As you may know, Humanity is not a thing, a form. It is primarily a condition or frequency of Consciousness, and it like any other frequency of energy, appears all through the Cosmos. The issue for us, here on Planet Earth, is to use our free will to move from our eons long identification with the dense frequencies of the lower three planes of the 7th sub plane of the Cosmic Physical Plane, to an identification with the formless frequencies of the top three sub planes of the 5th sub plane of the Cosmic Physical Plane. Or as they say to shift our kama-manasic polarity to a manasic-buddhic polarity.
Now who on earth who has not spent countless hours with his, or more likely her, face buried in the tomes of the Ageless Wisdom is going to understand all of that.
This Thoughtline attempts to sort all of that out. What it all simply means is that Humanity has been evolving from its identification with its animal body and death to a realization that it is something else quite amazingly different.
This process has been going on for umpteen years, and though for some it looks like it hasn't moved an inch, we have indeed made some startling progress. Well, in this issue of Thoughtline, I try to expose some of the reality of all of that to a bit wider audience of sisters and brothers.
Rather than being un-nerved, fear full, and depressed, If we can see the present unfolding drama of our unavoidable destiny from a real scientific, long view, rather than the one dimensional delusion with which we are assaulted practically all day every day we will see that it is time to
The sun is rising, driving darkness down.
Look now. Look, already the Eastern sky
Is tinged with faint flames of morning orange.
The sun is rising, driving darkness down.
Listen now. Listen, the plaintive sweet notes of the
Mourning Dove’s call are drifting on the morning breeze.
Rejoice now, rejoice.
We have traversed the night.
We face the day.
The Sun is rising over the land.
The Son is rising in the heart of man,
Driving Darkness down.
To actually read the Thoughtline, which is a couple of thousand words you can click on this link
I would be interested in your feedback re. whether this makes any sense to you.