Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Take a Break Try Fishing

Venturing abroad
I discovered one of those bright, clear, fresh
One of those
Wind like the will coming straight and cold
From the center of the Ocean's eye
One of those whitecaps all the way to the sky

Not conscious of walking,
Of legs, of muscle and sinew working,
But conscious of motion,
Of flowing by buildings, persons, scenes,
(The horizon, a magnet drawing me)
I moved to the path over sand and sea.
Then something I could but faintly hear
Beneath the sound of surf and rush of wind,
Something subtle, not quite clear
Calling, urging--
Pulled me down the pier.
Ten minutes moving from city to sea
Five minutes to the end of the pier
Where even the sea seemed to disappear,
Leaving simply the light, the space
And the flowing cold wind.

Between his two railed poles,
An old fisherman was standing
Peering into the wind
I stood there on the end of the pier
A bit apart from him.
He gave no notice of my being there.
And after a moment I heard it again.
Faintly, under the wind,
It was saying, "Listen, listen."
Listening it seems
Absorbs the Light, fills the space
And for a time even stills the wind.
And- oh-
I was amazed that I could hear
The stillness in the Wind.
The Wind blows keen on the end of the pier,
Keen and cold, and though the Vision is clear
The eyes blur.
Eternity is only a moment.
Turning to go, I noticed the old man
Still standing, still listening, still still.
It takes practice to fish
From the end of the pier.
Tom Carney

Monday, February 12, 2018

Time to Take Over

What we call material wealth money, property of all kinds is, in the end, just a bunch of matter that has been forced by our thinking into various forms which are held together and given some totally arbitrary level of value by our opinion of what they are worth to whatever we think we are or ought to be. If we are identified with what our hands are full of, or empty of, the stuff that we think makes us separate and unique, stuff like position, prestige, personal power, money, cars, houses, whatever material possessions we may own, or wish we owned, we generally are not concerned with, are not even aware of, Consciousness.

Then, eventually, we get some kind of a wake up call. Usually these are rather uncomfortable events in our lives that take us “aback”, that sort of rattle our cage and require us to become just the slightest bit conscious of what is going on. “Pain and disruption ever precede birth” Externalization of the Hierarchy P.679

When we actually look from that, perhaps only momentarily clear,  point of view, the unavoidable reality finally registers. If it really takes, even for a few moments, we sort of get an “insight” a few moments of clarity into the big fraud.

Usually, under this sort of unexpected impact of what is actually an inflow of high powered energy, we get all “high” and worked up. We desire to expand, to change our lives. We decide that we need to sacrifice. We need to let it all go!

Some of us actually give all of our stuff away, including our wives, husbands, children, jobs, all of those hindering material responsibilities. And we join. Boy do we ever join. We join all sorts of groups, religions organizations. Some of us actually go off to India or some monastery on big long “pilgrimages” to become enlightened.

We get all tied up for years in our “search” in our desire to do what is called “letting go”.

Well, turns out that Consciousness does not respond very well to desire. Desire is an attractive power of the separated self. It has a super powerful tendency to involve us deeper into what we already have. There is nothing like “trying” or desiring to “let go” that makes us hold on.

So, eventually it becomes a question of energy focus. Consciousness cannot be purchased. It can’t be purchased because it is priceless. Consciousness is also, incidentally, free.

It came with the birth package; however, it cannot be unwrapped through desire.  We must take it. “Sacrifice must not be regarded as a "giving-up," but rather as a "taking-over.". Discipleship in the New Age II P. 287

It’s about the Will. We can't just want to be conscious. We have to realize that we are consciousness itself.  It is about what “doing more with less” really means.

Anyway, if we are consciousness, if we really get Reality, we do not need to desire anything. We already have everything we need to do what Consciousness needs to do.

 And we can be sure, doubtless, that consciousness is not interested in solid gold bathroom fixtures. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Send a Message for Freedom by Exercising Freedom

The present assault on freedom that we have been witnessing for the past 35 years or so is very similar in energy, tactics, goals, and personnel to the assault made by the Nazis to start WW2:
  • The energy they use is doubt, fear, and hate. Examples abound, and the State of the Nation address delivered by Trump on January 30, 2018 was structured to do exactly that.

  • The tactics they employ are a 24/7 blitzkrieg of lying, fear, and hate propaganda. This blitzkrieg has been weaponized and greatly empowered by the synthesizing of present global media technology.

  • The goal is the creation of an illusion of an alternate reality which will replace freedom and Liberty with the rule of Superior Beings.

  • The personnel? This is how Master D.K. saw them in WW2.
“The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are "shells," obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda. They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought … to enslave the race."Esoteric Astrology P.544

Sound familiar?

Luckily, during the eons that these individuals have been doing the king and ruler bit a true leader would occasionally appear and lead Humanity to take a few, but very significant, steps forward or toward its inevitable destiny of Freedom. This is the story behind what we call Avatars and Heroes. They would and do come forth from the ranks of the People, and in one way or another they would model the next step.

They become legends and shining lights always pointing forward toward emancipation from bondage and into freedom. Their name is legion. We could make a pages long list of these heroic leaders, but in the West, probably the best know today was a human being named Jesus, or perhaps, because the interest in religion is waning, MLK, or John Lennon and a group avatar named the Beatles, or Yoda maybe .

However, every, even tiny glimpse of freedom that a human being would get anywhere, at any level of whatever society, would and will call forth the power of his or her inner being, who knows only freedom, to move forward at whatever cost. And she or he would and will model for whomever was or is in her or his immediate environment that co-measured quality of Humanity that needs to be developed and expressed in that specific environment.

In many cases the hero was a hemispheric, even global figure whose life and actions would ignite huge reactions, and initiate huge steps; but in multitudes of cases leadership was/is a strictly local event effecting a small local area. (The “scientists” who are guiding and energizing the implementation of the Plan of the Intendor are what you might call WISE.) Thus, these avatars, the leaders, the carriers of the Plan for Humanity and the Planet have, eon after eon, come forward individually, but usually surrounded by a supporting group, and modeled the co-measured qualities of freedom, courage and joy for others to see and emulate

But most often we had rulers. (The manifestation of the rulers actually calls forth the Heroes which is why the triumph of the Light is inevitable.) The difference between leaders and rulers is, of course, that rulers are focused on maintaining their power, their rulership above everything. They do not face front; they face back. They are not leading. They are maintaining, often with ruthless and totally selfish intent, the status quo. (Two of thousands of possible Questions: Why is there a water shortage? Why are huge swaths of human beings starving, in many cases, to death?)

Leaders do nothing for their own personal power or aggrandizement. If they think about themselves at all, they see themselves as vehicles, regardless of personal cost, for some quality, some understanding regarding Reality that is desperately needed. They are the energizers of evolution. They hold up what should be, not because they say so, but because it makes sense, it serves the Common Good, the General Welfare of the whole. Leaders are always about unity, about equality and freedom for all.

Rulers are all about “me” about “I”. Leaders are about we, about us. Rulers tell others what to do. Leaders model what needs doing by doing it.

Leaders almost always end up being murdered. This job is occasionally carried out by one of the Retrogressor's hit men (the Kennedy brothers and MLK) But more often it is carried out by the retrogressive controlled State (Socrates, Jesus, Oscar Romero) they are attempting to serve.

Rulers often get murdered too, but by some other wannabe Ruler. Nobody got rid of Socrates, or Jesus, or Joan of Arc, or MLK so that they could get all their stuff.

Voting is the exercise of freedom. When we exercise our Freedom in the 2018 elections, voting for real leaders instead of pretend leaders who are really all about ruling will indicate to the Guides that we get it!

We are ready to move on to Freedom.