The Decade of the Woman
I do not know, really, who wrote Genesis as it appears in the literature which has been passed down to us through various religious traditions as God’s word for some 3 thousand years. But the whole Adam and Eve bit simply extended one of, if not the biggest, Con jobs ever. That being that male human animals were/are superior in every way to females.
It seems obvious that the
gender role portrayed in Genesis was an attempt to explain and justify something
that had always been taking place on the planet. For as long as we have any
data, there were Kings. Kings were always superior males.
I can’t even imagine any Intendor who in the process of creating a Planet would make just one being. It is completely out of Harmony, Balance, and Reason. It indicates a total lack of understanding Science, of how Creation works, of what constitutes Reality.
To gin up some form of balance “God” took one of Adams ribs and made Eve!? So, not only was Eve a knockoff, she was the first 3D Printer, something to be used to make more copies.
“The first province in the world to award and maintain women’s suffrage continuously, was Wyoming Territory in 1869.” Wikipedia, “Woman’s Suffrage” That the planet was run more than less on this delusion for as long as we have any data up until today is a staggering example of just how powerfully it was enforced, by guess who.
However just as everything that makes any sense is actually accelerating in terms of manifestation as a commonality, Woman’s Liberation is going full speed ahead.
Liberation means gaining freedom from a prison. My sense is that the jail break has been accomplished and the Women are flooding out of their previous 3DPrinter roles and into a new EQUALITY. The thing that does not get that much attention in this huge evolutionary step from ignorance into reality is that the struggle of the women has also freed the men from the blindness of the delusion of male superiority.
There is no One. There is only Three. With this bit of Cosmic Physics in mind, we will be able to understand that the generation of additional human forms for use by units of incarnating consciousnesses, what we call babies, is always a group conscious procedure and has nothing to do with superiority!
All of the dense physical stereotypical skills and roles that have over the centuries been labeled male or female are being stripped of their sexual labels and are available to any Human Being. The next 10 or so years will be the decade of the Woman. We will continue to see the exploding effects of this Liberation as women move out of their prisons of delusion into significant roles of all aspects of Human effort.
Of course male humans will also be liberated from their delusionary prison of superiority. This may prove to be very difficult for many males. However, if we understand that this entire development is simply another unavoidable effect of the evolution of consciousness, both the speed at which it is occurring and the nature of its tendency to evolve out of the delusion of separation and into the Reality of Synthesis, it becomes quite Joyful.
As we have been seeing all though the systems of our planet, this evolutionary effect is totally an aspect of human consciousness evolving from the delusion of separation into what we are calling Group Consciousness. This condition will present an insuperable barrier to the incarnation of any consciousness that is not capable of functioning in the frequencies of Group Consciousness.
It somehow seems appropriate that this situation is being given birth in the unfolding Decade of the Woman