Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's The Mountains

It's The Mountains
And so, we begin again. Having concluded our journey around the zodiac from Aries through Sagittarius we return to the Mountain top. We are not the same persons that departed in December 2016 and we carry with us the fruits of our experiences in the previous round. It is refreshing to return to the mountain top, to renew our vision and drink at the fountain of the Future.

We, love the tops of the Mountain of consciousness which, though the poets and musicians continue to strive to share with us, provide momentary and indescribable glimpses of Infinite Beauty. But, even the tiny mountains of form that we have on our dense planet, such as Mount Wilson in California which at 5,700 feet, provides us with inspiration and views of beauty. In this case we can see from the Los Angeles basin to San Diego and over 90 miles to the horizon of the Pacific Ocean.

And of course, there is always another higher mountain looming, beckoning in the distance.

Very soon it seems, we feel the pull, the urgency to return, to go down the mountain from which the beckoning top of the next one is visible. After many such journeys in many lives, we begin to realize that the reason for going to the top of the mountain is so we can go back down. Eventually we understand that the journey back to the valley is really the essential and joyful beginning of the climb for the next peak.

It is in the valley that the essential work is done.

We return to the now joyful struggle, to the now, finally realized unavoidable triumph of the Light. The insight is that triumph has always been our path, that triumph is simply another name for striving, for becoming conscious of the always present Reality. Future is and forever will be a process, not of "letting go" but of joyfully taking over.

2018 will be an astonishing adventure for all Path workers, astonishing and, dare I say it, really fun.  

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Christmas Metaphor

Thursday, December 21, 2017
Dear Friends,
The Christmas Metaphor:
I was listening to some Christmas carols just the other day when I was struck by the distortions that have been layered over the essential messages, the meaning and significance of some of these very beautiful and very simple Truths concerning the Reality of the First Noel. By way of saying merry Christmas to all, I thought I would try to put a little light on these distortions.

Because most of our us think of reality in terms of the dense physical plane those, who are and have always been among us, and who know better, have had to communicate the Truth of Reality to us through the use of metaphor. Apparently, there have also always been among us a group of those whose purpose was to keep the basic scientific facts regarding the nature of Cosmos hidden from us so that they could manipulate events to  favor their own selfish and separative agenda. These individuals, who are referred to in the passage from The Rays and the Initiations quoted below, also used metaphor as a tool to generate a completely false narrative of reality.

"One group has never freed itself from the principles which governed the first solar system.  They were principles entirely related to matter and substance, and were at that time and in that period (so remote that the number of years of distance can be stated only in super-astronomical figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the time.  Certain units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them."The Rays and Initiations P. 350

As you can imagine this is the root of a great deal of the problems we have faced in our struggle toward the Light or Truth. There is no area of our evolutionary experience, that has not been severely distorted, often ignorantly, claiming for centuries that the Earth was the center of the solar system, but frequently deliberately, by highly sophisticated and intelligently crafted lies concerning the nature of Reality. Machiavelli and the recently passed Trump Tax plan come to mind. The list I could make would cover pages.

Although at the moment we are facing a particularly nasty effort to march firmly backwards by the efforts of an entire cadre of individuals of "fixed and selfish material purpose" we are still here and still triumphing.

If we look at many of the lyrics of what we call Christmas carols from the point of view of a conscious scientist (or at least from the point of view of a person who understands that we are not our dense bodies but are conscious beings whom we call souls that are inhabiting them, and that we live in an ever evolving, multidimensional  Ageless Cosmos within which the most dense things we see in what we call space are the suns and planets which make up uncountable Galaxies) we could see these lyrics as the metaphorical efforts of individuals who could and did see much deeper than the dense physical illusion of reality put forth by the Refusenicks to reveal the Love which lies at the root of being Human and is the True nature Reality.

 (For a listing of "Christmas Carols" in some 30 different languages dating as far back as the 12th century and much earlier documents which were the writings of "wandering minstrels" who wrote their own songs and also put to music to entire legends form ancient times,

The "set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature)" that we were/are destined to comprehend in this cycle have to do with Love rather than intelligence. Thus,  understanding that we are talking about the unfolding Plan for the evolution of a Planet, it is reasonable to expect that we would have to go through a number of "root races" before we were able to develop the necessary equipment to even register this Divine Principle. Also, when we understand that we have been continually dogged by the "planned distortion of the divine will" that the Refusenicks intelligently created, we can understand the incredibly long and painful struggle we have had to endure using our Free Will to sort out the Light from the darkness.

These facts sort of account for what seems like the bit of a late arrival of the Love metaphor on the Planet in the form of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. This metaphoric event was/is still terribly distorted by ancient and present political/religious power structures. Metaphorically, the event was an announcement, akin to the implanting of the spark of mind by the Agnishvattas in animal man,  that Love had been born on the Planet and that Humanity was capable of registering and embodying this Principle of Love which was "more expressive of the divine nature."

The shift of the focus from what the Angels were singing about "peace on Earth, Goodwill to men" to the form of the child, to an anthropomorphized icon that was racially and politically religious and in opposition to many of the present religious/political structures, was only the continuation of the distortions which had been going on for eons.

The Cosmic Principle of Love was completely lost in the separation of Christ as a person from Love. Making Christ an object, a religious thing, crystallized an idea, an energy into a dogma. It set the stage for thousands of wars of both religious and materialism. It continued a king and priest class of wealth and power and literally enslaved or made peasants of the vast majority of human beings. It literally separated the Earth from the multidimensional reality of Cosmos and the Principles of Life.
For roughly the next 13/1400 years, it was left to the artists and poets, the minstrels and playwrights, alchemists to keep Love alive. Hence the true meaning and significance of Christmas carols. Eventually persons like Galileo and Newton began to bring Light into the mutterings of ecclesiastical dogmatics, and true science started to reemerge.

Here we are now at the celebration of the birth of Love on the Planet. Love happens to be the greatest power in this Solar System. As the Agent of Intelligence was the mind, the Agent of Love is the Heart. Love is the energy that links The Will to Good with Good Will or, as the angels were telling us,  Peace, or the Creation of the Plan, on Earth.

A blessed Christmas,
Toward The Day

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Its About Loyalty

There is a ton of news and talk about how people want other people to be loyal to them. It's pretty amazing that someone can demand loyalty from another. I thought it might be of service if we tried to clear up something about loyalty here.

It's actually not surprising that in a world where most individual’s consciousnesses are dominated by the illusion of separation which makes competition for self value identification, and prestige as natural as breathing, that loyalty has become a highly prized commodity. Loyalty is, has always been, of course, an essential aspect of any power structure.

For example, back in the Old World exalted individuals of whatever power structure, kingdoms, Realms, Domains, Empires, Duke or Earldoms had servants running around all over the palace (or just the mansion if it wasn’t quite a palace) doing all the tasks that need doing, like being soldiers or stuff like cooking, and bed making, and bathing and dressing the kings and Queens and Princes, and gardening, and chauffeuring, and so on and on. An extremely important aspect of all such positions was one’s loyalty to the King or the masters or whatever the exalted persons who happened to own the place were called. (An interesting side note is that a huge number of the persons who held the positions of authority were murdered by those most "loyal" to them. Caesar comes to mind. So much for loyalty.)

In the modern world these same behaviors patterns are commonplace in most of our social and business structures from a mom and pop grocery to the Apple Corporation. (The murders are more akin to destruction of one's personal power than outright knives and guns and stuff.) Loyalty in most such cases involves the complete surrender of one’s own personal equipment, like hearing, seeing, and evaluating incoming data, to the dictates of the owner or, in cases where the servants are not actually slaves, the employer. Loyalty means that regardless of what one sees or hears one would never either share or "leak" that with anyone "downstream" or outside of the “household”, or apparently, even evaluate it for one’s own self. The correct term for this kind of activity is sycophancy.

This kind of sycophancy is pretty much what most people do when they think of being loyal. Loyalty is pretty much given exclusively to one's personal self and used like the coin of the realm. One uses it to gain entry into levels and positions of power that are impenetrable otherwise. Its value increases as one gains access to more and more important positions in whatever power structure one happens to be working. And usually, one’s personal power over subordinates, and pay or salary, or shares reflect the value of one’s loyalty.

The issue is that none of this kind of activity actually has anything to do with Loyalty. It is actually a self serving action. It amounts to the selling of one’s free will. It is a deal which the deluded, separative personality cuts with one's own consciousness, or with the Forces of Retrogression or, to be kind of corny or biblical about it, with the Devil.

We exchange our Loyalty for some kind of perceived power like money or position over some segment of the dense physical plane. We relinquish our free will or personal responsibility to choose in any given situation to the views, or agenda, or wishes, or orders, of another being. The apparent up side is that the growth in power that one has purchased gives one a momentarily better opinion of one’s self. The unavoidable downside is that these kinds of deals have the opposite effect of making one able to perceive that even better deals with the promise of more power or goodies of some kind can be cut for the relinquishment of  a little more of one’s free will. You know the rest of the story. It’s been the theme of great literature for untold centuries.

Basically, True Loyalty can never be given to any form no matter how regal or famous or praised, like a church or a religion or a political parity or even a wife or husband. Loyalty is to the Union, to Love. Love is not something that one falls into and  out of. Unions initiated for, usually unconscious, selfish motives will either grow into love or come apart.

Loyalty, like courage, and the two are always a package deal, is that without which the quest for the Light is impossible. We align ourselves with Ideas, and Principles, like Love and Compassion and Truth. We align ourselves with programs or movements or individuals whose basic bed rock motives serve those Principles in service to the Plan. Our loyalty is always to the Idea, the Principle, never to the formulation of it. We work with brothers and sisters in cooperation to implement the Plan.

It is this sense of Loyalty to Life that keeps us and the forms with which we work from crystallizing. We know, because we can think, that the present formulation can be greatly improved. This Knowing is our connection to the Life Stream of Evolution that emanates from...well Infinity.

This is hard, but our loyalty, which is to say our Love, and which includes our total life force is all we really have to give.  We are and must be responsible for its use. The minute we allow the dark whisperers of doubt or fear or greed to talk us into some kind of decision that serves the agenda of a separative self we step on to a slippery slope.

We all have lots of experience with this process. It's called learning. It's good to be aware of loyalties, our own and others, for that to which one is loyal can reveal a lot concerning the state of one's consciousness.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Energy Is Gender Neutral

I don’t know when the big discrimination that made females inferior to males began. However, it has been put forward and more or less recognized as an actual fact for eons. It probably goes back to the Genesis Myth. You know that myth where Adam is the first ever Human.

Adam was a guy of course. We know that because God said so and because he came equipped with male genitalia which is how you can tell a male body from a female body. Then, apparently because Adam was lonely, God made Eve to be his companion.

God used one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve. Eve was a woman of course, and we know that because God said so, and because Eve had a set of genitalia different from male body.

Having been made from one of Adam's ribs, Eve was not an original like Adam. She was a sort of modified copy that Adam could use for a companion and a kind of helper. But, however it actually worked out, it is put forth very forcefully that Adam was number One, the Boss.

This of course is all mythology, but somewhere in the evolution of Human Beings, in apparently the vast majority of evolving cultures, those humans designated as male came to be accepted as superior to those designated as female. This bit of fiction came to be, if not the major, one of the most powerful influences on basically every aspect, both material and non-material of our entire existence on the planet.

This fiction generated what eventually became the slavery of woman by man. (You can call it anything you want, but it amounted to slavery.) It is absolutely necessary here to realize that the slaver is enslaved. By enslaving Woman, man enslaved himself into an extremely restricted and narrow set of behaviors as well. This fiction generated a huge veil and an enormous mountain of pseudo-facts that have become accepted as basic differences between men and women.

The real damage of this eons long lie or illusion is that it created mythical codes of behavior and expectations based on one’s genitalia. This had the effect of separating us into prisons of illusion. It literally separated the One Humanity from itself and from the One Power of Life.

Life is Energy. Energy is gender neutral. There is no energy that an incarnated soul or human being, regardless of the genitalia of its chosen body cannot embody and use. All humans can, and do, have and use Will Power, Love and Intelligence. None of these Energies is either feminine or masculine. They are all cosmic Energies and when directed by the heart or Love they manifest as kindness, gentleness, courage, indomitable Will, equilibrium, fearlessness, unshakeable confidence in Truth.

I could go on here and make a huge list; however, the point is that We are the One Humanity first, last and always.

Well not always, because there is this thing called Evolution, and that requires some discussion about another Dimension.  

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


It is, of course, redundant to use the words cooperative and conscious in the same phrase. These two always and only coexist. When  one becomes conscious, one is actually becoming aware of cooperation. Cooperation is the name we give to the natural flow of energies which are easily observable within any unified field, human or otherwise.

What we call consciousness before this awareness of the integrated, interrelated unity of reality dawns on or in us is really a kind of unconsciousness. Totally unaware of the unified field of the whole, we are aware of ourselves or "conscious" of ourselves, that is we think of ourselves as physical dense bodies which are separated and "different" from all other physical dense bodies.

We go around saying I am this body. I am not that other body. We think that our very existence depends on our not being any other I. We struggle to not become lost in some other's identity. We absolutely must remain ourselves.

The unrealized fact of cosmic physics is that forms exist only in relationship to other forms. Any I without that other I, ceases to exist. Gradually, as consciousness expands out of this illusion of separation, we come to realize this fact, and we begin to understand that that although separate, that other I and me are pretty much one unit. We each exist  only in relationship to each other. And then we figure out that even if we recognize that we are that other, we will not disappear. We are that other, but we are also this unique individual that can see and understand that we are simultaneously ourselves and our brother or sisters.

It is only as this kind of consciousness develops within the human psyche that one becomes truly aware of his or her unique individuality. We discover that we are unique microcosmic variations of an infinite wholeness. So, we have that ancient series of phrases, I Am./I Am That./I Am That I Am.

So, there is no "I" there is only US.

Us is going to lunch now..there is no other way.

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Real Big Problem

The Real Big Problem
As humanity on a global scale, the big problem we are presently facing is something that we think of as “Big Business”. It is really time to wake up.

Business was more or less the form into which the Forces of Retrogression, on all of its many levels, migrated as the evolution of consciousness gradually generated the “discoveries” of the “New World”, the creation of a more transportable form of currency (what we now call money), and the domination of commerce power over land ownership power. All of these huge shifts led to the failure of the ability by the powerful few (known in those times as Royalty) to control and dominate the nations of the world in the guise of the King States.

Over the last 400 years, the migration of these Retrogressive Forces of control into Commerce Power has become more focused. Since their last failure at global control in the armed effort we call the two World Wars, their areas of domination in the arena of Commerce, or Business as it has come to be known, has grown, and their tactics have changed dramatically. They have migrated from conquest by dense physical war, which the proliferation of atomic weapons made unacceptable, to conquest by dominating and controlling the Wealth Power of the planet. On this front they have made enormous progress. The motives that drive the Forces of Retrogression are not compatible with a democratically structured and run society.

This is not rocket science. It is a simple observable fact.

Democracy is about the Common Good and the General Welfare. It runs on the energy of Cooperation. It is about, as our Constitution and the Constitutions of the vast majority of recognized Nations point out, Life Liberty and Justice for All. (For a list of Nations with constitutions see Wikipedia)

Big Business is about accumulating and growing the power to control environments of any kind for its separative, personal uses. It refers to the growth or expansion of such power as making a profit which means gaining an ever greater share of the total planetary wealth. It runs on competition, on the battle to survive. Big Business has no moral or ethical code that governs its behavior beyond lip service. It will do anything to survive, and survival means the power to control “markets” in an ever growing circle of dominance in whatever sector in which it happens to live. Markets is a sophistic term which includes all aspects of human interaction that can be manipulated in some form to generate profit.

The Forces that were defeated on the dense physical plane in WWII have reappeared in force in many of the worlds corporations. Many major banking institutions, insurance, pharmaceutical manufacturers and sellers, major weapons manufactures, and major oil corporations persist in business activities that have been scientifically proven to be massively destructive to the social and physical networks of Humanity. For example, besides generating huge narcotic problems such as the opioid epidemic, it would include the education and health delivery systems and, as the recent wave of 100 year storms demonstrate, the environmental balance of the Planet.

A more recent example of this problem in the brand new Tech Industry can be seen in the reactions of Face Book and Twitter to alarming revelations regarding the effect of their businesses on the Common Good. Both of these brand-new mega corporations, in terms of the products they sell, are being extremely challenged to see the difference between publishing lies that interfere with the national security of governments and the free election processes of Nations and their advertising revenue.

Big Business has always seen Government as a problem. It launched what in retrospect was an outright war on government with the election of Ronald Reagan. In his Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981, (in what is, in my opinion, a spectacular piece of sophistry) Reagan launched the war. “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

A Brief Aside
It is important to realize and understand that the Retrogressors are and have always been Masters of Sophistry or Casuistry, the use of cleverly crafted fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving. Such masters have been on the payrolls of the Powerful Few for centuries. It is highly likely that they prepared the speech that Reagan delivered at his 1981 Inaugural.
Today this ancient skill is being called “alt truth”. And there are masters of this skill operating as paid agents and propaganda arms of Big Business in major media outlets all over the planet, a major example of which is called the NRA.

To Continue
This war has been going on for some 36 years.  During this period Big Business has been about accumulating and growing the power to control environments of any kind. Sophistically mouthing cooperation, they have consistently used the weapons of competition. While paying lip service to moral and ethical codes, they have violated every law. Just “The presidency of Ronald Reagan in theUnited States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president."

But make no mistake. This problem was not an "exclusive to a political party” thing. Big Business is not a political party. It is much more like an Army. For troops it employs a cadre of persons called lobbyists, and any person in government who can be approached and used will be.

Big Business has literally purchased governmental officials both elected and appointed to do their separative selfish bidding. And, besides the in pocket elected Congress persons and Senators, they now have a President and an administration that is actually running the Government as a Business in every respect, literally. This situation represents pretty much what Reagan, in that 1961 Inaugural Address was aiming to achieve.

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.... It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the states or to the people…. Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it's not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work—work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it.”

The obvious thing to note here, a thing that went completely unnoticed by most everyone, is that when Reagan was saying that government has “grown beyond the consent of the governed”, he meant Big Business, the Community of huge Corporations. His “Us” did not mean you and me.

So, none of this is new. Corruption of the Cooperative processes necessary for the survival of Humanity on the planet has always been a major problem with our evolutionary development. The present Administration is rapidly generating a long list of such scandal’s.

The problem with “Big Business” is that everything about it, the economic theories, the ideology, psychology, and the motivation that drives it, all of this is grounded in an illusion of Reality. This illusion was manufactured and implemented eons ago. “Certain units of humanity—then existent— [the first solar system] were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them.” The Rays and the Initiations P. 350

Thus, enthralled as they are in the illusion of a single dimensional cosmos, the dense physical plane is all there is. Although ancient, the mantra that “Life is a battle for survival and the best, strongest, smartest, most ruthless win” is a hands down fact with them. Heart concepts such as morality or compassion, other than window dressing for the fools, really play no role in their decision making processes. As Milton Friedman said “There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits.”

This is their base operational assumption regarding one’s purpose and place on the planet. (Witness the present commentary coming from them regarding the failures of support for Puerto Rico and who is going to pay the outstanding Debt from Puerto Rico’s financial collapse.) Other than the Second Amendment—which, was proposed in 1789 and is being completely misconstrued from its original intention by a retrogressively focused Supreme Court—not one of the guarantees for human life that are listed in the first ten amendments of the Constitution matters when it comes to the bottom line of the Corporate Rulers who have been engaged in a stealth campaign for the past 36 years to establish control over the United States.

They will fail. Again, I might add, because as history reveals this is not their first attempt. However, given the rapidly expanding understanding of the realities of Science and unquestionable evolution of consciousness over these many, many centuries of struggle, this may well be their Last Attempt.
Do you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion?
We know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered.
From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.
From the Beginning We conquered.
If you are a reader of Thoughtline, you will recognize this statement. It comes from Master Morya. The thing to realize about this statement is that it is a simple fact
Tom Carney
November, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017


The thing that concerns me at the moment and has prompted this blog is the behavior of Donald Trump.

As many of us have been registering, something of great power is even now bringing about significant evolutionary growth and change. Many of us, including me, sense that this entire movement is being aided, if not engendered by extra-planetary and systemic forces. As those of us who are conscious of the Ageless Wisdom know, it wouldn't be the first time the planet was aided by the intervention of extra-planetary forces. The key thought is that the change, however it  manifests, will generate evolutionary growth.

I have no data on the nature of the change or of how or when it will impact. However, it is quite clear that Humanity is a significant factor in any change that occurs on this planet. What we do, what we empower with our thought and love, or hate, matters greatly.

This fact is a primary reason for the terrorist activities of Mr. Trump.

For months now it has been obvious to anyone who is even slightly versed in human psychology that Mr. Trump has serious issues with a number of psychological disorders among which are paranoia and egomania. Such disorders will trigger deeply coded knee jerk explosions in any random situation that the individual feels is threatening to himself or his self image. An example of this habitual behavior was reported by Gabriel Sherman in vanity Fair on October 11, 2017  when Mr. Trump shouted out, “I hate everyone in the White House! There are a few exceptions, but I hate them!”

What exactly triggered this at that moment is irrelevant. There are many other easily documented examples. The point is that Donald Trump has the legal power to easily initiate an atomic war at any moment. He has specifically pointed out that regardless of any inputs from others, the decision to launch an atomic ballistic missile is his alone.

This fact is so horrifying that many simply do not psychically acknowledge it.

Given Trump's psychic condition, we must realize that there could be a launch and that any launch would not be just one bomb on one side. Retaliation would be inevitable. To assume otherwise is ignorance.

One bomb, on one day, in a split second literally wiped some 80,000 human beings and 90 % of the city of Hiroshima from the  planet. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined to produce a firestorm that incinerated everything within about 4.4 miles of ground zero. (Google Hiroshima images.)

This is what Donald Trump is talking about. This is what he threatened to do to North Korea.
When Donald Trump speaks to the International community of Nations he is speaking for the United States.

It is quite clear that, on this issue, he does not speak for the vast majority of the voting population of the United states United States. I expect that the vast majority of school age children, given the opportunity,  would also be opposed to immediate incineration.

One wonders what one can do to help us avoid this possibility. Well a big step would be to make the general population aware of it. This blog will be published on my BlogSpot which has a few hundred recipients. I will post it on Face Book and encourage others to share it or write something of their own. I will mail it to my Senators and Congress persons.

We need to generate a vast human reaction to this evil possibility. If like me, you do not march, then write, talk, but above all THINK. Visualize a planet and a Humanity living in Beauty and Joy. Energy follows thought  

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Sun is Always Shining Somewhere

The Sun Is Always Shining Somewhere.
We understand that there are no accidents or coincidences that every dense physical event is the effect of a long chain of cause and effect. we have learned to make progress on the path through the ancient science of experiment, experience, and expression. Our approach to all events is to ask, "Why this and why now?" We have learned, usually the hard way, to evaluate the feedback and make course corrections.

One of the earliest and most imperative and hardest to realize course correction was to realize that course corrections do not involve "letting go of things". They involve taking over the new direction.

Big lesson hard to come by. The thing we finally learn as individuals from trying to let go of stuff is that focusing on trying to let go of stuff is painful, tends to focus us into form, and reverse or stagnate the energy flow of evolution. This issue remains one of the major blockages for the macro evolution of Humanity.

The "letting go" process is part of the ancient hang up that sprung from an unconscious identification with our forms, and created the illusion of our separative "self”. This condition was severely aggravated during the first 1500 years of the Piscean cycle by the new religions. Much of the behavioral and moral values, dictated by the theologians and their various scenarios, at least in the western world, literally taught that we were in fact our mortal our vehicles. Death, the Grim Reaper, the ugly dude with the black cape and the rusty scythe, was unavoidable.

We were sinners at our core. Therefore, we were unworthy and needed to suffer to make ourselves pure. However, catch 22, because of our "original sin" purity was always beyond our reach. This unachievable goal exacerbated the whole thing. Hence, we have the self-hate syndrome, the whipping, the hair shirts, the sleeping on plank beds, months long fasts, and other forms of self-inflicted pain.

Of course, for the more affluent, there was the ability buy absoloution.

This process was a very slow and very painful journey to nowhere. The self-flagellation bit has greatly abated in recent centuries. Self-identification with the forms, however, has endured, and the ability to buy absolution and avoid taxes in the form of tithing and what passes for charity has flourished.

Even so, consciousness is expanding at very rapid rate. Although it is as always, with a lot of struggle, the Plan is manifesting and more and more individuals are “waking up”. We are, at the very least, realizing that something is way out of wack.  We are discovering that consciousness does not expand through plowing deeper into materialism, the past, and matter. It expands by striving into the Light.

I have been talking a lot lately about the acceleration of Human Evolution over the past few hundred years in comparison with the past 2000 years. I have listed all kinds of huge historical expansions (Revolutionary War Women’s Suffrage, etcetera) that demonstrate the way we are implementing the Plan. None of these were accidents or coincidences. They were all effects of Humanity’s rapidly expanding consciousness and were initiated by individual human beings who were/are in tune with the Principles which are the Soul of the Plan.

And then, of course, we have the retrogressive reactions to these expansions of Consciousness. An interesting thing about these retrogressive reactions is that they actually provide the incentive for the next expansion. It’s that Tactica Adversa thing.

Many of us have become inhabitants of the canyons of comfort. We like what we have. Change even if it is a positive thing makes us uncomfortable. That old observation that “Comfort is the cemetery of the Spirit.” Hierarchy #341 comes to mind.

Comfort is just another term for stagnation, and it is ultimately unsustainable. Only so much snow will pile up on a high mountain ledge before there is an avalanche. The Lords of Karma are very good at generating those wake up avalanches.

I think that most of us have come to understand the actual need for the obstacles that the retrogressive forces supply. We can sit around and wait for the avalanche, or we can volunteer to become Proactive Initiators of the Good, of Change. (This is my new name for "disciple".) It’s simple physics after all. If there is no resistance to the forward motion, it’s very likely not forward motion.

Although there is usually not much that is easy or comfortable about serious forward motion, there is, however, this thing called Joy. Can’t talk much about Joy. It's an experiential thing.

As MM has indicated, "We return many times to this concept of voluntariness. It is the foremost condition of discipline. The least thought about forcing destroys all achievements. Not only does the Teacher not compel, but the disciple also must not force himself. The discipline of Good is a self-generated joy. What an indestructible immunity is created through joy! The calmness of a yogi is not due to detached imperturbability, but to an inner, flaming joy. Such is the path of discipline. Some will say: How easy! But they do not know that joy is a special wisdom.
The Thinker taught, “He who has learned joy has already stepped onto the path of wisdom.” Supermundane #599

MM also suggested that we "Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future. Be joyous; not in the desire for repose, but because of the agitation of the elements, since only the agitation of the elements will serve you; for one cannot command the dead to revivify the living. Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom, and do not abandon the fires of light above the crumbs of the feast." Hierarchy #96

Anyway, in all of this, it is interesting to realize that all there is, is energy and that energy is in constant motion. When we manage to “still” the busy, data processing functions of our mental equipment, which are akin to what we call static, it is the motion of energy that we tune into. It is the frequency of the formless Principles of Cosmos that we register.

These Principles are the Soul of the Plan and the doorways through which we can move Humanity into the future or, you might say, move the Future into Humanity. One might think that this is Joyful work.

Certainly, be more fun than wearing a hair shirt.


Thursday, August 17, 2017


As I said, this thing we have with solving problems with walls is pretty much an ancient ingrained habit. Generated by the development of a separative sense of self consciousness and the fear of attack and need for a sense of security, it greatly precedes the appearance of ancient peoples. A few examples:

We have the Walls of Jericho, (not to be confused with the American metalcore band from Detroit Michigan) dated at 8000 BC. The Walls of Athens, some 7500 years later in 500 BC, connected Athens with its ports at Piraeus and Phalerumwhich were about 6 miles from the city gates. The Antonine and Hadrian walls in England are a mere 2000 years old. The Great wall of China, is only 1700 years old but anywhere from 5000, to 13,000 miles long, depending on how one defines wall. Although originally built to keep bad people out, today it is more of an artifact and a tourist attraction than anything else.

From 50 BC or so up through AD 1600 any collection of buildings that resembled a town or city had a wall. These walls provided the playground for the favorite pastime of the kings and would be kings and emperors of invading and killing each other in countless sieges and wars. As cannons evolved into real artillery huge walls around cities and the like became extinct. However, there was hardly a breath in the idiotic pastime of the Rulers to prove how great they were by striving to conquer and rule more stuff, including other people.
Evan as we gradually began to limit the frequency of wars with guns and bombs, the psychic need for walls flourished. The generation of other fences and walls like tariff walls and trade walls, race, class, and citizenship walls became more prominent and higher or wider. In the present, civilized modern world, we are into walls more than ever.

Drive through any town or city that has single family dwellings and we will see walls, or at the very least, fences by the millions around our houses and yards. Even in large upscale apartment buildings, one will encounter walls, human walls called “Door Men”, whose function it is to keep undesirable individuals out. Also, in addition to the fear of harm and need for security, today’s walls are very much about indicating ownership, “private property”, what is mine and what is yours. And encounter signs that say NO TRASPASSING

After a thousand or so centuries, it begins to become obvious that all of these walls and the fear, hate, and greed that drive their construction are the effects or the impacts of the polarity of the separative consciousness.  On the one hand, the considerable intellect that is driven by the polarized ignorance of a consciousness identified with a materialistic fixation will naturally tend toward manifesting systems that foster separation, imbalance, competition, and war that maintain the illusion of separation. Not that the materially polarized consciousness is dumb, quite the contrary. It is brilliant in all creative arenas that require a deep comprehension and manipulation of details.

Not dumb, it is simply ignorant of the synthesis of Cosmos.

On the other hand, the intellect that is driven by a consciousness that has an intuitional realization of its indivisible identification with the existing energetic multidimensional Cosmos will tend toward manifesting systems that are in balance or harmonic cooperation with the Principles and Laws of Cosmic physics. The elimination of walls and boundaries of all kinds of separation will be the effect or impact of its natural creative drive.

In either case, Intelligence is the genius builder of forms. It is a Creative Energy which we called Spirit. We called it Spirit, because our separative one dimensional intellectual development was not able to deal with something immaterial, something that we couldn’t see.  In order to separate it from other Spirt stuff, and identify it, we put it into a special box which, because it was creative Spirt and since, obviously, women made babies, we labeled feminine. We created Mother Nature.

In about the same breath, the males, because they did not want the women to be putting on airs, demeaned all things feminine as weak and generated the myth of Man Over Nature. They claimed that another energy or Spirit, Will, which was obviously superior, was male. It came from, who else, the Father, so shut up and get into the kitchen.

This construction of one of the major psychic walls that has kept Humanity from being whole for a very long time has some of its roots in the Adam and Eve Myth. Adam was a man, the result of “god” breathing life into some mud. (This by the way is the classical creative conception of the entire Cosmos. We call it “Spirit into Matter.) Then, according to the myth, by taking one of Adam’s ribs god built a woman. However you dice or slice this, woman comes out as a second hand, or rib, product. Ergo, the superiority of the male.
This habitual wall building habit is what is really deeply responsible not only for the feminine, masculine wall but for most of the separation and competition that springs from our fixed identification on the dense physical and our fear and hate, and greed.


“Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.”

Robert Frost was alluding to the natural forces of Cosmos, what we think of as cosmic physics. Once again, it is essential for any reasonable comprehension of Cosmic Reality to realize that energy is gender neutral. Its Primary appearance is what we call Will, Love, and Intelligence. These three always and only co-exist.

At any rate, besides all of these separative constructing habits, there is within us a couple of other “forces” that actually drive Evolution. For one, there is an undeniable, unstoppable, deep psychic drive that makes us want to KNOW! What, exactly, is behind that wall, or around the next bend in the road, or river, or hall way? This is the simple question that drives Human Evolution.

Frequently, as we all know from countless experiences, there is some kind of a wall, usually an interior one, that inhibits us, that clicks on that ancient program that keeps us from fulfilling that need to know. The name of this wall, not made of bricks and mortar, is, obviously, fear.

Fear is the prison of the Wall Builder in all areas of our lives. Its cell mate is Doubt. Think about it. MM calls these two the Dark whispers.

The other Force Within is the germ that lies at the core of our entire journey. It is the defining gift that makes it possible for us to become, at last, Human Beings. It is called Free Will. It is the Courage of the Heart to exercise our Freewill that is evolving within us and enabling us to move through and reach beyond all walls of illusion and separation.  Regardless of the cost, we simply must read that next chapter, see that next horizon.

Interesting, isn’t it, that we have been tasked to choose to be Creators of the Good simply by recognizing It.

Each Teacher of life bases His power only upon images of Truth, and creates the future by His thought, not by the consciousness of the crowd.
The ashes of past fires may dim the vision, but the fires of new images of Truth glow in the Infinite. When we have transcended the narrow boundaries of ethnicity and nationality, is it not all the same to us which planet is nurtured by spatial thought? The only important thing is that the thought be filled with a realization of the Common Good. Then the crosscurrents of nations will not distract the eye that is directed toward the inevitable evolution.
Reverence for the dwelling place of the Teacher should not be reverence for the soil, or for temple rituals, but for the igniting of justice in space.
We often exhausted Ourselves in improving the condition of humanity, but do not regret having sent even one evolutionary thought. These thoughts take root and flourish like an enchanted garden; and as magically invisible are the workers in this garden. Know how to direct your thought to the Common Good and We will always be with you.
Let us end with a legend: “Let us look at the stars. We were told that the vessel of Wisdom poured its contents from out of Tushita, and the drops of the miraculous draft became aglow in space. But the Teacher said, ‘Thus glow the tips of the arrows of thought, because thought pierces the radiant substance and creates worlds.’”
Creative thought, do not cease to adorn space with thy flowers of light!
Agni Yoga #122

Thursday, July 27, 2017



Walls are kind of iconic things.

For some reason humans have always felt the need to be safe. I suppose it springs from a fear that we learned over the eons of evolution by being injured and killed by various animals and things outside of our immediate skin. So, walls sort of spontaneously evolved as methods of protecting ourselves. We built walls around our camps and then our towns and cities.  In centuries past, even when we ventured outside of the wall of our town or city we took armadas of guards to keep us safe. That is if we were of the class that could afford such things.

At any rate, walls have played a huge part in the unfolding of consciousness. Our felt need for safety followed us as self-consciousness gradually replaced the tribal, pack, heard, mass consciousness that characterized our existence and animal origins. Somewhere along the unfolding of self-consciousness the realization that we were physically separate from others began to awaken the deep seated fear and need for safety. The need to self identify, protect ourselves from others, and to have “privacy” became motivating forces, and the construction walls around our emotions and thoughts began.

As this sense of being a separate “I” grew, we eventually integrated our senses and constructed an entire personal existence with which we totally identified. We call this manufactured entity our personality. It led to the sense of exclusivity, and the private ownership of ourselves and our “private property”.

Over many, many centuries, “walls” proliferated throughout human civilizations. Today boundaries, which is another name for walls—what they separate or wall in, what they wall, out and who owns what behind which boundary or wall—are a root cause of our all of our wars, both global and local. Walls. Boundaries or walls of privilege and exclusivity stand between all of the inequalities in our social systems such as the bloated and exclusive wealth of the few and the poverty and starvation of the many.

Although much subtler and frequently unconsciously present, these same walls lie at the root of most of our personal interior social and psychological problems. We wall ourselves off from that and those who frighten or challenge our self-images. We go through our days frequently peering over these internal walls, our fear masked by superiority and disdain for those who we see as inferior to ourselves. Our fear of the unknown results in the stagnation of our evolution.
Well, so what?

Simply this. Evolution, or the Intention that is unfolding through the medium of this planet is generating or causing an increasingly rapid expansion of human consciousness. This expansion of our consciousness is literally dissolving these walls of separating ignorance through the revelation of the factual Reality our unified existence. This sense of unity is inclusive not only of all of the forms through which Life is manifesting on this planet, but with the existence of a non-dense multidimensional Cosmos.  In this understanding of Reality, boundaries are simply beckoning doorways into greater comprehensions of the Infinite.

This expansion of Human Consciousness, which is propelling Humanity from the insane, separated, and at war with itself illusion of realty, is as unavoidable as was the expansion of animal consciousness into human consciousness. This expansion of our awareness which is revealing the stark truth of the walls of the prison in which we have been torturing ourselves, and driving our determination to eliminate them, is generating a violent and extreme lashing out on the part of those who are saying, as they did at the close of the first Solar System, Hell no! We won’t go! (For data on this group please see The Rays and the Imitations A treatise on the Seven Rays Volume V P. 350)

What we have been dealing with on the planet for the past couple of hundred years is like act V of a long tragedy. In this present scene, the Government of the People has been hijacked by the “Won’t Goers” and the President is making Nero seem sane. The end of this tragicomedy is unavoidable, and its approach is like the breaking of a huge dam or the beginnings of a giant avalanche. Those with ears can hear the growing rumbles in the distance.

Stand by. The closing scene is going to be amazing! Not everyone will show at the curtain call.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Going Forward, It’s The Only Way!

Going Forward, It’s the Only Way!

Mr. Tillerson is the recent Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Exxon, the world's 6th largest company by revenue, and is now the United States of America’s Secretary of State. At a recent talk to employees at the State Department Tillerson said, "I think it is really important that all of us understand the difference between policy and values. Our values around freedom, human dignity, the way people are treated—those are our values. Those are not our policies…. In some circumstances, if you condition our national security efforts on someone adopting our values, we probably can't achieve our national security goals…. If we condition too heavily that others just adopt this value we have come to over a long history of our own, it really creates obstacles to our ability to advance on our national security interests our economic interests."

Sophistry, “reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive” Merriam-Webster has always been a tool of the forces of Retrogression. It was, for example, very instrumental, starting with the, murder by law, death of Socrates, in ending the Golden Age of Greece, and has been a major staple in many, many of the individuals who have over the centuries risen to positions of power in our struggle to evolve.

Sophistry, after failing miserably in the world wars which were generated by the version of sophistry called fascism, became somewhat subdued. Since then sophistry has had a resurrection with the advent of Ronald Reagan--a stark contrast to the strident and fanatic version presented by the Nazi Superman, Hitler--and has been growing ever since, within countless Senators and Congress persons, and all manner of Government Personas. It has been sprouting “think tanks” such as the American Enterprise Institute, academic fortresses such as the Chicago school of economics, the Hoover Institution, Bankers such as Jamie Dimon, and now apparently, Oil barons such as Mr. Tillerson.

Tillerson’s background of obviously great finesse in becoming the CEO of the world’s 6th largest Company in one of the most cutthroat areas of competitive business explains the illogical and unprincipled disconnect in the above statement that he sees as perfect sense. How he separates “values” from “policy” is a basic aspect to the “art of the deal” world where values are measured in how successful they are in the accumulation of wealth and power.

The issue is, of course, that his version of what constitutes our national security and economic interests is light years away from the basic premises of the Constitution upon which the Nation was founded and is trying to stay based. His position requires that for appearances sake [Creating a pleasing appearance of a thing regardless of its actuality is a highly-honed skill which lies at the heart of the art of the deal] he pays lip service to the values which underpin our Democracy and our image in the World. However, the “values” he lists really have no place, and in fact, are seen as simply stupid hindrances (Why Trump wants to "shut down" the Government) to the policies he would employ in gaining his vision of what constitutes our “national security interests” which, by the way, he con-fuses with “our economic interests."

This is only to be expected from an individual who is skilled enough in the ways of the jungle of corporate competition to become the CEO of the sixth largest Corporation in the World. The bottom lines of Capitalistic Competition do not even recognize the existence of weak human values, “freedom, human dignity, the way people are treated”. Their chief and only concerns are, “Can we control this market? How much profit am I making?  Let the buyer beware”.

For example, without the tiniest concern for the Common Good, let alone “freedom, human dignity, the way people are treated” Big Tobacco made billions of dollars in profits while making hundreds of millions, if not billions, of patients with lung disease and various cancers for their co-conspirators, the other drug industry, Big Pharma, and the Insurance Industry. Big Tobacco was not even remotely concerned with their victim’s lives, let alone freedom. In fact, they consciously engaged in a years long conspiracy of criminal lies and fake science to thwart any kind of ameliorating efforts by the People’s government.  And now they are making candy with nicotine in it to get more of the unwary buyers hooked.

It would be easy to present similar acts of criminal conspiracy in many sectors of Big Business to continue a profit-making system that is causing millions of individuals to lose their freedom in the form of decent living conditions and bodily harm from ceasing or changing systems that would even slightly interfere with their bottom line profit. Think of the recent collapse of the crooked mortgage markets, the refusal of auto manufacturers to eliminate smog causing exhaust systems, of water companies with lead pipes, of coal companies which poison the drinking water of millions, of the continuing sugar poisoning through the selling of “soft drinks” which generate diabetes, and other chronic illness in the hundreds of millions of children. It would be a very long list.

This is what we get when the Supermen are left to run the show. This is Ayn Rand kind of stuff. I bet she sat up in her coffin and clapped when Tillerson was made the Secretary of State. As her hero in Atlas Shrugged, states “The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force [this means that no one can be forced to pay taxes for the support of the weak fools] no rights can exist without the right to translate one's rights into reality—to think, to work and to keep the results—which means: the right of property". John Gualt, Atlas Shrugged.

So, it seems that while everyone was decrying the Ayn Rand inclinations of Paul Ryan, Donald Trump shrugged his way into the President’s office and has brought a lot of his most ardent followers with him.

We must not be stupid now. The agenda of these folks is to re-establish the control of human life by the Supermen, the Chosen Few who are heartless and care not a fig the “self evident truths that all men are created equal and are endowed….” These individuals are the dinosaurs of the modern time. Their day is rapidly coming to what will be a somewhat rapid and not that spectacular end.

What is important today is for everyone who thinks to pay attention, focus on the actions that serve the Common Good. We have enormous power when we focus it through the heart and consciously direct it toward specific areas of need, the environment, the health and financial systems, politics, who gets elected and so on. Just thinking positively about these areas empowers them, so does supporting them with money and other kinds of participation.

Evolution wont come from wishful dreaming. We are the cavalry that has to make the charge into the valley of death to secure our future from the treacherous grasp retrogresors. It is a matter of individuals exercising their free will to chose the way that leads into the light of inclusive Liberty and Freedom for all. It is something that we can and must do.

Major is the inner joy and certainty that we carry in our hearts and minds. We, and our free choice to solve them are the solution to our problems. Every conscious effort we make to lift, to free, to make beautiful attracts the power of Cosmic energies. Evolution will happen. It is unavoidable. How? When? We are the answers to those questions.