Saturday, September 29, 2018

Triumph is Unavoidable

Two things:
1. Energy Follows Thought.
2. There are no coincidences.

Since early in 2015 a group of service oriented sister and brother meditators using specifically designed “action” meditations have been making a concerted effort to bring Light in the form of the energy of Synthesis and Equilibrium into specific targeted areas and arenas on the planet. No specific outcomes or situations are outlined or expected. Our effort and function is to direct these specific energies into fields of human interaction where decisions which would impact large sectors of the Unfolding Plan are being considered and made.

Over the past 18 months many of us have been “targeting” the U.S. Capitol including the House and Senate chambers, and the various meeting rooms.                                      

As we know, “Conflict in the extreme, followed by quick evolutionary change, relatively speaking, will manifest wherever the Synthesis energy is applied.” Ashramic Projections P. 174.

The “field” is not simply the dense physical planes. It is multidimensional and complex beyond our ability to encompass. On what dimension and what the specifics of any “changes” would be, what they would look like, and how they would happen is not part of our work.

We also need to understand the relativity of “quick” change. The fact is that what is changing is a huge and ancient field of imbalance. This “field has many, many aspects and factors, among which the re-balancing of the female/male relationship of Humanity is one of major significance. Our efforts as a major “channel of expression”,  Destiny of the Nations P. 20, provide a channel and additional will power to the inflowing cosmic forces of Synthesis and Equilibrium to a specific arena in which our sisters and brothers  are endeavoring to impact serious and powerful decisions that enable the unfolding Plan.

Although our efforts are not directed toward specific occurrences it would be wise and helpful for our understanding of how the Synthesis/Equilibrium energy works and to recognize its effects when we see them. Here are two recent examples:

The voluntary appearance of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, as a victim/survivor, witness of a sexual assault committed by Judge Kavanaugh a nominee for the United States Supreme Court in hearings presently being held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The appearance of two women, Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Archila, blocking an elevator door and confronting Senator Jeff Flake, an individual who was already deeply troubled by these hearings presently being held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

(Probably most of the individuals who read these blogs are familiar with these events, if not please read either the NYT’s or Washington Post’s reporting of them.)

The Point:
Neither of these events is a coincidental happening.  Both of these events are direct effects of the fact of cosmic physics that Energy Follows Thought.  As I said, the scope and depth of the Great Unfolding is well beyond our imagination, let alone our comprehension.

I am not saying our work directly caused these events. However, our meditative efforts are a part of that great effort. What I am saying is that these two very significantly timed events were the effects of Thought driven energy.

The ways of the Great Unfolding are truly infinite and quite Beautiful. In the words of MM,

“From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we conquered”.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Every Heart Helps

The assault of the Retrogressive Forces on the foundations of our Democracy has been growing in fury and ignorance. Over the past six or seven months. It is reaching a point of climax now.

Knowing that in fact, energy follows thought, the Heart linked Sisters and Brothers with whom I work have been for some years now focusing an appearance of a field of radiating energy or a thoughtform within the chambers where the US. Senate and House of Representatives meet. The frequency which this particular thoughtform radiates is a synthesis of Will, Love, and Manifestation. The objective is to clear the fields in which the processes of government work of retrogressive energies and disruption, and to support the Principles of Democracy, Life, Liberty and Justice for All.

This effort is particularly important at this time and every heart will help!

The process is simple. The procedure suggested for this effort below is a scientific alignment of higher dimensional Powers and is being used by a number of sisters and brothers. However, all one has to do is link heart to heart with the group that is doing this work visualize and consciously direct, however you like, pure love pouring into those chambers.

The Procedure
Visualize and consciously link through your heart, with the heart linked group of individuals. Personally knowing any of them is not an issue. Just know that there is a group of heart linked sisters and brothers participating in this Service.

Align with the Higher Forces Christ, The Avatars of Synthesis and Equilibrium Shamballa, the Heart of the Sun, and the Central Sun:

Stand receptive to Light flowing from Sirius into and down this alignment into the heart of the group.

With an act of the Pure Reasoning Will direct this Light of the group heart through the Statue of Freedom* (A Woman) on the top of the US Capitol into the Capitol building, through the dome of the Capitol.

Visualize the Light anchoring in the Capitol Rotunda spreading horizontally in a 360 degree wave that flashes throughout the building moving as Light through any presence of darkness.

Focus again in the group heart and pulse a stream of Light from Sirius directly down the same alignment. As the Light enters the Rotunda, see it split into two streams one moving into the chamber of the House Of Representatives (left) and the other into US Senate (right).

Within each chamber, see this Light spontaneously form as a sustained, large spherical Sun like field of energy radiating the entire chamber with the energy of Pure Reasoning Love.

Fix the image in place with Word of Power, The Great Invocation.

Know that this Presence will remain radiating in the space. Energize this field every day at various times. Psychic energy follows clear heart thought in “notime”.

It's Fun

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Outrage Is Not Out Of Line

Again, to not realize that we are involved in an actual battle with retrogressive forces arrayed against the Principles of Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all, is to be either asleep or childishly naive.  These forces have captured the power centers of our Government. The immediately significant events which are being constantly ginned up and rammed into the battle by the retrogressive forces ensconced in the beachhead we call the White House have not only local, but  global repercussions.

We may not be under assault on the dense physical by armed goose stepping followers with machine guns; however the assault by these same goose steppers in 800$ suits is going forward on the dense physical at blazing speed with devastating effect in all areas of our national and global lives. Every Executive Department of Government: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education,  Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State, Interior, Transportation, and  Veterans Affairs, is headed by a person who is usually a member of the wealth/power class of the Republican Party and generally not qualified by experience or knowledge of the department’s mission. Their personal mission is to dismantle any aspects of the department’s responsibilities that tend to support the Common Good and General Welfare with the ultimate goal of maintaining the grip of the super wealth/power class on our Government.

So, while not racking up body counts of armed troops, the damage being done to our human support systems such as the health and welfare systems, transportation systems, educational systems, and the air water, and the general environment is very serious. Also, the damage being done to the planetary collation of free democracies may be even more disastrous.

Our final weapon to respond to this Nazi like blitzkrieg is the vote which is also under extreme attract by these retrogressive forces. Meanwhile, each of us has a heart and a mind. We can each think and act. Occasionally, even Outrage is not out of line.

Being conscious of the seriousness of this assault on human dignity and freedom is priority One. Think about it. Imagine how we can, and how we will continue to make Earth a Planet of Kindness, Compassion, mutual Love and Respect.

Also support with your thoughts and actions, and your cash if you have any, the Light Workers who are actually running for elective offices all over the place.  You can tell who they are by how they feel, by the frequency they emit. You know that. It’s what the heart sees. Trust it.