The Sun Is Always
Shining Somewhere.
We understand that there are no accidents or coincidences that every dense physical event is the effect of a long
chain of cause and effect. we have learned to make progress on the path through
the ancient science of experiment, experience, and expression. Our approach to
all events is to ask, "Why this and why now?" We have learned,
usually the hard way, to evaluate the feedback and make course corrections.
One of the earliest and most imperative and hardest to realize
course correction was to realize that course corrections do not involve "letting
go of things". They involve taking over the new direction.
Big lesson hard to come by. The thing we finally learn as
individuals from trying to let go of stuff is that focusing on trying to let go
of stuff is painful, tends to focus us into form, and reverse or stagnate the energy
flow of evolution. This issue remains one of the major blockages for the macro evolution
of Humanity.
The "letting go" process is part of the ancient hang
up that sprung from an unconscious identification with our forms, and created the
illusion of our separative "self”. This condition was severely aggravated during
the first 1500 years of the Piscean cycle by the new religions. Much of the
behavioral and moral values, dictated by the theologians and their various
scenarios, at least in the western world, literally taught that we were in fact
our mortal our vehicles. Death, the Grim Reaper, the ugly dude with the black
cape and the rusty scythe, was unavoidable.
We were sinners at our core. Therefore, we were unworthy and
needed to suffer to make ourselves pure. However, catch 22, because of our
"original sin" purity was always beyond our reach. This unachievable goal
exacerbated the whole thing. Hence, we have the self-hate syndrome, the whipping,
the hair shirts, the sleeping on plank beds, months long fasts, and other forms
of self-inflicted pain.
Of course, for the more affluent, there was the ability buy absoloution.
This process was a very slow and very painful journey to
nowhere. The self-flagellation bit has greatly abated in recent centuries. Self-identification
with the forms, however, has endured, and the ability to buy absolution and avoid taxes in
the form of tithing and what passes for charity has flourished.
Even so, consciousness is expanding at very rapid rate.
Although it is as always, with a lot of struggle, the Plan is manifesting and
more and more individuals are “waking up”. We are, at the very least, realizing
that something is way out of wack. We
are discovering that consciousness does not expand through plowing deeper into materialism,
the past, and matter. It expands by striving into the Light.
I have been talking a lot lately about the acceleration of
Human Evolution over the past few hundred years in comparison with the past
2000 years. I have listed all kinds of huge historical expansions (Revolutionary War
Women’s Suffrage, etcetera) that demonstrate the way we are implementing the
Plan. None of these were accidents or coincidences. They were all effects of
Humanity’s rapidly expanding consciousness and were initiated by individual
human beings who were/are in tune with the Principles which are the Soul of the Plan.
And then, of course, we have the retrogressive reactions to
these expansions of Consciousness. An interesting thing about these retrogressive
reactions is that they actually provide the incentive for the next expansion. It’s
that Tactica Adversa thing.
Many of us have become inhabitants of the canyons of
comfort. We like what we have. Change even if it is a positive thing makes us
uncomfortable. That old observation that “Comfort is the cemetery of the
Spirit.” Hierarchy #341 comes to mind.
Comfort is just another term for
stagnation, and it is ultimately unsustainable. Only so much snow will pile up on
a high mountain ledge before there is an avalanche. The Lords of Karma are very
good at generating those wake up avalanches.
I think that most of us have come to understand the actual
need for the obstacles that the retrogressive forces supply. We can sit around
and wait for the avalanche, or we can volunteer to become Proactive Initiators of the Good, of Change. (This is my new name for "disciple".) It’s
simple physics after all. If there is no resistance to the forward motion, it’s
very likely not forward motion.
Although there is usually not much that is easy or
comfortable about serious forward motion, there is, however, this thing called Joy. Can’t
talk much about Joy. It's an experiential thing.
As MM has indicated, "We return many times to this concept of voluntariness. It is the
foremost condition of discipline. The least thought about forcing
destroys all achievements. Not only does the Teacher not compel, but the
disciple also must not force himself. The discipline of Good is a
self-generated joy. What an indestructible immunity is created through
joy! The calmness of a yogi is not due to detached imperturbability, but
to an inner, flaming joy. Such is the path of discipline. Some will
say: How easy! But they do not know that joy is a special wisdom.
The Thinker taught, “He who has learned joy has already stepped onto the path of wisdom.” Supermundane #599MM also suggested that we "Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future. Be joyous; not in the desire for repose, but because of the agitation of the elements, since only the agitation of the elements will serve you; for one cannot command the dead to revivify the living. Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom, and do not abandon the fires of light above the crumbs of the feast." Hierarchy #96
Anyway, in all of this, it is interesting to realize that
all there is, is energy and that energy is in constant motion. When we manage
to “still” the busy, data processing functions of our mental equipment, which
are akin to what we call static, it is the motion
of energy that we tune into. It is the frequency of the formless Principles of
Cosmos that we register.
These Principles are the Soul of the Plan and the doorways through which we can move
Humanity into the future or, you might say, move the Future into Humanity. One
might think that this is Joyful work.
Certainly, be more fun than wearing a hair