Friday, July 29, 2016

In Search of Liberty

In Search of Liberty
Liberty, a Principle of Cosmic Physics, is always and everywhere present in Cosmos. The basic definition of this abstraction, the condition of being free from control or restrictions, is fine.
However, its meaning, significance and therefore its application is extremely limited by the point of view, a one-dimensional materialistic focus, that generated the definitions. This one-dimensional materialistic focus actually creates a prison, a condition that controls and restricts our understanding of what’s going on around here!

The often referred to fact that "matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest." is a big problem for modern thinkers primarily because of the use of the word "spirit." This term, spirit, is encrusted with so many anthropomorphic personality insinuations, illusions, images of mysticism, religion, magic, both dark and light, that it is useless as a term of identification. Thinkers today are much more comfortable with statements like, "Energy is all there is." and "Things, that is forms which are identifiable "objects" or "some-thing" are relatively dense expressions of energy."

So "forms" from the tiniest particle to the greatest, (Imagine a point of view that would see a solar system as a rather large atom which is what it is in terms of Infinity.) are just relatively condensed and intelligently organized globs of Energy in Space. That the forms have identifiable characteristics which allows us to discriminate between them as forms, that is to say this is a potato and that is a cabbage, has more to do with the thought, that directed the energy and "created" the form than it does with the energy.

Energy knows nothing about time. Time is an illusion of human brain awareness, and regardless of the "Big Bang theory" about the "birth" of the universe, there is no time out-side of our brain consciousness. There is only an infinite, therefore timeless, flow of energy into and out of an infinite diversity of form manifestations in space.

For an infinitesimally tiny and local example of this infinite motion, take a look at Earth's plant Kingdom. The roses come with the Spring out breath. For a brief moment in the space between the breaths they manifest the beauty of the thought that drives roses, and then they go or return with the in-breath to their energy state.

There is only the breath of comings and goings, and that interval between which is what I think we call space. So, depending on how big one wants one's bang, such 3 phase events are constant in the timeless flow of energy. Beginnings and Endings are strictly human constructs to sort of help us in our one-dimensional blindness to make some sense of what is happening in the infinitesimal speck of Cosmos that we can actually register with brain awareness.

So, this being the case, and it is the case, let’s take a look at Liberty from a slightly more expanded point of view.

The energy from which this planet and every form on or in it was, like the Rose that was made manifest through a relatively Cosmic Spring out breath, has "always" that is to say "forever"--another one of those irrational, ambiguous terms that try to make things seem rational to our brain consciousness-- been present. Energy and the cyclical motion of the Breath which we call Life are infinitely present.

This fact begs a huge question relative to our Liberty. The question. How is it that individual human beings, forms of the One Breath that appeared relatively late in the process, can separate some energy from Cosmos and claim it as his or her separate personal property, or “own it"?

This concept, the private ownership of property started with the sense of identification with our separate personal vehicles and extended to include the entire planet. The Cosmic fact is that Liberty is. It exists as an ever present condition of Cosmos. There could be no Cosmos if there were no liberty.

Most of Humanity does not know Liberty. Most humans know only relative levels of imprisonment, for Liberty ends precisely where identification with forms of matter begins. Even though such a separation is literally impossible in Cosmos, when we identified with our separated selves in our consciousness, we imprisoned ourselves in an illusion of reality. Liberty meaning “the condition of being free from control or restrictions” became a basically unending struggle. As we escaped from one prison we came to find ourselves in a different one.

And even then we were only dealing with the prisons of the gross physical plane such as imprisonment, slavery, forced labor and poverty. The subtler levels of the prison of separation which have been embedded in the collective psyche are, in spite of our sense of being separated from each other, cells we all share. Thoughtforms generated by the delusion of separation and the fear of death are passed on to us in infancy. From these spring a multitude of subtle psychic prisons which control almost our every action.

These prisons manifest from petty habits of selfishness to the gross sense of superiority that drives greed, pride, gluttony for power and control of property from gold to other human beings. Of these prisons we are largely unconsciousness. For example, few if any of those who wallow in luxury and the illusion of power realize the depths of their prisons. Basically, they are blind to Life.

To these folks, the concept of the private, that is separated, ownership of property, that is a thing of any size or kind, is only “logical”. It only makes sense. But the sense of a mad man is still an illusion.

This begs another equally huge question. How do we deal with this indisputable fact of Cosmos? Well, for starters, we need to realize that Liberty begins where ownership ends. Liberated Humans own no thing; and are responsible for every “thing”. The owner is enslaved by the object he or she owns. The liberated human is joyfully responsible for the Planet. Recall the comment that Joy is a special Wisdom.

So Liberty begins with a conscious realization (usually of mind blowing proportions) that one is in prison and a simultaneous total determination to get out. This getting out and all, may seem like pie in the sky, but all it requires is a tiny shift in consciousness. It starts as a possibility that Life is Rational and that what we see going on, what we are told is the way things work, does not make any sense at all.

What does make sense? When we start down that road to that answer, we will soon discover that it leads to Liberty and Justice and Freedom. “And when this happens, and when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last!  Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” Martin Luther King, Jr, “I Have A Dream”

Nobody is saying that the Path to Liberty is easy or short. Certainly that was not MLK’s experience nor the experience of any trail blazer. But as we keep pushing at all of those “habits of ignorance” which we have been harboring we will be continually amazed or “enlightened” by the experience of the incomparable Beauty of Truth the gift of trail blazing.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dear Hillary

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Dear Hillary:
I am sure that you are aware of this comment from Senator Sander's  news conference on Wednesday. “I want to take this opportunity this afternoon to applaud Secretary Clinton for the very bold initiative she has brought forth for the financing of higher education."

I was personally encouraged and gratified by your proposal. And, if we can really win the election in November, by which I mean gain some significant ground if not control over the House and Senate, the doors to a very much greater offensive-- which was initiated eight years ago by the election of President Obama-- to regain and move forward on the human rights and benefits lost since the Reagan retrogressions of 1981 will open.

The Senator's remark, "This proposal combines some of the strongest ideas which she fought for during the campaign with some of the principles that I fought for.” reveals exactly that for which many of us have been hoping. We, Humanity, need  a synthesis of that to which you each have so eloquently given voice.

The Senator has always been about Principles. You have always been about Ideas. Ideas step Principles down into achievable forms. The significant thing is that the Principles are about huge concepts that are actually Living Energy aspects of Cosmos. They are and have always been the eternal drivers of the Ideas.

This is where the heart, or wisdom, comes into the creative process. The heart has the courage and the determination to overcome any obstacle. In fact, obstacles are necessary because they call out the deeper power of the heart. It was your heart that made this choice. This is very encouraging. Please keep it up, you have an enormous group of heart driven sisters and brothers with you.

lots of love
