Friday, January 29, 2016

Letter to Paul Krugman

Friday, January 29, 2016
Letter to Paul Krugman
Dear Paul
Normally, I would have posted this letter on the comment section for the NYT. However, the comment section was closed by 8:30 AM PDT after only 429 comments. This is an insult to West Coast subscribers, and readers of the NYT.

Just for clarity, Paul, I was a completely confused Marine when you were born. But I have known for the past 50 years or so that there are no "American" oligarchs. There are just oligarchs. They infest every nation and they have been "so powerful" for as long as any history we have knows. Today, they infest and control what is known as The Establishment, and make no mistake, this is a world around operation.

Today's column appears to be the third establishment propaganda advertisement in a row that is masquerading behind what seems to be a liberal/progressive front. Amazing!

It is becoming apparent, now that "conflagrations are strong" or "the fat is in the fire", that your brand of liberal/progressive is only a halfway thing. When the going gets tough, your brand of progressive dresses up in its pragmatism suit and, congratulating its self on how smart it is, goes for the half-loaf.

I am sure that you are sincere and that you believe what you put in this column, "Plutocrats and Prejudice" in the 1/29/16 issue of the NYT.  However, it is not just " unacceptably downbeat vision?", it is loaded with innuendo and superficial half truths. Unlike you Paul!

For example, "the Sanders view is that money is the root of all evil. Or more specifically, the corrupting influence of big money, of the 1 percent and the corporate elite, is the overarching source of the political ugliness we see all around us."

First, "money" is simply the concrete manifestation of energy or power. And so it is not money, but the Love of money or Power that is the root of all evil. It's about Greed, Power, Exclusivity, and Divine Rights,  Paul.

 All of the other "evils" to which you allude, "racism, sexism and other forms of prejudice are powerful forces in their own right." True. However, these kinds of insanities are simply the effects of exclusivity, greed and separation. They have always been used as levers or weapons by the super powerful, exclusive few, the old kings and rulers, and the contemporary billionaire would be rulers to keep the not worthy humans in their cages.

This next comment is really off the wall. "On the other hand, if the divisions in American politics aren’t just about money, if they reflect deep-seated prejudices that progressives simply can’t appease, such visions of radical change are naïve. And I believe that they are."

Well, your use of the word "appease" is certainly revelatory. Those of our brothers and sisters who for thousands of years have been struggling with the forces of exclusivity, the progenitors and cultivators of slavery, which, by the way includes, sexism, have never been interested in appeasing these "deep seated" evils. From Socrates through Jesus, A. Lincoln, and countless other Heroes unknown and known, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, FDR., Truman, the Kennedy brothers, and MLK, these men and women were interested only in eradication of the evil force. They spent their lives in the pursuit of "Real Change" rather than the appeasement or halfwayness which you are espousing.

It is this desire for halfwayness that is naïve, Paul. Those interested in maintaining their control over humanity by the accumulation of money/power and the weakening of any levers of freedom and liberty are not in the least interested in any kind of halfwayness. They are not even remotely interested in right human relations, the Common Good or General Welfare. However, they love to hear the halfway strategy coming from the so-called pragmatists. It is the half open door to their continuing survival.

Finally, this comment, "And isn’t there something noble, even inspiring, about fighting the good fight, year after year, and gradually making things better?"

Actually Paul, no there is nothing about working toward a goal that gradually will make things better that is inspiring, let alone noble. To begin with, it won't make things better. It will simply maintain the imbalances in different clothes. To "fight the good fight" we need to be focused on total victory and not be halfway defeated before we even start.

None of those whom I mentioned above were interested in halfwayness. They were totally committed, and they spent all they had for their vision without regards to results. They were, and those of us who are involved, are striving for complete victory.

Long ago a wise brother observed, "People's striving is always measured by their service either to Light or darkness. By this may be judged their destination in life. Thus, the worst of all is halfway thinking and halfway striving. The destroyers always build upon halfway striving. There is nothing worse than a halfway servitor, for he screens himself by halfwayness. Therefore a direct enemy of Light is preferred by Us. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist." Hierarchy #302

"In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid halfwayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking. When, think monolithically." New Era Community #238

Check it out Paul. The position your pushing has not and never will achieve freedom and justice for all.
Lots of love


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Letter to Bernie

January 26, 2016
Dear Bernie:
In the opening few minutes of the Town Hall thing someone observed that "Hillary has the brains and Bernie has the heart. This comment, which got a big laugh, was probably the most revealing, and in my opinion, most important thing, as far as electing a president goes, said in the entire evening. I was/am wondering how many of the viewers and those present registered the significance of this profound discrimination.

I have been of the opinion that Hillary's experience and such would be good assets for a President, and that she has lots and lots of connections in the Establishment, plus tons of money and would probably get the nomination and be elected. I was/am also very aware of her glaring lack of heart.

I knew that in her youth she had heart. I watched her and Bill get pounded into the turf in the opening days of their first go at the Office. I think that defeat took a huge toll on their hearts. It was pretty much missing from the remainder of their time in the Office which was about being "realists" or "pragmatists", "a half a loaf is better than none".

Those years were, and from her performance last night obviously still are, about looking for a "sliver of common ground" in order to get the half a loaf. This approach of course did not spare them from further and more or less constant pummeling, and their time in the Office produced a very, very meager half a loaf,  more like a few slices.

The price we paid for those slices was enormous in terms of newly empowering the retrogressive push to undermine the power of the people or our Democracy and revert to the rule of the few. Since I thought that she would ultimately be the President, I wrote a number of letters to her encouraging her to re-connect with that heart that was in there somewhere. Obviously, this has not made a dent.

I loved and appreciated the powerful energy that the sacrifice that your presence in the field brought. Because you were working from the heart, putting out heart engendered ideas, my hope was that this would help open her heart. Unfortunately, she has apparently drunk too much of the "pragmatism Kool-Aid" and sees your position as simply "idealistic" non-sense which she opposes with her making the "tough pragmatic half a loafism" decisions.
This posturing will work well for her because there is an abundance of intellectually mind-mired individuals who sincerely believe that their pragmatic incrementalism is the only way forward. Not being able to see with the heart, they are for the most part very, very smart people who are blind.

It was pointed out long ago "The mind does not love fire, for it is always contending with the heart. The mind does not love wisdom for it fears Infinity. The mind attempts to limit itself with laws, because it does not rely upon flights. Thus it is possible to discover the earthly principle, and also flights into the Fiery World." Fiery World III,  463.

I plan to vote for you in the California primary. I will also be supporting your efforts in other ways as well. Given her connections and money, etcetera Hillary may be successful in her efforts, which is all the more reason to saturate the field with heart energy. My will is that you will be our candidate. I do think that the day of the Heart is here and that we need a whole-hearted and committed brother to be the point of its emergence in this hemisphere.
Thank you for willing to spend everything for the benefit of the Common Good.
Your Brother in striving.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dear Mr. President

Saturday, January 16, 2016
Dear Mr. President;
Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for expressing the profound and encouraging Truth about the State of the Union in your last address.

When you said, “I don’t want to just talk about next year....I want to focus on our future.”, you shifted the focus, from the usual blizzard of intellectual details turn people off, and literally hide the future, to the future. For many of us who are concerned with the future, this address was amazing. It was something that we seldom hear these days. I hope that in the remaining days of your Leadership, you will find many more opportunities to speak to the people in this manner. As you no doubt know, It utilizes the two most powerful tools we have to enable the future, “voices of unarmed truth and unconditional love.”

A great and growing number of people today understand that “future” is not a place in time but a place in consciousness. We are aware that change is not about another band aid program fix, but about “change that matters”. The journey of Humanity is and always has been about the expansion of consciousness which reveals our commonality, our shared humanity with all people.

When you said, “This is not a matter of political correctness. This is a matter of understanding just what it is that makes us strong. The world respects us … for our diversity, and our openness, and the way we respect every faith.” You were speaking to the future, to those of us who are conscious of our shared humanity. And as you said, although we do not get a lot of attention “those voices are out there.”

Many of us are out here. And we stand with you. We have our eyes on the future. And we know that the future already exists. The world the dreamers of Humanity have been visioning for centuries exists in consciousness. It like everything else requires a “critical mass” to bring it into dense physical time. We are rapidly approaching critical mass, and huge “changes which matter” which are hard to see, are and have been occurring in all areas of our lives.

I am certain that this time, Humanity will not heed the, “voices urging us to fall back into our respective tribes, to scapegoat fellow citizens who don’t look like us, or pray like us, or vote like we do, or share the same background.” As it was noted long ago by a wise person, “From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we conquered.”
Once again, thank you for letting your light shine.
Lots of unconditional love

We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. 