Thursday, July 27, 2017



Walls are kind of iconic things.

For some reason humans have always felt the need to be safe. I suppose it springs from a fear that we learned over the eons of evolution by being injured and killed by various animals and things outside of our immediate skin. So, walls sort of spontaneously evolved as methods of protecting ourselves. We built walls around our camps and then our towns and cities.  In centuries past, even when we ventured outside of the wall of our town or city we took armadas of guards to keep us safe. That is if we were of the class that could afford such things.

At any rate, walls have played a huge part in the unfolding of consciousness. Our felt need for safety followed us as self-consciousness gradually replaced the tribal, pack, heard, mass consciousness that characterized our existence and animal origins. Somewhere along the unfolding of self-consciousness the realization that we were physically separate from others began to awaken the deep seated fear and need for safety. The need to self identify, protect ourselves from others, and to have “privacy” became motivating forces, and the construction walls around our emotions and thoughts began.

As this sense of being a separate “I” grew, we eventually integrated our senses and constructed an entire personal existence with which we totally identified. We call this manufactured entity our personality. It led to the sense of exclusivity, and the private ownership of ourselves and our “private property”.

Over many, many centuries, “walls” proliferated throughout human civilizations. Today boundaries, which is another name for walls—what they separate or wall in, what they wall, out and who owns what behind which boundary or wall—are a root cause of our all of our wars, both global and local. Walls. Boundaries or walls of privilege and exclusivity stand between all of the inequalities in our social systems such as the bloated and exclusive wealth of the few and the poverty and starvation of the many.

Although much subtler and frequently unconsciously present, these same walls lie at the root of most of our personal interior social and psychological problems. We wall ourselves off from that and those who frighten or challenge our self-images. We go through our days frequently peering over these internal walls, our fear masked by superiority and disdain for those who we see as inferior to ourselves. Our fear of the unknown results in the stagnation of our evolution.
Well, so what?

Simply this. Evolution, or the Intention that is unfolding through the medium of this planet is generating or causing an increasingly rapid expansion of human consciousness. This expansion of our consciousness is literally dissolving these walls of separating ignorance through the revelation of the factual Reality our unified existence. This sense of unity is inclusive not only of all of the forms through which Life is manifesting on this planet, but with the existence of a non-dense multidimensional Cosmos.  In this understanding of Reality, boundaries are simply beckoning doorways into greater comprehensions of the Infinite.

This expansion of Human Consciousness, which is propelling Humanity from the insane, separated, and at war with itself illusion of realty, is as unavoidable as was the expansion of animal consciousness into human consciousness. This expansion of our awareness which is revealing the stark truth of the walls of the prison in which we have been torturing ourselves, and driving our determination to eliminate them, is generating a violent and extreme lashing out on the part of those who are saying, as they did at the close of the first Solar System, Hell no! We won’t go! (For data on this group please see The Rays and the Imitations A treatise on the Seven Rays Volume V P. 350)

What we have been dealing with on the planet for the past couple of hundred years is like act V of a long tragedy. In this present scene, the Government of the People has been hijacked by the “Won’t Goers” and the President is making Nero seem sane. The end of this tragicomedy is unavoidable, and its approach is like the breaking of a huge dam or the beginnings of a giant avalanche. Those with ears can hear the growing rumbles in the distance.

Stand by. The closing scene is going to be amazing! Not everyone will show at the curtain call.