March 13, 2019
We all know how everything seems to go quiet, sort of stop
just before a big deal is about to occur. The space of the silence and the
energy level of the arriving event vary depending on a whole bunch of things.
It’s where one is tuned in that matters.
Many of us have had the experience of watching the sunrise
from the ocean…how we can literally feel it long before the Light actually
breaks the horizon. It is that kind of coming that is moving through many of
our Sisters and Brothers.
Endings always are signals of beginnings. Sure, there is
much of chaos swirling about now, but that is the way of chaos when the Light
approaches. It is a kind of unavoidable energetic reaction to the end of the
darkness. In the end it has zero effect on the coming harmony.
An old poem.
The Reappearance
No, I doubt it.
He won't pop in-
Or up-
Like some well-done piece of
Morning toast
Ready for buttering or jellying.
Roses reveal themselves
Petal by petal,
A process of fluid motion.
No--I really do doubt it.
There won't be any news flash
Announcing an incredible event-
Or a freak-
Occurring at some unexpected moment
Like a train wreck or skyjack.
I watched the sun rise
From a dark November sea.
It slipped up-gradually,
Turning blacks
To burning oranges,
Palest blues and deepest pinks.
Gently it came,
But irresistibly-
Until it dominated the sky
And was the only Star.
Even then it caught one or two by surprise.
Lots of love
Things End! Things Begin!
e are well into phase three of
the world war that was initiated by Retrogressive Forces in 1914. The first
phase known, as WW1, ended in 1918, the year before the last seven year cycle
of the 100 year Plan that Hierarchy initiated in 1825.The second phase, WW2, in
which the Forces of Light also triumphed, was from 1939 through 1945.
Since the forces of Light also
possessed the Atom bomb, total war on the dense physical was no longer an
option for the Retrogressors. However, they have still initiated any number of
“small” wars to gain their ends: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, for example. The
third and probably last phase of this struggle has been raging on the emotional
and mental planes since.
In each of these wars, the forces
of Light have been engaged in the ongoing struggle over the Evolution of the
Plan with ancient Retrogressive Forces. (See Milton’s
Paradise Lost book 1 and 2 for a detailed review of The Retrogressors’ long
range counter Plan to the Plan, and A
Treatise On The Seven Rays V P. 350) Recall that by1400, “an
intense differentiation and crystallization among the nations and governments
of the world” Treatise on White Magic p.401 had reached a peak. In response to
this a Conclave of the Hierarchy was called in1500. The objective of this
Conclave “…was to determine how the urge to integration, which is essentially
the keynote of our universal order, could be hastened, and what steps could be
taken to produce that synthesis and unification in the world of thought which
would make possible the manifestation of the purpose of the divine life which
had brought all into being.” Treatise on
White Magic p.402
The Retrogressive Forces
obviously responded to this effort with their usual tenacity and skill. The
history of the planet over the past five centuries documents Humanity’s very
bloody struggle to evolve from the separative consciousness of literal ownership
and rule of individuals by a powerful few to the group consciousness of freedom
and recognition of each one’s free will and the government of, for, and by the
People. This bloody struggle, culminating in the first two stages of the most
recent world wars, ended with the immediate obliteration of the cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the immediate deaths of roughly 110,000 human beings of
all ages and sexes, and roughly another 110,000 over the next several months.
It seems that it has become clear to all that at this point in human
history, another round of war on the dense physical plane would result in total
devastation of the planet. However, as I
said we are now deeply involved with Retrogressive forces in the third and, so far,
not quite so relatively bloody stage of this battle. In his remarks regarding
the 1500 Conclave (the beginning of the 16th century), D.K said, “…this state of affairs marks the summation of
the period of separativeness and the end, before so many centuries, of this
intense distinctiveness of thought.”
(What “not
so many centuries” means is ponderable. Remember, the documentable
knowledge of the human relations of our history goes back some 6 or 7 thousand
years or 60 or 70 centuries. So the 5 centuries since the 1500 Conclave is,
“not so many.”) What this comment means
in simple English, is that consciousness has very rapidly evolved over the past 5 remarkably bloody
centuries sufficiently to shift the balance of the focus of Humanity away from
the self-centered illusion of the
individual being totally separated from and consequently involved in a battle
for survival with all other human beings to the conscious realization of the inclusiveness
of the One Humanity and thus into “that synthesis and unification in the world
of thought which would make possible the manifestation of the purpose of the
divine life which had brought all into being.” Treatise
on White Magic p.402
So, now in the last seven year cycle of the100 year plan initiated by
the Hierarchy in 1925, we approach the “Three Linked Festivals”. These festivals--Aries,
Taurus and Gemini,--are the in-breath cycle for the greater 2019 cycle. They
initiate, register, and generate the initial formulation of the goals for the
2019 cycle. This initiating energy (Rays 1 and 7) is coming from the Constellation
Aries. Aries “…is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a
spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.” Esoteric Astrology p.92
2018 started the last seven year cycle of the 100 year Plan that
Hierarchy initiated in 1925. As we know, the sun enters Aries in 2019 on March
20th at 2 PM P.S.T., and the full moon is 3 hours and 44 minutes
later on March 20th at 5:44 PM P.S.T. The 2019 cycle has two full
moons in Aries.
It is inconceivable that the Planners were not aware of these facts when
they initiated the 1925 Plan. We can only wonder at the nature and power of
these incoming “Spiritual Impulses”.
We have noted the increasing speed with which hugely significant world
events are occurring. You could say that things are being wrapped up in
preparation for the initiation of the 2025 100 year Plan. Another remarkable
event to consider is why this explosion of the number of units of consciousness
who have incarnated into the denouement of the 1925 100 year cycle?
Living Plan
The Plan, as we know is not some document on a piece of paper. It is
not a theory or a contract. It is a non-dense-physical organismic formulation,
a living thoughtform that has been evolving for longer than we can imagine
toward a foreseen goal through an ever expanding consciousness. The Plan as
breathed forth from Hierarchy, our planetary Heart center, is based on a “Plan”
which Hierarchy received as a “download” or, if you prefer, an in-load or
up-load from Shamballa our Planetary Head Center. And what is seldom mentioned
or even thought about: Shamballa is also planning based on input from
dimensions higher than the Cosmic Physical Plane.
Eye Blink in Time
We need to understand that 5 centuries in terms of the 70 or so
documentable centuries of the history of the planet, to say nothing of the
millions of centuries about which our feeble concrete science can only
speculate, is an eye blink.
It is also necessary to understand that evolution contracts as it
expands. As we liberate ourselves from this physical one dimensional illusion
of Reality, less becomes more. “…a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse
taking form”. To comprehend, that is embody, a spiritual impulse is…..well this
is what our musicians, our poets, our heroes do. It is what it means to live as
a Soul, to be a caring loving person regardless of station. It is what evolution is all about.
Caught in
this fleshy density,
behind these bones,
through pulpy eyes,
arrogantly proclaims,
“I Am.”
While still
meat bound, man—
One level
living, and that the least—
see the unfolding Plan.
But freed
finally from form,
finally, finely formed—
sinews of light
And eyes
of fire—
He stands
before the Open Heart.
A seven
hued Ray streams form the sky.
I am That,
he cries, and That am I.
There is another factor involved in our evolution that because of our
“meat bound focus” does not get much attention. Evolution from our separated
point of view is a process that works from the lower dimensions up. In fact it
is the Planet that is evolving. What happens on the dense physical planes is an
effect of what has occurred on the higher Cosmic Emotional and Mental planes.
Evolution is not waiting for humanity to evolve. Humanity is evolving
because the Planet is evolving. Keeping in mind the amazing rapidity with which
Humanity has evolved in the past 5 centuries, consider this “offhand” comment
from some 65 or 70 years ago from Master D.K.
“It might be added that our planet is, in the immediate cycle, owing to
the factors I have lately considered with you, rapidly passing out of this
category, [being a non-sacred planet] and on the inner planes and subjectively
considered is a sacred planet; the effects of this transition from non-sacred
to sacred have not fully demonstrated themselves objectively. The Rays
and the Initiations p.414
The point here is that the effects are
being “demonstrating objectively”. The energy field which is relatively
rapidly becoming dominant on the planet will not be tolerable for those units
of consciousness who have not as yet liberated themselves from the bondage of self-absorption.
They will have to continue their processing on a planet more conducive to their
individual conditions.
It only makes sense. It is science. It has to do with the ability of a
form to embody various frequencies of energy. It is called evolution.