Saturday, March 26, 2016

What's Up with Bernie!

What's Up With Bernie!
Just read another NYT article that denigrates, in the typical sideways method of sophistry, (note the quote marks around the word revolution in the article’s title) Senator Sanders because he has been repeating the same message for thirty years. Although credited to his detractors, the underlying message of the article indicates that Senator Sanders’ “repetition makes him a doctrinaire ideologue, a broken record who lacks intellectual flexibility and fails to see the world any differently now than he did as a 20-something radical firebrand.” NYT “Bernie Sanders Consistent Over Decades in His Call for ‘Revolution’” March 25, 2016

The implication is that his consistency is a glaring reason why Senator Sanders is not capable of being the President. It is not of course significant that the nation has a Constitution, the Principles of which are still far from being embodied in Law, that has been saying the same thing for 227 years.

Another of Senator Sanders flaws is that while “most politicians will adjust their language, if not their message, to what they believe the crowd wants to hear, Mr. Sanders does not.” Of course most “politicians” who by and large are accomplished sophists, will adjust everything including the clothing they wear to satisfy what the crowd wants.

To do that would be completely against Bernie’s Character. I would guess that the notion never even occurs to him.

What is at the core of these unending efforts to cast the Senator as a radical firebrand turned buffoon, or a crazy old man is nothing new. It is the same technique that has been used to discredit and destroy or justify the elimination of every person who would dare challenge the power structure of the self-appointed rulers of Humanity. I could make a longish list of these great and lesser heroes starting with Socrates and including those individuals like Jesus who, over the centuries, have given all they have to further the Dream of Humanity while seeking nothing for their separative selves.   By the way, those who could not be gotten rid of in this sophistic manner were simply murdered. We could site several modern example of this method as well.

So why all of this effort to eliminate Senator Sanders for the field? It is another chapter in the ages old struggle between Reality and Illusion, or between the Principles of Cosmic Law and the delusions of the separated selfish materialists. The actors on materialist side of the struggle are individuals who are so identified with the material world that they either cannot or will not see the fact of the multidimensional reality of Cosmos. Thus they live to satisfy their conceptions of a separated reality in which the powerful are the rightful rulers of the weak.

However, not to worry, “From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we conquered.”

Another part of the sophistic efforts to denigrate the Senator employs ageism. Usually this particular bit of darkness concerns the denigration of old folks. In this case it is cutting two ways. It labels Bernie as an outworn “broken record”, and at the same time, constantly mentions that his followers are “young”, therefore, not that smart, easily conned, lacking in experience and on and on. (Incidentally, “young” is an old thoughtform that is totally out of date as it is used to refer to human beings. First of all it has to do with the physical body, not the whole person. I have met many 10 to 30 year olds who have a much better grasp of what’s going down than vast numbers of those who are above 45. This is not a strange thing. It is evidence of Evolution.)

A very interesting point here is that the while the majority of individuals who show up at Bernie’s gatherings may be between 15 and 45 there are also a goodly number of individuals over that age. Labeling any of those who participate in Bernie’s meetings or who work for his campaign as followers is another piece of sophistry and ignorance. It is saying that they are deluded sheep following a pied piper or something.

My sense, and my experience with individuals of the so called “young age” is that they are not “following” Bernie as a personality. They are resonating to the frequency of what comes out of him, and not simply the speeches but the whole package. They are hearing with their hearts, not their programmed intellects. They respond to Principles not effects.

Bernie is relatively selfless. He is not into this for his “legacy” or for personal glory of any kind. People believe what he is saying is what he will attempt to do because of the frequency of honesty that he radiates. People do not “trust” Hillary because of the frequency she radiates. The heart can infallibly register these frequencies. The intellect cannot.

The Principles to which Bernie continually gives voice and therefore power are live energy fields. They are Ideas, images of cosmic Principles. They carry the foundations of the very rapidly unfolding Age in which we are living. They are the unavoidable aspects of the evolution of the Planet, and they will triumph. You can empower them with your will by voting for them.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Why Vote and Why For Senator Sanders?

The first one, why vote, is a no brainer. First of all, there is no such thing as not voting. Not voting is voting! It is voting for whom ever you think is the worst possible option. But that is just a fact.

Actually, consciously not voting is an act of moral turpitude. Strong word! Yes it is. By choosing to not vote one not only gives ones free will to choose how things will unfold to others, but ignores the millions of brothers and sisters who have paid dearly, dearly for our Right to Vote.

Not voting for any of the other multitude of reasons non-voters come up with is, likewise, a sell-out of what Democracy is, and it is also revealing of one’ self-centered ignorance. We, Humanity, are a collective, a unified field of consciousness. There is no my good and your bad, my eat and your hunger, my wealth and comfort and your poverty and lack of shelter, health care, education, humanity.

Literally forever, or at least as long as we have any written records, our Hearts our poets, our Teachers, our composers and musicians, our heroes of legend and life all of them, not the least of which was Jesus, have been telling us that each of us is all of us and we should do unto others as we would do unto ourselves BECAUSE WE ARE our others. Nothing is separated from the whole. Because of gluttony and greed others of us starve. It is a simple cause and effect fact.

So, Vote. Take your best shot, but take it.

Now, why vote for Senator Sanders.

Well actually, the Senator is our best shot at a multitude of possibilities. He is our best shot mainly because he is putting the POSSIBILITIES on the table.
Senator Sanders is not interested in the “legacy” or glory of Senator Sanders.

No true friend of Humanity ever is interested in what history will say about them. A, because they are not self-centered to begin with. and B. because, going in, they realize the only outcome will probably involve their demise, in one way or another, which it usually always does.

Senator Sanders is putting his entire life on the line. Why? Not to be the President, but to gain the Inalienable Rights of Democracy for all of us, to wrench the keys of democracy, freedom, dignity, and justice for all, out of the hands of the Keepers of the Keys, those of a self-adulating nature and retrogressive bent who have always been with us and been trying to keep us under their locks as “prisoners of the Planet”.

Presently these prison wardens are known as the Corporate Establishment.

There are no half-way measures in evolution. Evolution is unavoidable. It will get Humanity to where it is intended to go. Senator Sanders is doing everything in his power to put a light on that path. We cannot advance through half-way measures. At best we can maintain the gains that were made by full throated (interesting energy statement) efforts of those Heroes who have got us this far.

It is interesting that Hillary, that is Sir Edmund Hillary, was not a half way kind of guy. He climbed to the top of Mount Everest in 1953.

To get to the top of the Mountain, one must go there. Halfway measures will not accomplish that end. But Evolution is not a friend of halfwayness. So, first of all vote for Senator Sanders in any primary your involved in.

At the end, we do not, not vote. The heart, not an ignorant observer, will always take the best shot to move the climb to the top of the Mountain forward.
lots of love