Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's The Mountains

It's The Mountains
And so, we begin again. Having concluded our journey around the zodiac from Aries through Sagittarius we return to the Mountain top. We are not the same persons that departed in December 2016 and we carry with us the fruits of our experiences in the previous round. It is refreshing to return to the mountain top, to renew our vision and drink at the fountain of the Future.

We, love the tops of the Mountain of consciousness which, though the poets and musicians continue to strive to share with us, provide momentary and indescribable glimpses of Infinite Beauty. But, even the tiny mountains of form that we have on our dense planet, such as Mount Wilson in California which at 5,700 feet, provides us with inspiration and views of beauty. In this case we can see from the Los Angeles basin to San Diego and over 90 miles to the horizon of the Pacific Ocean.

And of course, there is always another higher mountain looming, beckoning in the distance.

Very soon it seems, we feel the pull, the urgency to return, to go down the mountain from which the beckoning top of the next one is visible. After many such journeys in many lives, we begin to realize that the reason for going to the top of the mountain is so we can go back down. Eventually we understand that the journey back to the valley is really the essential and joyful beginning of the climb for the next peak.

It is in the valley that the essential work is done.

We return to the now joyful struggle, to the now, finally realized unavoidable triumph of the Light. The insight is that triumph has always been our path, that triumph is simply another name for striving, for becoming conscious of the always present Reality. Future is and forever will be a process, not of "letting go" but of joyfully taking over.

2018 will be an astonishing adventure for all Path workers, astonishing and, dare I say it, really fun.  

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Christmas Metaphor

Thursday, December 21, 2017
Dear Friends,
The Christmas Metaphor:
I was listening to some Christmas carols just the other day when I was struck by the distortions that have been layered over the essential messages, the meaning and significance of some of these very beautiful and very simple Truths concerning the Reality of the First Noel. By way of saying merry Christmas to all, I thought I would try to put a little light on these distortions.

Because most of our us think of reality in terms of the dense physical plane those, who are and have always been among us, and who know better, have had to communicate the Truth of Reality to us through the use of metaphor. Apparently, there have also always been among us a group of those whose purpose was to keep the basic scientific facts regarding the nature of Cosmos hidden from us so that they could manipulate events to  favor their own selfish and separative agenda. These individuals, who are referred to in the passage from The Rays and the Initiations quoted below, also used metaphor as a tool to generate a completely false narrative of reality.

"One group has never freed itself from the principles which governed the first solar system.  They were principles entirely related to matter and substance, and were at that time and in that period (so remote that the number of years of distance can be stated only in super-astronomical figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the time.  Certain units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them."The Rays and Initiations P. 350

As you can imagine this is the root of a great deal of the problems we have faced in our struggle toward the Light or Truth. There is no area of our evolutionary experience, that has not been severely distorted, often ignorantly, claiming for centuries that the Earth was the center of the solar system, but frequently deliberately, by highly sophisticated and intelligently crafted lies concerning the nature of Reality. Machiavelli and the recently passed Trump Tax plan come to mind. The list I could make would cover pages.

Although at the moment we are facing a particularly nasty effort to march firmly backwards by the efforts of an entire cadre of individuals of "fixed and selfish material purpose" we are still here and still triumphing.

If we look at many of the lyrics of what we call Christmas carols from the point of view of a conscious scientist (or at least from the point of view of a person who understands that we are not our dense bodies but are conscious beings whom we call souls that are inhabiting them, and that we live in an ever evolving, multidimensional  Ageless Cosmos within which the most dense things we see in what we call space are the suns and planets which make up uncountable Galaxies) we could see these lyrics as the metaphorical efforts of individuals who could and did see much deeper than the dense physical illusion of reality put forth by the Refusenicks to reveal the Love which lies at the root of being Human and is the True nature Reality.

 (For a listing of "Christmas Carols" in some 30 different languages dating as far back as the 12th century and much earlier documents which were the writings of "wandering minstrels" who wrote their own songs and also put to music to entire legends form ancient times,

The "set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature)" that we were/are destined to comprehend in this cycle have to do with Love rather than intelligence. Thus,  understanding that we are talking about the unfolding Plan for the evolution of a Planet, it is reasonable to expect that we would have to go through a number of "root races" before we were able to develop the necessary equipment to even register this Divine Principle. Also, when we understand that we have been continually dogged by the "planned distortion of the divine will" that the Refusenicks intelligently created, we can understand the incredibly long and painful struggle we have had to endure using our Free Will to sort out the Light from the darkness.

These facts sort of account for what seems like the bit of a late arrival of the Love metaphor on the Planet in the form of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. This metaphoric event was/is still terribly distorted by ancient and present political/religious power structures. Metaphorically, the event was an announcement, akin to the implanting of the spark of mind by the Agnishvattas in animal man,  that Love had been born on the Planet and that Humanity was capable of registering and embodying this Principle of Love which was "more expressive of the divine nature."

The shift of the focus from what the Angels were singing about "peace on Earth, Goodwill to men" to the form of the child, to an anthropomorphized icon that was racially and politically religious and in opposition to many of the present religious/political structures, was only the continuation of the distortions which had been going on for eons.

The Cosmic Principle of Love was completely lost in the separation of Christ as a person from Love. Making Christ an object, a religious thing, crystallized an idea, an energy into a dogma. It set the stage for thousands of wars of both religious and materialism. It continued a king and priest class of wealth and power and literally enslaved or made peasants of the vast majority of human beings. It literally separated the Earth from the multidimensional reality of Cosmos and the Principles of Life.
For roughly the next 13/1400 years, it was left to the artists and poets, the minstrels and playwrights, alchemists to keep Love alive. Hence the true meaning and significance of Christmas carols. Eventually persons like Galileo and Newton began to bring Light into the mutterings of ecclesiastical dogmatics, and true science started to reemerge.

Here we are now at the celebration of the birth of Love on the Planet. Love happens to be the greatest power in this Solar System. As the Agent of Intelligence was the mind, the Agent of Love is the Heart. Love is the energy that links The Will to Good with Good Will or, as the angels were telling us,  Peace, or the Creation of the Plan, on Earth.

A blessed Christmas,
Toward The Day

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Its About Loyalty

There is a ton of news and talk about how people want other people to be loyal to them. It's pretty amazing that someone can demand loyalty from another. I thought it might be of service if we tried to clear up something about loyalty here.

It's actually not surprising that in a world where most individual’s consciousnesses are dominated by the illusion of separation which makes competition for self value identification, and prestige as natural as breathing, that loyalty has become a highly prized commodity. Loyalty is, has always been, of course, an essential aspect of any power structure.

For example, back in the Old World exalted individuals of whatever power structure, kingdoms, Realms, Domains, Empires, Duke or Earldoms had servants running around all over the palace (or just the mansion if it wasn’t quite a palace) doing all the tasks that need doing, like being soldiers or stuff like cooking, and bed making, and bathing and dressing the kings and Queens and Princes, and gardening, and chauffeuring, and so on and on. An extremely important aspect of all such positions was one’s loyalty to the King or the masters or whatever the exalted persons who happened to own the place were called. (An interesting side note is that a huge number of the persons who held the positions of authority were murdered by those most "loyal" to them. Caesar comes to mind. So much for loyalty.)

In the modern world these same behaviors patterns are commonplace in most of our social and business structures from a mom and pop grocery to the Apple Corporation. (The murders are more akin to destruction of one's personal power than outright knives and guns and stuff.) Loyalty in most such cases involves the complete surrender of one’s own personal equipment, like hearing, seeing, and evaluating incoming data, to the dictates of the owner or, in cases where the servants are not actually slaves, the employer. Loyalty means that regardless of what one sees or hears one would never either share or "leak" that with anyone "downstream" or outside of the “household”, or apparently, even evaluate it for one’s own self. The correct term for this kind of activity is sycophancy.

This kind of sycophancy is pretty much what most people do when they think of being loyal. Loyalty is pretty much given exclusively to one's personal self and used like the coin of the realm. One uses it to gain entry into levels and positions of power that are impenetrable otherwise. Its value increases as one gains access to more and more important positions in whatever power structure one happens to be working. And usually, one’s personal power over subordinates, and pay or salary, or shares reflect the value of one’s loyalty.

The issue is that none of this kind of activity actually has anything to do with Loyalty. It is actually a self serving action. It amounts to the selling of one’s free will. It is a deal which the deluded, separative personality cuts with one's own consciousness, or with the Forces of Retrogression or, to be kind of corny or biblical about it, with the Devil.

We exchange our Loyalty for some kind of perceived power like money or position over some segment of the dense physical plane. We relinquish our free will or personal responsibility to choose in any given situation to the views, or agenda, or wishes, or orders, of another being. The apparent up side is that the growth in power that one has purchased gives one a momentarily better opinion of one’s self. The unavoidable downside is that these kinds of deals have the opposite effect of making one able to perceive that even better deals with the promise of more power or goodies of some kind can be cut for the relinquishment of  a little more of one’s free will. You know the rest of the story. It’s been the theme of great literature for untold centuries.

Basically, True Loyalty can never be given to any form no matter how regal or famous or praised, like a church or a religion or a political parity or even a wife or husband. Loyalty is to the Union, to Love. Love is not something that one falls into and  out of. Unions initiated for, usually unconscious, selfish motives will either grow into love or come apart.

Loyalty, like courage, and the two are always a package deal, is that without which the quest for the Light is impossible. We align ourselves with Ideas, and Principles, like Love and Compassion and Truth. We align ourselves with programs or movements or individuals whose basic bed rock motives serve those Principles in service to the Plan. Our loyalty is always to the Idea, the Principle, never to the formulation of it. We work with brothers and sisters in cooperation to implement the Plan.

It is this sense of Loyalty to Life that keeps us and the forms with which we work from crystallizing. We know, because we can think, that the present formulation can be greatly improved. This Knowing is our connection to the Life Stream of Evolution that emanates from...well Infinity.

This is hard, but our loyalty, which is to say our Love, and which includes our total life force is all we really have to give.  We are and must be responsible for its use. The minute we allow the dark whisperers of doubt or fear or greed to talk us into some kind of decision that serves the agenda of a separative self we step on to a slippery slope.

We all have lots of experience with this process. It's called learning. It's good to be aware of loyalties, our own and others, for that to which one is loyal can reveal a lot concerning the state of one's consciousness.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Energy Is Gender Neutral

I don’t know when the big discrimination that made females inferior to males began. However, it has been put forward and more or less recognized as an actual fact for eons. It probably goes back to the Genesis Myth. You know that myth where Adam is the first ever Human.

Adam was a guy of course. We know that because God said so and because he came equipped with male genitalia which is how you can tell a male body from a female body. Then, apparently because Adam was lonely, God made Eve to be his companion.

God used one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve. Eve was a woman of course, and we know that because God said so, and because Eve had a set of genitalia different from male body.

Having been made from one of Adam's ribs, Eve was not an original like Adam. She was a sort of modified copy that Adam could use for a companion and a kind of helper. But, however it actually worked out, it is put forth very forcefully that Adam was number One, the Boss.

This of course is all mythology, but somewhere in the evolution of Human Beings, in apparently the vast majority of evolving cultures, those humans designated as male came to be accepted as superior to those designated as female. This bit of fiction came to be, if not the major, one of the most powerful influences on basically every aspect, both material and non-material of our entire existence on the planet.

This fiction generated what eventually became the slavery of woman by man. (You can call it anything you want, but it amounted to slavery.) It is absolutely necessary here to realize that the slaver is enslaved. By enslaving Woman, man enslaved himself into an extremely restricted and narrow set of behaviors as well. This fiction generated a huge veil and an enormous mountain of pseudo-facts that have become accepted as basic differences between men and women.

The real damage of this eons long lie or illusion is that it created mythical codes of behavior and expectations based on one’s genitalia. This had the effect of separating us into prisons of illusion. It literally separated the One Humanity from itself and from the One Power of Life.

Life is Energy. Energy is gender neutral. There is no energy that an incarnated soul or human being, regardless of the genitalia of its chosen body cannot embody and use. All humans can, and do, have and use Will Power, Love and Intelligence. None of these Energies is either feminine or masculine. They are all cosmic Energies and when directed by the heart or Love they manifest as kindness, gentleness, courage, indomitable Will, equilibrium, fearlessness, unshakeable confidence in Truth.

I could go on here and make a huge list; however, the point is that We are the One Humanity first, last and always.

Well not always, because there is this thing called Evolution, and that requires some discussion about another Dimension.