Sunday, July 14, 2019


Two great motions are simultaneously occurring. We, Planet Earth, are leaving and arriving. We are leaving the Piscean era, in which the dominant energies were Intelligence and one pointed focus, and entering the Aquarian era in which the dominant energies are Will, Love, and Manifestation. On a much larger “time” scale we are exiting the Kali Yuga Letters on Occult Meditation P. 353, and entering the Satya Yuga, Agni Yoga #511, Infinity 1, #16

Both of these motions have been going on simultaneously, in the case of the Piscean and Aquarian ages, probably for 4 or 5 centuries. In the larger case, well, a Yuga is an Age. The Kali Yuga or “black age” was 432,000 years. Who knows when its dominance began to give way to the Golden Age or the Satya Yuga?

In the Piscean and Aquarian case, the process is greatly accelerating. Almost daily now, we are being faced with worldwide politically driven upheavals and assorted atrocities. Although painful and horrible as they are, such events throughout history, even though what progress was achieved was shortly wiped out, have always been indicators of Evolution. They are indicators of and offer opportunities for significant change. (Think of the appearance of Jesus/Christ and the short time, 200 or so years, it took the Retrogressive forces to undo or cover up much of the message He brought. Or, for a more current example, look at what has been and is being done to various segments of our “Democracy” in the United States in just 2.5 years.)

The upcoming elections in the United States are the doorway to such meaningful and significant change. They offer, not another tired ride around the merry-go-round of half-way/no-way effect changes, but a serious opportunity to upgrade the consciousness of our Government. As long as the government is in the hands of “the self-crowned ignoramuses the frigidity of the Stone Age still prevails.” Infinity 1#16

I know that many, many of you are living in other parts of the One Earth, and of course, most of us realize that the boundaries which we use to designate various nations are quite meaningless in the reality of the fact that we all live in a synthesized energy field we call Earth. We know that what happens to our children, ourselves, the attacks on our liberty and justice anywhere in this unified system, happens to all of us. Also, any good we can cause to happen anywhere is ultimately good for all of us.

The One Force of Brotherhood, Reason, and Common Sense, that includes all of us, is highly engaged in preventing this from happening. And we are certain that we will prevail. However, as we have learned in centuries of struggle with these forces, the very best defense is a very good offense. Also, as we know from the painful experience, in the last 200 years, sitting around being holy and “spiritual” does not work.

The Cosmic Law of Tactica Adversa guarantees that offensive reaction. Its presence is signified by the free will of Humans to manifest it. The time for half-way efforts, or for asking, or praying, or paying for aid or help left with the Piscean Age.

Armageddon is Game Time.  What we have to work with is not our intelligence, although there is nothing wrong with a little intelligence, it is our hearts, our Love. It is our ability to Think.

Warriors of Light
The real struggle is on an entirely higher plane than the dense physical, which, as we well know, is only an effect of what happens on the lower mental and emotional planes of the infinite Cosmos. We are warriors. We possess certain skills that we have developed over many campaigns in undoubtedly many incarnations in this ancient struggle. We know Why, When and How to think. And, we understand that the word is the pedal of thought—that each word is a thunder-bearing arrow.” New Era Community #47

We realize that there is One Planet. We get that we are the One Humanity, and that there is no “off the net”.

We understand to a good degree what kind of life is sustainable for everyone. We can tell the difference between what fosters the growth of the common good and what kills it. We understand that creation that sustains can come only through the Heart.Only from the heart center can stream, in reality, those lines of energy which link and bind together.” Discipleship in the New Age I P.87

By the way, I suppose that everyone has already figured out that Thinking is Loving. It’s what we do. We used to call it meditation. Now it’s called Service. It is daily living consciously. It is being informed and consciously, deliberately (nothing wrong with a little 6th ray either) thinking or (another way of looking at Love), Empowering ideas or Images of Truth through conscious, deliberate action on whatever plane that works for the mission.

“That a situation is without solution is only imagined by those who would rely on other people rather than upon the power of their own thought. Grief experienced by others flows like the ripples of a stream; but the images of Truth, which you call ideas, rule the karma of the world. It is astonishing to see how images of Truth participate in the spatial battle. While the multitudes disintegrate in a blind fury of ignorance and betrayal, the thoughts of Truth weave their heavenly nests, which for real evolution are far more vital than any worship by entire nations. Agni Yoga #122

It’s actually a 24/7 thing. I mean, what is going on when we are sleeping? Units of Consciousness do not sleep.
Tom Carney
July 12, 2019