Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Concerning The Something Which is Happening

Group consciousness is the conscious realization that “I am. I am That. I Am.” Or “I am he as you are he as you are me. And we are all together” as the Beatles pointed out in “I Am the Walrus” and dozens of their other lyrics.

Group consciousness is the absolutely undoubted awareness of the fact that we are not only our brothers’ keepers, but our brothers. There is Only One Humanity; that Humanity is unified but not uni-formed. Every single human being is a unique sister or brother. The group is all of us. The Common Good and the General Welfare concerns everyone.

This is the nature of the consciousness that has been evolving and gradually replacing separative self-consciousness, lo these many eons. It has always been present in numerous sisters and brothers to varying degrees all around the world. What has changed is that there are presently some seven + billion souls incarnated on the planet today. It is quite possible that billions of them are at various levels of group consciousness. (Initiation Human and Solar P. 94)  That is that they know at some varying level of awareness that they are THAT. At some level of certainty they know, they sense with all five of their senses their unbreakable relationship and unity with humanity.

Since the probably stolen election of 2016, we have been witnessing an ongoing and tremendously powerful example of group conscious tactica adversa in the small and huge actions that people have been taking all up and down the political spectrum.  The 2017 and 2018, women’s marches saw tens of millions marching for women’s and human rights for freedom and equality all around the world. Since the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which killed seventeen high school students, students have generated mass protests of their own involving some 2,000,000 people all around the planet. The protests or marches which go way beyond gun control and include all aspects of humanity’s social existence are highly organized and lovingly inclusive and highly effective.

One significant point needs to be made clear here. These students are being referred to as “kids”. This is an ageist discrimination. It indicates that the views, opinions positions of a person are valued according to the age of their body. None of these sisters and brothers are their bodies. And many, not all but many, of them, and especially those who are helping to organize these events, are manifesting a group consciousness of love and intelligence at levels that are way beyond what a lot of the adults who are referring to the students as bodies are manifesting.

Many are amazed at how in touch with each other they are. This is largely being attributed to the Internet. It is true that these individuals are super highly skilled in all things related to using the Internet. I have 17 and 16 year old grandchildren. They know and use the Internet and the associated devises with speed and understanding that amazes me. The parents of one of them got a bill for having sent 3000 texts to friends in one month. His mother has informed me that his texting is way down now because he uses Snap Chat to communicate with his friends.

And yet, even though some of these students have never met each other in the dense physical, they are in frequent, meaningful, and significant contact with one another. They frequently have a more or less immediate recognition of one another’s motives and purposes. They spontaneously, easily, and cooperatively implement these identical motives and purposes into a wide array of very creative and different harmonious forms. This phenomenon is not original or limited to the Florida Students. It has been going on all around the world for the last 10/15 years on ever increasing levels.

As in the students from Florida, the implusers of these actions are not competing for personal recognition or election to an office. They are spontaneously serving the Common Good, a consciously felt need, because that is what they see to do. There is no sense of personal anything. This is what we call Service. 

We speak of telepathic communication, and although we do it all of the time, we have little if any idea of what it actually is and how it works. The fact is that what we are witnessing is an example of being in harmony, and rhythm, or sync, if you prefer,  on the InnerNet of consciousness, a kind of telepathy which needs no clumsy electronic devises other than the ones with which our bodies came equipped.

Well-meaning, but frequently totally differently motivated older persons, should not meddle with their strategies or goals. These sisters and brothers do not need this kind of support. They do need money, and this is something that older persons could supply easily.  It might be good to recall that, according various biblical readings, Jesus was in a 12 years old body when he was found chatting with the Elders. It is reported that when his mother asked him what he was up to he said something like, “Didn’t you get that I was doing the Father’s work?”
Tom Carney
May 2018

Evolution has humps in it
Into which men put a lot of stock.
We call the bigger humps revolutions,
And claim cause for them.

Perhaps our being over close
To the noise and color
Of the Great Blooming
Creates in us this confusion.

For some,
Who have it from a silent source,
Say that the world
Is really a Great Flower,
And if we could get there,
To that place of light and silence,
The opposite of the present --
We could watch the Great Unfolding.

And we would see
These humps which men call revolutions
Are but petals
Unbending --
Not without pain--
In the Sun.