Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

Great Love is laid in the foundation of the Higher World. Only a similar love responds to this quality. The most manifested reverence will not reach its destination without love. What is devotion without love? Can there be fieriness in a withered heart? Following a manifestation of love, there can be expected commensurateness with the Higher World. Each subject can be studied only with love. Each difficulty can be conquered by the power of love. Verily, great Love lies in the foundation of the Higher World! AUM #80

Of all of the words in the languages of Humanity, Love is probably the least understood and most abused. Love is a name for an Energy. Love is the omnipresent linkage between Intention and manifestation.

As anybody who thinks knows, it is possible to arrive at that point in the Cosmic energy field where our senses, our media—hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell—cease to register the impacts of the intelligence generated thoughtforms, what we call data, or information concerning the inexhaustible aspects of the dense physical, the lower emotional, and lower mental planes. When this “silence” occurs, our media, through an energy medium we call Intuition, or Love registers a synthesized media experience, a beingness with the pure frequencies of the energies those thoughtforms are endeavoring to transmit. For example, once I was present in Disney Hall when Esa-Pekka Salonen conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra in Sibelius’s, Finlandia… you would understand.

These intuitive encounters with energy have no form. This is significant in at least two ways. One, they are formless, thus, other than having happened, the fact of which is registerable by all of our media, they are no thing, no form. They cannot be registered by the intellect. That is why we are usually rendered “speechless” or as Keats put it “Silent on a peak in Darian.” by these experiences. We are sort of stunned into an awareness of exactly what we are registering via our media, and all that we can initially do is be in It, and “IT” is a magnet of profound power.

This is an experience of Love. To be “in” Love, in the frequency of Love, is to know the purpose the Truth of everything. As has been pointed out, “The measure of understanding is the degree of love.” Agni Yoga #424

An aspect of the energy of Love as it works out in human beings is what we call “group consciousness”. We see individual persons and things, but simultaneously, as it were, and depending on one’s polarity we see them as unified parts of a whole of, in a way, the Plan.

When Love is the motivating power, the courage, drive, and intelligence to achieve the visioned end, regardless of the consequences to one’s self, are there. It is love that has driven every step of every Hero that has ever walked including the Heroes that took the steps that created the United States of America, and the heroes who are working today to care for the victims of the Coronavirus.

If it is Love that is motivating, the effort will be unerringly for the Common Good and the General Welfare. Love always generates unity. Any form of separation is a delusion. There is no separation in Love or Reality.

The strategy of the dark forces has always been to generate fear and hate, to dominate and rule. That is all they have. They have nothing to work with or to offer that leads into the Light. “Compared with the radiance of love, hatred is only a hideous blot.” Agni Yoga #424

The rapidly deteriorating last gasp challenge by the forces of Retrogression being displayed 24/7 on our TV sets is becoming more and more obvious like the collapse of the Axis in WW2. They are beginning to unwind as they become more and more desperate. These TV efforts are a visible part of the huge struggles on the emotional and lower mental planes that have been going on for many, many years.

In this present attack, practically every effort made to weaken the structure of our Democracy has generated a huge backlash. The struggle is an amazing display of tactica adversa, which is actually revealing the true Unified nature of Reality and the utter ridiculousness of the delusion of separativeness.

Love is the energy that is driving the sisters and brothers who are group consciously involved on the streets in “Walls of Moms” and in other numerous ways and levels in the current war to maintain Freedom and Liberty for All. It is this appearance of Love within human consciousness that is generating and revealing the evolution of group conscious development. It is this mass appearance of group conscious individual sisters and brothers that enables one to realize the falsity of those weapons of fear, hate, separation, and degradation being used by the Retrogressors and to recognize the universal inclusiveness of Humanity and the Planet.

“It is truly told about the power of love for humanity. Can one love a garden and despise its flowers? Can one worship the power of beauty and not show respect for love? I attest that the Power adorning Our Universe is confirmed as Our Mother of the World—the Feminine Origin!” Infinity #156

As Master M. long ago pointed out, “From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.
From the Beginning We conquered.” Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231 Their current sad and ignorant efforts will, as they always have, Fail. And perhaps this time it will be for a very, very long time.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Not the First Time

Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudoprophets and a pseudosavior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created. Hierarchy #145. 

Many of our sisters and brothers remain polarized in the notion that they are their bodies. They are still chained to Plato’s wall and do not realize that they are existing in a one dimensional, bottomless pit of delusionary thoughtforms. However, over the 2500 years since Plato/Socrates attempted to make such things clear, Humanity has made progress.

The intro note from Master M. was published in 1931 which was the beginning of what has become to be known as “The Fateful Decade.” In September of 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria, and WW 2 was getting underway. In 1933 Hitler came to power.

Since then and over the intervening 86 years more and more rapidly, greater and greater numbers of units of consciousness have freed themselves (With a lot of help from our Friends) from the chains of delusion. These Human Beings realize that they are immortal units of consciousness using a physical apparatus to get around on the dense physical plane of the multidimensional Cosmos.

Actually, we are presently living in and through the final of many previous collapses of the broken system that has been used to maintain the Cave Delusion for these many, many centuries. The current iteration of this ancient Retrogressive system—the same system dressed in different clothes—is called Capitalism. No matter what name is chosen to disguise it, it still means absolute rule by Kings or, more generically, the Super Wealthy. Regardless of the outer appearance of gentility and manners, it is a cut throat, amoral system of conquering, i.e. purchasing, or acquiring in some form or other, and owning anything that matters including Governments and Government officials of any level.

Most of the members of this self-appointed superior grouping hide out in their gated multi acre or in many cases multi mile estates, huge penthouse apartments, exclusive mansions, and island retreats preferring to not be too close to the mob. They fly about the planet in their private planes to cheat and play with one another. “The Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other”. Hierarchy #145 Their Corporate Kingdoms, which in the United States are recognized as “persons”, include both business and government enterprises. These psuedobodies are run for them by highly paid lickspittles and spokespersons.

Having in the last election purchased the Presidency and a controlling number of seats in the U.S. Senate, they currently own a controlling interest of the Government of for and by the People of the United States. In addition to the Presidency and the Senate, they have recently purchased two more seats in the United States Supreme Court and now have a 5 to 4 majority in that government body as well.

Well surly the collapse of another empire is at hand! Actually however, as eons of struggle have taught us, “From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we conquered.”

You will recall that in early 1942 it appeared quite likely that the Axis Forces would win the war. “They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time” Externalization of the Hierarchy p;494  However, with a little help from our friends, or The “Lords of Liberation”, the scientists of the Allied Forces were enabled to “download” the formulas for the harnessing the energy of the atom and thereby were able to produce the atom Bomb.  This they were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill.” This led to the triumph of the forces of Light in WW2. For a detailed discussion of these events see. Externalization of the Hierarchy pp 492-499

D. K. refers to this as “a stupendous world event”. He also points out that “no such move can be made by a Lord of Liberation unless humanity is ready to raise its ideal of freedom to a higher level of expression.” This intervention in 1942 indicates Humanity had at that time succeeded in that effort. The triumph over the Axis Powers, as the Forces of Retrogression were then known, resulted in the creation of the United Nations.

In the intervening 78 years Humanity has been engaged in the 3rd and final world war This one being mainly carried out on the emotional and lower mental planes has been the real war between the Separative heartless Intellect of the Retrogressive Forces and the unifying synthesizing forces of the energy we call Love or the Heart of Humanity. 

After the intervention of the Light in 1942, it was basically all over. However, the Retrogressors, having been at this effort to stagnate evolution for some 17/18 million years, are not noted for quitting.  These last 72 years, which have been more like a roller coaster than anything else, and especially these last 6 or 7 years have seen an explosion not only of 5 or 6 billion incarnating units of consciousness, but of an advanced consciousness that includes and unites, that cares, and in a word, Loves.

Can you imagine that we are going to allow this current pathetic example, the last gasp of these dinosaurs of retrogression to upset millions of years of evolutionary struggle? Not a chance!

The Avalanche of Justice and Freedom which launched this Nation, wrested  it out of the hands of these would be kings in a Civil War, utterly destroyed the last effort of these then called Axis Powers, is roaring down the mountain of Destiny and will sweep them away like so much outworn debris.

Be part of the avalanche. Think! It is Love, you know, that unimaginable Power that Thinks. Energy follows thought. Be part of the Avalanche.

Saturday, July 4, 2020


It is obvious that the future is unavoidable. However future is not a place in time. It is a place in Consciousness. While having been existing as humans for some 17 million years, Humanity, the 4th Kingdom (the mineral, plant, and animal Kingdoms being its earlier arrivals on this planet) has made painfully slow progress in terms of moving in to our future or evolving from the mass consciousness of the animal Kingdom through the essential of selfconsciousness into the group consciousness of the Human Kingdom.

It is quite obvious that human beings are selfconscious, that we see our individual selves as separate from every other individual human. It also clear that we have what we call a free will. We can choose to do what we want to do. These two facts alone discriminate the Human Being from the Animal Kingdom.

As for the rest, one could say that for eons now humans have been animals with selfconsciousness. We have animal bodies. We reproduce new animal bodies or children through a sexual process. Most of our systems of organization resemble the same systems that animals unconsciously use. We are “territorial” in that we see anything as our private property from simple items of personal use to other Human Beings and huge nations. We see those humans with the most property as the most powerful and therefore superior to humans who have less or nothing. These and many other factors are aspects of animal consciousness.

The Lion was the “King of the Jungle”, because it was the most powerful. 

The move from mass to selfconsciousness was super major. It took a very long time in the making. But what has hung us up is our inability, or just plain refusal, to evolve our separative selfconscious selves from those many aspects of our animal consciousness into our true Human consciousness, or what we call Group Consciousness. This is, of course, what the Path out of the Darkness and Ignorance and Into the Light of Reality is all about.

It is also obvious that that energy follows thought, and that what we think determines what we do and what is going to happen in the next few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years…. You get the drift.

Because of the literally outrageous attacks on the Principles of our Democracy which we have been witnessing over these past 6 years, we are being presented with amazing opportunities to demonstrate our Humanity by serving the Common Good and General Welfare. It isn’t like we have to join the army or go “overseas” to fight. This war is in our faces.

Make no mistake, it is a war in most aspects of that thoughtform. Besides the numerous and growing number of actual dense physical human causalities, we have the serious destruction or dismantling of many of our group conscious or democratic institutions such as the educational system, and the right to vote.

It is this last point, the innate right to vote, or to choose our Government, perhaps the most significant aspect of the entire concept of “Democracy” or group conscious government, that is under sever attack. Free choice is the bed rock of our evolution and was the driving principle of our 1776 revolution.

Voting is unavoidable. We vote with every thought. We make life altering decisions every time we act or do not act.  We when we breathe, when we beat our hearts, we vote.

We cannot be forced to choose anything. But we can choose to delay or put off the evolution of Democracy into greater and greater manifestations of Life, Liberty, and Justice for All for another couple of thousand years by choosing to vote for stagnation and the programs of retrogression. Or, we can choose to “Build a Lighted House, and there in dwell”.

There is no “refusing” to vote. Not voting because one’s favorite thing is currently not achievable is simply juvenile ignorance and actually a vote for the Retrogressors.

There is nothing much to say to the walking dead who simply ignore voting