It is quite obvious that at the moment we do not have a
government of for and by the People. What we presently do have in the United
States of America is government of for and buy a small percentage of the 20% of
the nation’s holders or owners of about 95% of the Nation’s Wealth.
All though they have not in the past 100 years or so been in
control of such a huge percentage of global wealth, there has always been a group of
such families and individuals among us. Past: Kings, Monarchs, Emperors, Dukes.
Current: Outright owners or Major stock holders, presidents of boards, CEO’s of
giant corporations. These persons did, and their current editions do, literally
believe that they were/are superior beings, and that they should, as they were,
by right of their natural superiority, be the controlling force, of the planet.
These persons have been constantly struggling to return to
those days when they exercised major control over he majorly of Human
civilizations. Rather than progressing to Humanities next evolutionary step,
they prefer to retrogress to an ancient condition. Since the collapse of the
Robber Barons and the Great Depression, this particular group of the super
wealthy.01%, to whom I refer as the retrogresors, and their sycophant wannabees
in the low 10-20 %, have slowly and quietly regained both wealth and power. In
January of 1981, a direct frontal assault on government of for and by the
people was launched with the election of Ronald Reagan. In his first inaugural speech,
Reagan cloaked government as the cause of all of our problems, and enshrined the
retrogressive Corporate Class, themselves, as the solution. “In this present
crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the
In the following 36 years or so the regressed Republican
political party has consistently provided cover for these individuals as they
pressed their democracy destructive agenda in the attempt to shift the power of
the people to govern themselves from the people to a super wealthy few. In 2016 that party managed to gain complete
control of the legislative and executive branches of the government. This tiny
segment of the national population actually purchased the government. They used
the power of their wealth, concretized money, to enable people who will follow
their directions to “win” elections.
They did in effect overthrown the revolution of 1776, and
reinstate the Monarchy…so to speak.
They did this overtime in numerous labyrinthine ways many of
which are “legal”. However, the use of outright bribing and black mail are also
prominent weapons in their arsenal. Their primary weapons are, and always have
been, the use of the power of lying propaganda, fear, gross, crude, and menacing speech. Their end is, as it has forever been, to
destroy unity and create separation which leads to chaos.
The appearance of high end technology in the past 20 years
has greatly increased both the power and the use of these weapons to seed the
environments in which we live with these deadly toxins. The tightly organized
group of retrogressive owner/manipulators spread this poison, which attacks
both the human emotional and mental bodies, through the media which humans use
to communicate with one another.
The ancient use of handbills, and gatherings of people rapidly
evolved into newspapers and radio, and by 1941 or so, commercial
television. The internet appeared in
1961, and by 1981, people could buy a personal PC. From that point, the
Internet began its explosive expansion into light years beyond its original
use. Today, when an iPhone has more
power than the main frames of 10 years ago, the “internet” has virtually
synthesized all of these technologies into a multidimensional planet wide weapon
which provides access to the inner life of Humanity.
All of these
interconnected mediums use huge super sophisticated software programs in cloud computing
to target general and specific sectors of the population with specific kinds of
information. For example, Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon are well known
giant corporations who own and operate huge “cloud” networks of these highly sophisticated
search engines. These “intelligent” search engines find and compile data on
billions of individuals. This data, as is any commodity, is sold to whomever will pay for it.
The data is used by commercial producers of consumer goods of
all kinds. These usually materialistically oriented businesses use advertisements,
or thoughtforms of highly sophisticated language and techniques of emotional
power, to target specific individuals whose “profile” indicates that they would
possibly purchase the goods. The data is also purchased and used by virtually
anyone to target virtually anyone, or any group with the same kind of sophistic
thoughtforms containing any kind of data or message they wish to use to sway
consciousness to do what the thoughtform suggests.
In the hands of the retrogresors, who have billions of
dollars to spend, the synthesis of these media has created a weapon that has literally
rendered dense physical weapons like guns, ships, airplanes, and atomic bombs archaic
by comparison. These new weapons do not blow stuff up or actually kill anybody.
Their effect is akin to the radiation poisoning of an atomic explosion.
This media weapon impacts with huge power the entire emotional
and mental dimensions of the Planet. This weapon generates invisible fields of
energy radiation within the mass emotional and mental bodies of Humanity. These
radiation fields of lying propaganda, fear, doubt, gross, crude, and menacing
speech first of all act like veils or huge banks of fog.
These fields of chaos sow, fear, doubt, and confusion warping
and interfering with clear, rational, truthful, and compassionate thought and
speech. These conditions severely infect the subconscious of humans with fear, doubt,
and hate upsetting the normal emotional equilibrium of many people.
The media weapon conquers not by blowing up and killing, but by
terrorizing, generating hate, discouraging, and disheartening people. In some cases,
this causes the conscious and unconscious generation of thoughts and actions of
ignorance and destruction to others and themselves, which further intensify the
hate, fear and doubt energies. In many, many others, people feel impotent and
helpless, like their opinions or thoughts do not matter, and they simply give
up and slip into unconscious routines and habits of living.
One of the many result of this is that 42% of those eligible
to vote did not vote in the 2016 election cycle. That is something a bit over
100,000,000 people. We probably can’t say that the unrelenting, 24-7, highly
targeted, and at the same time global assault of the retrogresses on the
general population of the nation is responsible for all of the 100,000,000 people
who failed to vote. However, it is very likely that a good 80,000,000, of them
were either directly or indirectly effected by poison of the assaults.
This present and ongoing assault is actually the latest
effort in the eons long struggle of the Retrogressors to maintain their
dominance and control of the Planet, to keep Humanity locked in the prison of
ignorance and separative self-consciousness. This goal of this current assault,
is intended to fix the problem that government of, for, and by the people
caused. The ongoing effort is to destroy the innate unity of humanity, of which
the United States is a miraculous example, and to separate it into some form of
feudal kingdoms and thus to “make America Great again” which means to return it
to some form of rule by the self chosen few.
For example, if we look closely at the actions of the current
forces which control the government of the United States, we will see that
virtually every decision, every signed law, results in the separation of the
Unity of the Nation into exclusives groups of, poverty and privilege. Also,
every appointment to Department positions of decision making power, such as
Education and Commerce, including the appointments of judges to Federal Courts
and to the Supreme Court make decisions that support separation and undermine
the Unity of the Nation. Two examples of hundreds of such destructive actions
are 1. The making of Corporations into people, and 2. the Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission decision that allows corporations to make political
Fortunately, it does
appear that these totally outrageous events have finally awakened the Soul of
the United States. In spite of the all-out effort of the retrogressive forces
using the media weapon to create more and bigger walls with their media weapon,
the energy toward unity is growing more powerful every day.
Walls of separation
that have enabled the retrogressive forces to run their program for uncountable
centuries are continuing to crumble into dust. Perhaps the most significant
example of this explosive discovery of a common humanity that recognizes and
celebrates our beautiful diversity, that cuts across all retrogressive
separating walls, such as sex and race and language and country of origin, and,
money generated social status is being revealed in what we are calling the
Women’s movement. Half of Humanity’s population which has been held in
something akin to a half human or slave status for eons is breaking free from
that lie. The power that is being unleashed is just beginning to be seen. The
end was known from the beginning, and for those who have a long view, we have
already entered the next beginning.
The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is
all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust
to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then
not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the
essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm
of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the
manifestation of Infinity.
You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the
Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution.
There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the
warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of
the visible and invisible spheres. Infinity #10