote is a Human right. These things are not negotiable. There is no compromise here. Since we cannot get equal pay for equal work for women we will settle for 70%, is not acceptable. If  all people should have opportunity to earn a living wage is a Human Right, then agreeing to a less than living wage is no more right than having only married women or blue eyed women vote.

Compromise is always the coward’s half hearted, halfway measure. The heart does not deal in halfwayness, not on women’s issues or on anything that violates the basic Laws of Humanity. These are not things that would be nice to have in a perfect world, but too hard to get here. They are the things that make life on this world work. Without them we are heading toward a very sad ending. 

You have this kind of drive in you, I hope that you will embrace it. Humanity needs another President that is willing to give everything.

lots of love 

In Distrust Of  Merits
Strengthened to live, strengthened to die for
medals and positioned victories?
They’re fighting, fighting the blind
man who thinks he sees,—
who cannot see that the enslaver is
enslaved; the hater, harmed. O shining O
firm star, O tumultuous
ocean lashed till small things go
as they will, the mountainous
wave makes us who look, know

depth. Lost at sea before they fought! O
star of David, star of Bethlehem,
O black imperial lion
of the Lord-emblem
of a risen world—be joined at last, be
joined. There is hate’s crown beneath which all is
death; there’s love’s without which none
is king; the blessed deeds bless
the halo. As contagion
of sickness makes sickness,

contagion of trust can make trust. They’re
fighting in deserts and caves, one by
one, in battalions and squadrons;
they’re fighting that I
may yet recover from the disease, My
Self; some have it lightly; some will die. ‘Man’s
wolf to man’ and we devour
ourselves. The enemy could not
have made a greater breach in our
defenses. One pilot-

ing a blind man can escape him, but
Job disenheartened by false comfort knew
that nothing can be so defeating
as a blind man who
can see. O alive who are dead, who are
proud not to see, O small dust of the earth
that walks so arrogantly,
trust begets power and faith is
an affectionate thing. We
vow, we make this promise

to the fighting—it’s a promise—’We’ll
never hate black, white, red, yellow, Jew,
Gentile, Untouchable.’ We are
not competent to
make our vows. With set jaw they are fighting,
fighting, fighting,—some we love whom we know,
some we love but know not—that
hearts may feel and not be numb.
It cures me; or I am what
I can’t believe in? Some
in snow, some on crags, some in quicksands,
little by little, much by much, they
are fighting fighting that where
there was death there may
be life. ‘When a man is prey to anger,
he is moved by outside things; when he holds
his ground in patience patience
patience, that is action or
beauty,’ the soldier’s defense
and hardest armor for

the fight. The world’s an orphans’ home. Shall
we never have peace without sorrow?
without pleas of the dying for
help that won’t come? O
quiet form upon the dust, I cannot
look and yet I must. If these great patient
dyings-all these agonies
and wound bearings and bloodshed—
can teach us how to live, these
dyings were not wasted.

Hate-hardened heart, O heart of iron
iron is iron till it is rust.
There never was a war that was
not inward; I must
fight till I have conquered in myself what
causes war, but I would not believe it.
I inwardly did nothing.
O Iscariot-like crime!
Beauty is everlasting
and dust is for a time.

Marianne Moore