Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Population Explosion & The Inevitable Triumph of Consciousness

The present world situation is largely one of turmoil, confusion, and generally fear generated by “…forces … now raging and running wild; their effect is almost tangible (being in etheric substance) and factually and visibly present under the control of the Black Lodge.  This Lodge uses the voices of lying propaganda, the Word of death and the Sound of the densest aspect in manifestation—the sound of power in the mineral kingdom.” The Rays and the Initiations p. 192.  In this somewhat esoteric remark, Master D. K. was probably referring to the periods leading up to and including the first couple of years of WW2.

In terms of the energies and ferocity the present world situation is remarkably similar, especially in the area of lying propaganda. In fact the propaganda technology and outlets of the present dark assault make what the Axis Nations had available look like child’s toys. Trump, the self-proclaimed master of the Art of the Deal, puts out more lying propaganda that reaches more individuals via his Twitter account in one day than the entire third Axis network could do in a year.

Only about 10% of the present world population were living before and during the WW2. But seriously, the situation then was, at least graphically and physically, much more dire than the present. Actual bombs were falling all over Europe. Americans from all over the states were being killed in action. “This attempt to hinder the planned progress constituted a definite menace and indicated a supreme danger and problem. The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time.” Externalization of the Hierarchy P. 493, 4

As we all know our, literally heart driven, scientists were able to “download” the formulas and create adequate technology to harness atomic energy before the Retrogressors. Thus did we triumph and humanity create the United Nations.

A factor of similar consequence today is what could be called the atomic explosion of human consciousness. Most humans being identified with their dense bodies have not been conscious of the fact of reincarnation, and where it has been considered it is usually a ridiculous concept regarding persons reincarnating as dogs or what have you. However, in the last 40 years or so, world population went from 4.5 to 7.6 billion. 1,000,000,000 of those souls incarnated within the last 10 years.

As we know, human consciousness has been expanding for several millions of years from its self-conscious state into what we call group consciousness. Currently, there are 7,632,819,325 incarnated individual units of consciousness, or souls as we call them presently on the Planet. For those who understand the fact of reincarnation and the workings of the unfolding Plan it is easily conceivable that a significant percentage of these 7+ billion reincarnated souls have over many reincarnations evolved into relative levels of group consciousness, and are well aware of the underlying retrogressive insanity that drives individuals such as Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

To, discriminate quickly, and a bit superficially, between self and group consciousness: Basically, most humans are at this late date at least partially group conscious; however, the majority are still self-conscious to a degree that they are driven by their self-conscious identifications. Basically, they are identified with their dense physical bodies. They very much believe that they are mortal and will unavoidably die. They largely discount the reality of the multidimensional Cosmos or anything such as an immortal “soul” or consciousness within which they actually exist and live. They are also largely so identified with form life and the intellect that they cannot easily understand or process abstractions or aspects of non-dense Reality such as Ideas or Principles of Cosmic Physics: Equality, Justice, and Freedom, Beauty, and Truth etcetera.

Relatively more group conscious individuals may or may not belong to some organized dense physical plane group. Membership in such a group does not, as it was supposed in the earlier years of the last century, signify group consciousness. Group consciousness is usually an inborn almost unconscious knowledge or wisdom that while one is indeed an individual with free will, one is not separated from, superior to, or more worthy than any other sister or brother. Differences in physical appearances or customs are not subject to being categorized as to value of bad or good, but are seen as examples of the natural diversity of Creation which is seen in all of the Kingdoms from the mineral through the animal and human. Relatively group conscious individuals are usually quite able to use intelligence to formulate their inner understandings of Ideas and Principles; however, they realize the formulations are not really either the ideas or the Principles but are temporary embodiments or manifestations of them. Group conscious individuals are not idealists or locked into any kind of exclusive or so called perfect form which, “at the moment of perfection loses its usefulness.” A Treatise on Cosmic Fire P. 583 

That said, the numbers of reincarnating units of consciousness are growing daily. Census data from 2015 shows that roughly 11,000 American individuals turn 18 years old every day. It is quite likely, and given the demonstrations we have had of teenagers the world over speaking out regarding the stupidity of guns and other civil and political issues, more than likely that they were born with a good degree of group consciousness.

We do not discount the power and ferocity of the present display of insanity that is being showcased in the actions of the Retrogressive forces being seen at work in a number of the planet’s most powerful nations. What we do say is that we have been here before, and we have triumphed.

Because of advances in electronic technology that were unimaginable 70 years ago the effects that then were “almost tangible (being in etheric substance) and factually and visibly present” are now overwhelmingly tangible and, what’s more very visibly present in international media. The impact of this present assault while generating much tension and some discouragement is also exposing the formerly hidden power structures and insidious agendas of the retrogressive forces. There is now in incarnation on the planet a more than sufficient number of group conscious or “woke” individuals in all nations and cultures to understand what is happening.

We could look at the current situation as the third stage of the World War started by the Retrogressors in 1914. This third stage which is actually the last gasp of the Retrogressors is being waged mainly on the emotional and lower mental planes. We ended stage 2 which was waged on the dense physical plane, was enormously destructive, and involved huge sections of the planet with an atomic explosion. The cleanup was horrendous.

We are ending stage three with the Population Explosion. Because of the presence of a critical mass of wok or group conscious sisters and brothers this will lead to the conquering and cleaning of the emotional and lower mental planes of fear and despair, lies and sophistry or as it is presently known alternate truth.

The cleanup will be transforming and transfiguring but, hopefully, not so messy. Heart generated Light, Love and Power will once again triumph. Soon! Count on it; after all, it has been more than a 100 year war. But, do not take my word for it. This is a comment from Master D.K.

 “The determination and the inner purpose of humanity will be so definite during the period when the Sun will begin to move northward—from December 25th until June 22nd, 1942—that the future of humanity for many hundreds of years will be decided. From that decision will date the coming New Age; on that decision, the Hierarchy will be able to make prediction and determine action; in that decision will be discovered the point in evolution of the mass of men. I urge you to face the future with strength, to free your minds from all vestiges of doubt, and to know (in your own life and for the race) that the forces of materialism and cruelty will not triumph. Again I say to you, the Hierarchy stands. Go forward with assurance.” Externalization of the Hierarchy P. 337

We all know how that turned out.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Numerous actions of our current President and the individuals with whom he has surrounded himself are being legally challenged for various kinds of crime. These challenges have produced a Special Counsel Investigation which has produced a number of guilty pleas by individuals employed in high levels of the U.S. Government. Also, a number of other Federal and state investigations are underway concerning individuals associated with either his administration or campaign.

However, his recent actions concern the arresting and imprisoning of people seeking asylum in the United States and taking their children away from them, without either their consent, or even, in numerous cases, their realization that the children were being taken, and held in literal chain link cages with little or no professional MSW Children Service workers, nurses, or qualified staff of any kind. These actions have evoked a huge outrageous response from millions of people around the world over the abhorrence of the immorality and fascist nature of his actions.

The actions are being challenged in a number of court procedures on legal grounds. Child abuse is a crime, and placing the children in danger, and causing them untold physical and psychological damage are legal reasons that may be used to prohibit such actions. The moral or immoral aspects, actually the motives that drive the intentions of these actions, do not seem to be a part of the legal action. Fascist immorality is apparently not a crime.

This begs a question. What, exactly, does moral mean. According to Dictionary.com, moral is an adjective “concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.” And it lists a number of synonyms: “virtuous, good, righteous, upright, upstanding, high-minded, principled, honorable, honest, just, noble, incorruptible, scrupulous, respectable, decent, clean-living, law-abiding.”

And once again we encounter the ancient wall of intellectual sophistry. The motivation that generated the intention and the action that implemented these cruel and inhumane conditions which are actual crimes committed against children was, we are expected to believe,  the "high minded and noble" effort to “make America Great Again” by protecting America from hordes of invading rapists, murderers, and assorted vermin.

The sad fact is that many of our brothers and sisters actually "believe" this. Who is to say that this or that motive is immoral?  Who is to say that the motive to create a "super race" of brilliant (probably white, and maybe a bit yellow but certainly not brown or black!) people who have self-acclaimed superior understanding of what is good or bad, is not moral? This has been and is the issue that is being used by not only “immoral” individuals, but actual amoral individuals to gain, keep and wield power from the get-go.

It is as obvious today as it was thousands of years ago, that it is this driving will to gain, keep and wield power over others that is motivating dictators, oligarchs, and would be kings such as Trump to take these cruel and actually illegal actions. This is and has always been the driver of every despot that has ever walked on this Earth.

I find it impossible to discriminate between the reasons that Trump and his administration are putting forth to justify their actions and the reasons used by many other ancient and modern wannabe makers of something great again. Take for example, the Holy Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition. This effort to make the One True Church pure or great again went on for over 200 years. It tortured millions, and burned tens of thousands to death all over the world and all in the name of purifying it of heresy by exterminating random non catholic and other assorted, actually catholic, heretics.  Or consider the reasons and actions that were used by individuals to enslave some 12 million African people in North And South America, or the reasons and actions the Nazis used to exterminate 6 million Jewish people to create their Super Race.

There is no intellectual effective answer to this issue. The vast majority of historical Rulers, Kings, Emperors, Monarchs, Khagans, Caesars, and Tsars were, and are highly intelligent individuals. Many of them, probably most, actually believed that they were appointed to rule by some god or inner voice or other. The primary motive of many of their actions was to protect their hold on and to increase in any possible way their power.

Most of this was carried out in the name of some great sophistic moral principle such as to "Make America Great Again". It, of course, had  and has nothing at all to do with what was said to be moral or immoral. For example, it included murdering (or to use the present mode of eliminating annoying persons,) "firing" any individual person or persons or declaring war on any other power holder who may be seen as a threat.

In strictly intellectual terms, the list of synonyms given above and the basic terms of “good and bad” mean whatever anyone declares them to mean. They are all abstractions. Abstractions cannot be either qualified or understood by Intelligence. Abstractions are not things or forms that can be intellectually measured, or given measurable identifiers. Hence, they mean whatever anyone declares them to mean.

The Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." There is a clear strain of individual American citizens who feel, as the pigs who controlled the government in Animal Farm did, and as a person who has a three hole golf course on his private property in Southern California, and said the water use laws do not apply to him, does that "Some people are more equal than others."

That this Feeling is not based in any kind of rational or coherent Law of physics is obvious. However the persons who feel this way use all of their highly developed intelligence to create social, economic and governmental systems to implement these feelings in systems that fulfill their deepest desires. The Common Good and General Welfare are absolutely irrelevant.

The problem is that it is generally understood that Liberty and Justice and other such Principles have no innate meaning or significance that is independent of any form that anyone employs to manifest them. So actually, for those who are not able to grasp or comprehend the innate quality of such self evident Principles of Cosmic Physics these terms literally mean whatever any one says they mean.

The history of the very long and painful evolution of Humanity is largely the history of very intelligent but woefully ignorant individuals or groups trying and ultimately failing to "Rule the World". In every case these world conquerors have been opposed, and ultimately defeated, not so much by individuals, as by these very Principles of Evolution which drive what we call the Heroes of Humanity.

These dramas, some of which took centuries  to work out and others which required only a few years or so, have usually ended by generating very painful and dreadful suffering for multitudes of others, and with the would be world rulers walking around in circles looking for a horse or being eventually assassinated by the next would be ruler. The present drama we are facing which involves a would be king and the usual collection of lickspittles and greedy sycophants, is getting very near the end. The end is, as it has ever been, unavoidable.

This is the meaning and significance of morality. If it is moral, it promotes the inevitability of what some call The Great Unfolding.  It could as easily be called be called Science, but we know it as Evolution.