Tuesday, January 21, 2020

As the Kali Yuga ends, all processes actually speed up, which is why we should not regard the periods predicted in the past to be unchangeable. As the Kali Yuga ends, even half a century is not a minor period of time. Heart #446

The forces that were particularly powerful during the Black Age must now struggle for survival, and they prefer a general catastrophe to defeat. Supermundane #157

A Few Data Points
Note: I am writing this piece mostly for those sister and brother units of consciousness who have achieved Post Delusional Consciousness. Many, many, probably most of you, while being definitely Post Delusional in consciousness, (having achieved that state in prior incarnations) are not presently multidimensionally or “esoterically” informed or inclined toward detailed data regarding the source and function of the various energies that impact evolution; therefore, you may balk at the fact of reincarnation. The reincarnation into mortal physical bodies of non-mortal units of consciousness, what we call souls, who are participating in this Planetary experiment is an essential fact of Human evolution, and so, I would ask you to at least consider its rationality in terms of evolution. The following data points would be basically meaningless otherwise.

he Path of human evolution expands an individual’s awareness of Reality from what we call mass consciousness to what we call group consciousness. The section of the Path which bridges these two poles is called Self-consciousness. It is the Path of self-consciousness on which we have been crawling around for something like 17 million years. (A Treatise on White Magic p. 378) What initiated all of this was an event called The Coming of the Lords of Flame which “…occurred in the third rootrace in the fourth round.” Treatise of Cosmic Fire p.299 The Lords of Flame, “implanted a germ of mind in the secondary group of [mass conscious] animal-men who were ready for individualization [self-consciousness].” Treatise on Cosmic Fire p.1147

This journey on the path of self-consciousness, as we know from many, many, incarnations of experience and struggle, turned out to be a seriously significant undertaking. There was/is a group of ancient and highly advanced Intelligences who are violently determined to end that journey. The fact that they created a “planned distortion of the divine will….” The Rays and the Initiations P. 350. to facilitate their intention has not made our journey any easier.

So, maybe 17 million years is understandable.

The fact is, however, that our evolution from self to group consciousness is unavoidable and has been happening all along. The efforts of the Retrogressors, while a huge problem, frequently worked as a tactica adversa causing one or a few of us, (and eventually the entire incarnated group, which is what is currently under way.) at various times to draw forth from our Inner Truth the courage and will to overcome and move on. The anciently sung and chanted as well as the modern well known myths, and stories, and names of the heroes, the podvig of these Sisters and Brothers, are the deeper histories of our journey.  For all those millions of years individuals here and here there and gradually groups of us achieved a step on the path from the darkness of ignorance to the Light of Knowing.

The Great Delusion
The Path of Self Consciousness
The “secondary group of animal-men”, conditioned by the spark of mind and free will, eventually became aware of the fact that they were individuals who could choose to do whatever they wanted to do. Their identification of who or what they were shifted from the animal focus of mass consciousness to “Self” consciousness. Their immediate separative identification was still with their separate dense selves. We literally thought, and probably billions still do, that we were our dense physical bodies. So, we had an I AM! Moment!

Thus, we have the long evolutionary journey from animal man into Human Beings.

It is precisely this delusional identification with our dense physical vehicles that has been the major impediment of our evolution.  “It is the concretizing unprincipled mind which brings about all the troubles of humanity.  It is the sense of I-ness and the spirit of separative individuality which has brought humanity to its present condition, and yet even that is a part of the great developing process.  It is the consciousness of duality, and the subjectively realized and synchronously acknowledged sense of "I am God" and "I am form" which has plunged mankind into the great illusion.” A Treatise on White Magic p.614

A couple of factors regarding the nature of evolution and time need to be considered if we want to understand the enormous “leap” from the Age of Delusion to the Post Delusion Age.

It took roughly 17 million years to evolve from the Lords of Flame’s little implant to get to around 1500 AD. It has only taken 500 years to get from a Conclave of the Hierarchy in I500 to today. So, let’s forget the 17 million years bit, and just consider the period of history about which we supposedly know something which is 5000 years.

In the above noted 500 year segment of that 5000 years, numberless, significant changes or developments occurred within the dense physical and psychic lives of all Life on the planet including Human life. For one giant example, since 1500, a significant majority of Humanity evolved from being held in some relative form of slavery, from actual iron collars and chains to simply being the “serfs” or property of whichever group of supposed “Royalty” were the present “God made owners” of the land and everything on it, to being “free” individuals.

The point is not just the level or amount of evolutionary change but that it occurred in 500 years or so. 500 years in comparison to the previous 5000 years—to say nothing of the 17 million—is less than the blink of an eye. Since 1500 in virtually every Kingdom of life on this planet, huge, deeply significant changes have and are occurring.

(A few esoteric data points: This change involves the disintegration and removal of many forms besides human which vibrate to the Piscean Age energy of the 6th and 3rd Rays. It also makes it very difficult for 6th and 3rd Ray units of consciousness to incarnate or evolve with in the frequencies of the Aquarian Post Delusion Age which is very powerfully impacted by Rays 1,2, 7.)

Post Delusion
The sign of success of all this struggle and strain is summed up in the esoteric phrase “I Am That and That Am I. Mostly this exclamation is thought to mean that we, the inner unit of consciousness, usually in a flash, have finally realized that we are in actual fact our inner unit of consciousness rather than our dense physical body. On another level this realization also reveals, eventually, that we exist in synthesis. There is zero separation in the multidimensional cosmos.  We are Individuals and One with all at the same time. It is the ability to know this fact as Reality that signifies the shift from the Age of Delusion into the Post Delusional age of Aquarius.

As we know, the population of humanity has gone from 2.7 billion in 1953 to 8 billion in 2020. Within this gigantic population explosion there is a steadily growing appearance of reincarnating humans who are born knowing this. Their knowledge is not necessarily a currently conscious thing but simply a perfectly natural in inborn fact of life which they have learned during the many incarnations of their evolutionary process.

The majority of humans, who are limited by their one dimensional delusionary identification, have as yet to realize that by very far, the most significant of these changes, which is actually the Driver of them all, is this exploding presence of individuals on the dense physical plane who are group conscious.

It is, in the end, not really that difficult to discriminate between the "humanity" of the Age of Delusion and the new Post Delusion Age of Humans which is being manifested through the agency of Rays 1, 2, and particularly through Ray 7 which functions as a synthesis of the 3.The seventh ray has sometimes been called a peculiar name by Knowers. It is regarded as the "Ray of Ritualistic Decency." It aids and inaugurates the appearing of a new world order, based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression. To bring this about, energy from Shamballa (embodying the will-to-good) is fused and blended with the organizing energy of the seventh ray and then carried to humanity along the stream of love which emanates from the Hierarchy itself. 7R3 p.445

To but it simply, Post Delusion Humans are Human Beings. They tend to be neither identified with nor motivated and driven by the desires of their animal natures or bodies. To a great degree, they do not identify with their personalities or the material things that they may or may not have. They are consciously self-responsible for their actions. They do not “own” anything. They have a sense of responsibility to use whatever they do have control of for the furthering of the Common Good, and the General Welfare.

They mostly realize that they are evolving toward a more perfect union with the Light. And while they understand clearly the difference between Truth and delusion, they strive to bring loving understanding into all matters.

Welcome Home.💙

Friday, January 10, 2020

Born That Way

Born That Way

About 4-5 million individuals participated in the September 20, 2019 worldwide Climate Strike. This strike was one of a large number of earlier climate strikes held all around the world. These climate strikes were initiated by a 15 year old Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg. Greta simply decided to go on strike, and not attend school.  In August 2018, she sat outside the Swedish parliament holding a sign that read “School Strike for Climate”.

Greta has indicated that she had been influenced by the behaviors and action of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

We know that a group of students who were present at the school when an individual walked into the school killed 17 people and wounded 17 others, went on to organize the March for Our Lives. The March for our Lives, in support of legislation to prevent gun violence in the United States, had some 2 million participants in the U.S. They created a powerful on going movement to deal with the huge gun violence issues.

In both of these example individuals we think of as children, say persons between 10 and 17, were significant parts. The vast majority of the others were Individuals between 18 and 40. Together they accounted for something like 80% of the individuals actually marching.

Another example is the Hong Kong Protests that have been going on since early 2019. Data from the University of Hong Kong indicates that 50% of the protesters are in their 20ties, and 25% are between 30 and 49. The protectors are about equally divided between women and men.

And of course there are the ongoing women’s marches started in 2017 which have involved many millions of women and many men.

There is a common IDEA that drives all of the individuals who become involved. The idea is that Freedom, Liberty, and, Justice are for All regardless of anything.

There are a few hugely significant factors that are relative to the consciousness of these individuals.

A significant Number, probably the majority of them are under 40 years of age.  

They possess an unquestionable natural belief that freedom is for everyone, without exception.

They did not “learn” that while they went to vocational training school which is what the majority of the “public” schools have been turned into.

They were BORN THAT WAY.

In 2020, we’re going All IN to fight for our future. Together.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Retrogressors

I have talked often on this  blog and Thoughtline about what I have been calling the Forces of Retrogression. Long ago,I hooked these Retros up, that is I identified them as Human Units of Consciousness who refused to leave the intelligent and material accomplishments of the first Incarnation of our Planet and take up the way of the heart. "Certain units of humanity--then existent--were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them." 7R5 p.351

I know that to many of our sisters and brothers the above comment, just in terms of time, will sound weird to say the least. This has always been one of the problems of the Ancient or "esoteric" Teachings". Initially, the Teachers were dealing with humans who were infants in terms of the development of consciousness and the physics of the energy fields that manifest the dense physical planes let alone the higher dimensions of the multidimensional Cosmos. For example they had no idea why it rained or snowed. The knowledge of how and why weather worked chemically and temperature wise was esoteric knowledge. It was way out of reach of their present physical, emotional, and practically non-existent mental equipment to understand. 

Esoteric knowledge concerns the Physics of the multidimensional, inexhaustible, energies  of Infinity.  Esoteric does not mean stuff that is hidden from us. It means stuff about which we currently know nothing, or not enough to keep from killing ourselves by messing around with. Probably 80% of what an educated 18 year old knows was esoteric in Galileo's time. The knowledge of how to make an atom bomb used to be esoteric. Whether we have gained enough wisdom to keep from blowing the whole place to kingdom come or not is what the current struggle with the Retrogressors is basically about. 

Any way what I wanted to share in this blog was some data re. the the motivation, the goals and objectives that drive the thought life and hence the energy of the Retrogressors, who have been the fly in our ointment for a very, very long time. So, regarding the present rather insane, if Trump is an example, ragtag, edition of the Retrrogressors, here is just a short quotation from what D.K. had to say about their ancient and modern goals, and objectives.

This was released in roughly 1947 or so.

Problems of Humanity P.70-73
First of all, it must be recognized that the cause of all world unrest, of the world wars which have wrecked humanity and the widespread misery upon our planet can largely be attributed to a selfish group with materialistic purposes who have for centuries exploited the masses and used the labor of mankind for their selfish ends. From the feudal barons of Europe and Great Britain in the Middle Ages through the powerful business groups of the Victorian era to the handful of capitalists—national and international—who today control the world's resources, the capitalistic system has emerged and has wrecked the world. This group of capitalists has cornered and exploited the world's resources and the staples required for civilized living; they have been able to do this because they have owned and controlled the world's wealth through their interlocking directorates and have retained it in their own hands. They have made possible the vast differences existing between the very rich and the very poor; they love money and the power which money gives; they have stood behind governments and politicians; they have controlled the electorate; they have made possible the narrow nationalistic aims of selfish politics; they have financed the world businesses and controlled oil, coal, [Page 71] power, light and transportation; they control publicly or sub rosa the world's banking accounts.

The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain. They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns. Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.

Any of this sound familiar?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Delusion of Moderation

The Delusion of Moderation
You already know sufficiently about the temperance of certain characters. What is to be done when moderateness has crept into the broadest circles? Those who are seemingly the champions of good give themselves up spiritually to moderation. Fiery World II # 193

According to The New York Times, the richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.

Well, shocking as this data may be to those who like myself and Mary are comfortable, this struggle and condition has been ongoing for many centuries. So, in a way, this is a great jump. In centuries gone by, the top OOO1% owned everything including all the people.

Before the 10th century, little if anything was heard or is recorded in history about the freedoms and rights of all individuals. People were called serfs. Slavery was as common as dirt. When a king conquered a city or country, he usually won all of the people too; they like the dirt became his property.

For individuals to advance ideas or concepts that challenged this ownership of everything by the Select Few, the Kings, or the billionaires as they are now known, usually resulted in some sort of death.  Socrates, for example, got to drink hemlock. Plato was simply sold into slavery. But if discovered, the majority of those who strived to bring Light into the planet, such as Jesus, usually faced some sort of execution of which crucifixion was far from the most horrid take for example the 19 year old Joan Arc.

However, for the millions of years of Human presence on the planet the deep struggle for Free Will, for Freedom, Liberty and Justice for All has never ceased. Why would it? It is the entire purpose of evolution.

That we will eventually succeed in this endeavor is a given. And, from time to time over the millenniums various instances occurred where we were able to manifest a city and occasionally an entire nation or country in which the Common Good and the General Welfare were the basis for life. As humanity expanded from Europe into the re-discovered “new world”, the Ideas that Free Will, that Freedom, Liberty and Justice for All were natural rights expanded with them. In fact, a significant percentage of those who first came to the new world in 1620 were motivated by these Principles.

And in 1776 a miracle called the Constitution of the United States, was made to manifest on this planet through the efforts of a small group of farsighted human beings. Still, the struggle while hugely significant had only made an initial step.  Even as this miracle was being made manifest, it was poisoned with a clause that made slavery legal. To remove this flaw required the total undeviating rejection of slavery from our Constitution, and at great pain and cost of life, the total defeat of those forces wishing to divide our nation into half free and half slave.

This effort, as you know, was Civil War. There was nothing moderate or halfway about the Civil War!

Since the Principles of Free Will, of the Common Good, and General Welfare have been evolving over such as long period of time, it is difficult for those who lack a long view of planetary history to see their gradual, and I might add, inevitable evolution. These Principles have been manifesting, slowly but steadily through Humanity’s presence on the Planet. True, the motion seems to flow in spirals of progress and retrogression, each involved in the other, as the manifestation of our Constitution shows. However, the IDEAS of Truth, Justice, and Liberty for All continue to grow within the manifested consciousness of humanity.

Since 1400 the appearance of deeply significant changes in planetary life, such as discovery of the “New World” have greatly accelerated. In terms of Human Relations, it took untold centuries to evolve from Ruler/Ownership ship by the few and powerful to, say, the Magna Carta. It took only 450 years to evolve from the Magna Carta to the U.S. Constitution. It took the U.S.100 years to evolve from slavery to Freedom.

In terms of technology, In 1903 the first man made plane flew for 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet. 63 years later, we flew from 852 feet to 1,261,392,000 feet or 238,900 miles. We landed a man on the moon and returned the 238,900 miles to earth. Actual personal computers became easily available in the 1980s. Think of what computers are able to do now some 40 years later. If we can imagine it, we can probably make it.

These lists highlight change in two areas of Human Life. The most obvious is the development of technology. Not so obvious is the evolution of Consciousness.

Over these past 450 years compared to the snail pace of the previous tens of thousands of years, the shift in consciousness from the delusion of our personal identification of being one dimensional individuals, totally separate from all other humans, to the realization of our actual unity with the presently incarnated 8 billion or so other human units of consciousness—to say nothing of the not presently incarnated 52 billion units of consciousness— has literally exploded. The Community of Nations, the Allies, that emerged to defeat the last major ground war effort of the Retrogressive forces, the Axis, to dominate humanity, and the subsequent creation of the United Nations are modern major examples of this expansion of Human consciousness. We could list many, many other examples of this incredible speed up, but the realization that this explosion of realization occurred over this literally tiny bit of time (450 years) is what is significant.

In 1500, the Hierarchy began an “outreach” program to Humanity. 500 years later, in October of 1934 Master D.K. released this “The Hierarchy has for hundreds of generations sought to aid humanity, and since the fifteenth century has steadily approached closer to the physical plane and sought to make a deeper impact on the human consciousness. This has resulted in a recognition which has in it (at this time) the seeds of world salvation.”

Here we are 85 years later. Only the one dimensional blind cannot see that deep significant change is not only happening it is unavoidable, and it is happening incredibly fast.

Looking back over these past 450 years and especially over the past 85 years, what is always present, even in small examples of an individual’s evolution, is that halfway efforts, compromise, or “moderate advances” have always and only lead to a kind of carousel of suffering and disappointment. We need to understand that comprise is not a result of caution. It is a product of fear.

Caution is the consciousness of the Heart. It is simply not stupid. It was not the heart that drove Neville Chamberlain.

There is a huge difference between “compromise” and going all in in the first breath. We go as far as we can with every breath. We may pause to regroup, but even the pauses are but spaces between the breaths. We never actually stop moving. We are All In, even to death toward a given goal.

We must realize that the Forces of Retrogression are always All In. They do not compromise! To make a “Deal” with them, to compromise, means that you have already lost.
Perhaps some of you will relate to this example. I knew people who were raised in a household of cigarette smokers and then tried to quit from a “3 packs a day” habit by reducing it to 2 packs then 1 pack. Several of them eventually died from lung cancer while still smoking. Or, what do you suppose the result of Operation Neptune would have been if it had not been a total all in effort by Eisenhower?

Currently, a number of individuals who are seeking to serve as the President of the U.S. are spokespersons for something they refer to as moderation. They prefer to make progress in what they call moderate advances. The ancient con game here is that change must be very slow so that people will not become frightened that they are losing or being deprived of their property. Fear is one of the many disguises of retrogression. It is not a good adviser.
As usual, MM says it best.
 “In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid half-wayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking.

When conflagrations are strong, think monolithically. Community #238
People’s striving is always measured by their service either to Light or darkness. By this may be judged their destination in life. Thus, the worst of all is halfway thinking and halfway striving. The destroyers always build solely upon halfway striving. There is nothing worse than a halfway servitor, for he screens himself by halfwayness. Therefore, a direct enemy of Light is preferred by Us. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. Thus, halfwayness must be avoided. One should always and in all ways avoid any intercourse with halfway people. Halfwayness shown by the disciples throws them back a millennium, and therefore one should know when to affirm one’s own consciousness. Thus, the servitor of Light will not admit halfwayness. Hierarchy #302