Friday, October 13, 2017


The thing that concerns me at the moment and has prompted this blog is the behavior of Donald Trump.

As many of us have been registering, something of great power is even now bringing about significant evolutionary growth and change. Many of us, including me, sense that this entire movement is being aided, if not engendered by extra-planetary and systemic forces. As those of us who are conscious of the Ageless Wisdom know, it wouldn't be the first time the planet was aided by the intervention of extra-planetary forces. The key thought is that the change, however it  manifests, will generate evolutionary growth.

I have no data on the nature of the change or of how or when it will impact. However, it is quite clear that Humanity is a significant factor in any change that occurs on this planet. What we do, what we empower with our thought and love, or hate, matters greatly.

This fact is a primary reason for the terrorist activities of Mr. Trump.

For months now it has been obvious to anyone who is even slightly versed in human psychology that Mr. Trump has serious issues with a number of psychological disorders among which are paranoia and egomania. Such disorders will trigger deeply coded knee jerk explosions in any random situation that the individual feels is threatening to himself or his self image. An example of this habitual behavior was reported by Gabriel Sherman in vanity Fair on October 11, 2017  when Mr. Trump shouted out, “I hate everyone in the White House! There are a few exceptions, but I hate them!”

What exactly triggered this at that moment is irrelevant. There are many other easily documented examples. The point is that Donald Trump has the legal power to easily initiate an atomic war at any moment. He has specifically pointed out that regardless of any inputs from others, the decision to launch an atomic ballistic missile is his alone.

This fact is so horrifying that many simply do not psychically acknowledge it.

Given Trump's psychic condition, we must realize that there could be a launch and that any launch would not be just one bomb on one side. Retaliation would be inevitable. To assume otherwise is ignorance.

One bomb, on one day, in a split second literally wiped some 80,000 human beings and 90 % of the city of Hiroshima from the  planet. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined to produce a firestorm that incinerated everything within about 4.4 miles of ground zero. (Google Hiroshima images.)

This is what Donald Trump is talking about. This is what he threatened to do to North Korea.
When Donald Trump speaks to the International community of Nations he is speaking for the United States.

It is quite clear that, on this issue, he does not speak for the vast majority of the voting population of the United states United States. I expect that the vast majority of school age children, given the opportunity,  would also be opposed to immediate incineration.

One wonders what one can do to help us avoid this possibility. Well a big step would be to make the general population aware of it. This blog will be published on my BlogSpot which has a few hundred recipients. I will post it on Face Book and encourage others to share it or write something of their own. I will mail it to my Senators and Congress persons.

We need to generate a vast human reaction to this evil possibility. If like me, you do not march, then write, talk, but above all THINK. Visualize a planet and a Humanity living in Beauty and Joy. Energy follows thought