Return to Normal or
Evolve into Reality
Everyone is vitally aware at this point that Humanity is
undergoing a deadly serious assault. This is not a “war” in which one Nation is
assaulting another. The assault does not discriminate or choose between sex or
race or language or level of poverty or wealth in its attack.
The enemy in this worldwide pandemic is a virus.
Besides having already caused more deaths than
WW1, this virus has so far generated more significant changes in the way we
live than any previous event in the recorded history of the planet including all
of the centuries and centuries of wars. However, it does seem that one of the
numerous things that the effects of this present pandemic is revealing that all
of the previous wars apparently failed to impress hard enough on us, if at all,
is the unavoidable fact of the One Humanity.
The in discriminant infecting and killing is revealing that all,
literally all of the of the wonderful aspects of Human differences, from our
individual differences to one another to the differences of race, sex, natural
origin or where we live are being seen not as superior and inferior indicators but
as variations in the manifestation of this amazing thing we call a Human Being.
Victory over this foe is being sighted as a return to
normal. Before we push this mindless thought any further, let’s have a good
look at what constitutes “normal”.
Return to Normal
The return to the normal that the boosters have in mind is
the way everything worked before the first notice of the virus’s presence in
China. In spite of the variations in various areas of daily life in the
different Nations, living was pretty much the same everywhere. The Normal that Humanity,
or “We” lived in was/is a ridiculous hierarchy of poverty and slavery of one
form or another on one end, and luxurious wealth and power on the other.
ancient situation has separated us into constantly, even if silently, warring
groups of individuals struggling for some sort of imagined superiority over
others. On one end the struggle is to at least get something to eat, but hopefully
having a decent place to live. On the other the goal is to live in luxury and keep it
that way.
This is what is going on from day to day on this planet.
This is the “normal” to which those who are near or on the top of that hierarchy
are talking about! For an in depth look at this reality go to
What is driving this is an ancient, stupid, unquestioned
belief! Over the thousands of years, the vast majority of Humans have been
literally brain washed to believe that each one of us is separated from every
one of the others of us by a hierarchy of value and worth, and that we each
were born into the slot we happen to occupy in that hierarchy of ignorance.
Each of us is then actually involved in a lifelong, dog eat dog, power
competition with every one of the others of us for virtually everything from
the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, our level of freedom,
liberty and justice within that absurd hierarchy.
The poor do what they are
told. The “middle class” do what they are allowed to buy with whatever money
they are allowed to work for. The Chosen Ones do whatever they want.
Evolve Into Reality
The presence of a pathological narcissist in the office of
the President of the U.S. coupled with this virus assault has thrown this situation
into the Light. Common Sense reveals that this situation is ridiculous! It has literally opened a door for a major evolutionary step for Humanity.
Fortunately over the past 50 years world population has roughly
doubled from 4 to 8 billion. Among these new arrivals there are more than likely billions
of group conscious individuals. These
are the ones for whom we have been waiting. They quite naturally see the total
absurdity of this system.
Some ask the Elder brothers for help. The Elder brothers
remind us of Free Will and the Beauty of Love in Action. The step is here now.
Taking it is a dense physical necessity and is totally up to us. It’s about