Guess What!
are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
Buckminster Fuller
The time will come when people will be
compelled to turn to a more subtle mode of thinking. Evolution is created by
man himself and nothing can impede it. Even the present state of evolution will
in the long run serve a good purpose as a unique tactica adversa, for in his
attachment to technology man will drive himself into such a dead end that no
way will be open to him but to turn to the joy of the Subtle World.
Supermundane #366
We have all read many books and seen lots of movies about the “future.”
What was futuristic in most of these books and movies was the technology. We
knew it was the future because it had space ships, ray-guns, photon torpedoes.
Different kinds of people lived on different planets in different parts of the
Otherwise, it all seemed the same: The same old people with the same
old problems of selfishness, race superiority, greed and lust for power. They
just had fancy new stone axes.
There were good people and bad people. The main persons, both the good
and bad, and both female and male are of a superior class: Admirals, Captains,
Princesses, Dukes, Presidents and so forth. The bad people were fighting to
maintain their material status, their possessions, and their power over the
good people.
Nations or groups of planets were at war with other nations or groups
of planets over imagined race and value differences. The reasons for the wars
were identical. The only thing that had changed was the weapons.
In the books and movies, at great loss, good people “win”. However,
eventually some new good people, have to do it over again.
In short, any of these events could have been occurring at practically
any time we know anything about in the last 6 or 7 thousand years. One thing we
do know is that during those years, the human dense physical body did not
change in any basic way.
True. Underlying the tales in some of the more thoughtful episodes of
Star Trek and Star Wars there are discussions and themes of Human rights and
Principles. However, on the whole the only thing that changed was the
technology, particularly the technology we used to get around on the planet, or
now, in the Galaxy and kill each other.
It is obvious that the future is not about better tools. The printing
press which did not appear until 1400, the wondrous electronic technological
advances we have been making over the past 100 years, none of this is evidence
of human evolution or humanities Future. “People love to listen to news and to
receive toys, but few are ready to refine their consciousness.” Fiery world Part 2 1934
Human evolution is not about the technology we invent. It is about how
we use the technology. In
fact, technology can be, and in many cases always has been, used as a
retrogressive and inhibiting force to human Evolution. Consider the use to
which retrogressive forces have used the technology of Media. They generate a
constant stream of hysteria, fear and hate filled thoughtforms which dominate
and delude large sectors of the public. They generate powerful images which
play on people’s desires and fears to buy anything from miracle pills to golf
courses. The use of technology to further the divisions and separations of
individuals into classes of poor and wealthy, the rulers and the ruled are
indicators of the blocking or inhibiting of evolution.
So if not technology, what, exactly, is the Future? Numerous
dictionaries say something like the future is “the period of time that will come
after the present time”. Not very helpful.
or Evolving
From an overview of human history—at least the 5 or 6 thousand years about
which we know anything—it seems like the same old merry-go-round. Rather than
evolving we have simply been revolving. But if we know what to look for, if we
look under or through at what is going on behind the technology upgrades, and
the endless competition for wealth and power, the future may be closer than we
Deep in the middle of all of this, at the very core of it, Humanity has
evolved. We have made actual advances into the real Future. Even in ancient
times there were human beings among us who knew and struggled, usually at the
cost of their liberty or lives, to model the Future, and there were many others
who did not know, but sensed, or felt that there was something more in us,
something well beyond our dense physical vehicles.
What that something was, was never anything that could be measured in
any verifiable way. Yet, it could be expressed, modeled, demonstrated by the
way we lived. We know about the heroes of history who struggled endlessly
and mainly died to move that something closer to a realization for all of us.
We were/are not so aware of the millions of
others who watched and learned and tried to emulate the behaviors of those
heroes. Mothers and fathers struggled to raise their children to be conscious
of others and to understand that we shared a basic sameness in terms of the
needs for understanding and compassion. Hundreds of millions of people worked
to live good lives of caring and serving and gradually those principles grew in
all of the planet’s societies.
These virtues of Humanity are and were
present in all cultures. This is the something who we are. This something is what
we call Consciousness. Consciousness is actually nothing, No-Thing. Consciousness
is the harmony, the balance, the compassion and love, the recognition of and
the joy in our realized Oneness. Humanity is becoming more and more conscious
of this Reality, of who we are.
= Future
These advances, eked out over millions of years, have to do with the
future, with the expansion of consciousness within the human being. Rather than
simply revolving and doing the same mindless and heartless things with different
tools, this expanding consciousness gradually generates an evolution from the
ignorance of identification of reality with our dense physical bodies and our
material possessions what we call “self-consciousness” to a deeper
understanding and awareness of the Knower, “A point of Light within a greater
Light.” This is what we call “Group Consciousnesses”.
This evolving realization that we are in fact one Humanity carries with
it a deeper and growing understanding of the Reasons why we are alive, and the
Laws by which we govern how we live. This is what has been growing and is now blossoming
in Humanity.
Opinions of current one dimensional science concerning the appearance
of humans, depending on what qualifies as “human”, go anywhere from 3.2 million
to 300,000 years. However there exists Science that is not bound by the one
dimensional illusion of Reality that indicates this experiment has been
underway for much, much longer.
“The sons of God shot forth
like arrows from the bow. The forms
received the impulse and lo! a God was born. The tiny babe knew not the great
event." A Treatise on White Magic P. 441 “Old
Tom Aside
short story is that Earth evolution was stalled because the form that had been
evolved to carry the Human frequency, “the animal man”, could not make the next
step, from animal to Human Being, without the “spark of mind”. This “spark of
mind” was supplied by highly advanced beings from Earth’s “alter ego”, Venus.
These were “The sons of God shot forth like arrows from the bow.” The result
was a being with an animal body that had a mind that could interact with the
brain. However it took a very long “time” for that to become successful.
of the above is a very simplified version of these Cosmic events. For a much
deeper version we could search “the lords of flame” in the Bailey books. Here
is one link to some core data:
implanted a germ of mind in the secondary group of animal-men who were ready
for individualization. This group, for a
long time, was unable to express itself, and was most carefully nurtured by the
Lords of Flame, nearly proving a failure.
By the time, however, that the last subrace of the Lemurian root race
was at its height it suddenly came into the forefront of the then civilization,
and justified hierarchical effort.” Treatise
on Cosmic Fire P.1148
“This took place twenty-one million years ago. Cycles passed and when at a later date the
sun was in Leo (approximately eighteen million years ago) the first instances
of coordination between brain and mind took place and the human being was
definitely self-conscious.” A Treatise on
White Magic P. 441
So, from an actual scientific point of view, we have been at this business
of evolving for a very long time. We have been “self-conscious” for something
like 18,000,000 years. Our “recorded history” of this time is only 6 to 7
thousand years.
I could make a pages long list of events and happenings that have
occurred in just the past 500 years that signify the astounding speed up of the
progress of the evolutionary growth of consciousness from the separative
delusion of “self-consciousness” to the reality of group consciousness. Here
are just two examples circa early 15 hundreds that are simply not recognized
for what they actually were: 1. Martin Luther’s nailing of a copy of his 95
Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church, and 2. Henry
8’s booting the Pope out of England.
These and other like events in the 15 and early 16 hundreds initiated
huge steps in the freeing of the Human mind, at least in the west, first from
the vice like grip of the Dogmatic Rule of the Catholic Church. This led to
vast reductions in the power of the Church, numerous centuries long wars all
over the Western world, the dismantling of Royal Rule and the appearance of
Human evolution is about the growing realization of the innate presence
of the Free Will of every single human Being and major efforts to implement
that knowing in political, social, and economic policies that see and serve the
Common Good and General Welfare as the corner stones of Human Life on this
planet. There are literally thousands of examples of the evolution of self-consciousness
to group consciousness. Consider the creation of the United States
Constitution, The Emancipation Proclamation, Women’s Suffrage, worldwide Labor
Movements, the triumph of democracy over fascism in WW1 and 2, the creation of
the United Nations, etcetera, and etcetera.
So, here we are, January 2019, a mere 500 years later. This is an
eye-blink in our 18 million year evolutionary history! Think of what was going
on only 500 years ago.
In 1990, 29 measly years ago, there were 5.3 billion people on the
planet. Recent United Nations estimates place the human population of the planet
to be 7.7 billion.
Although the evolution of consciousness is still not recognized by
current one dimensional science, consider the possibility that a significant percentage
of these 7.7 billion units of consciousness or “souls” have through the
unavoidable process of reincarnation over the past 18 million years evolved
from a state of self consciousnesses to the synthesis of group consciousness.
Each one is one. And at the same time, each one is either consciously
or instinctively aware of a kind of belonging or unity with all of the rest of
Humanity. This is what Synthesis does.
It is the observably growing presence of the synthesis of self and
group consciousness in the Human or 4th Kingdom that is driving the
evolutionary changes we have been witnessing over the past few hundred years.
We expect those who are still mired in the delusion of materialism to
scoff at these possibilities. However, for those who have even a glimmer of an
open mind The Future, in spite of all the theatrics, pain and suffering being
inflicted not just on Humanity but on the entire planet by the retrogressive
minded ones, is indeed bright. For many the Future is here now.
The 2 questions we each need to answer for ourselves are Really,
Who and Where are we NOW?
As Buckminster Fuller, and the
Ageless Wisdom has pointed out, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Ageless Wisdom has pointed out, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Tom Carney
January 2019