Over the past 4-5 hundred
years, the millions of years long evolution of animal-man into Human beings has
been experiencing what, in retrospect, is a breath taking increase in the speed
and size of the avalanche of evolutionary developments. These developments or, more
accurately, unfoldings are manifesting daily in various compartments of the mental,
emotional, and dense physical planes of the planet both on an individual and
planetary level. This increase in kinds, size, and speed is the result of the
rapidly withdrawing Age of Pisces and the simultaneously rapidly incoming
Aquarian Age.
Imagine two funnels inside of
each other.The incoming Aquarian funnel goes from narrow
at the bottom to wide at the top. The outgoing Piscean funnel goes from wide at
the top to narrow at the bottom.
Although it seems difficult for our one dimension linear sense of reality to get it, these events are happening simultaneously in fourth dimensional Reality. This process is simultaneously involving the withdrawal of units of consciousness of the 5th Human subrace of the Fifth Round and the appearance of units of consciousness of the 6th Human subrace of the 5th Round.
Thus these incarnating units of consciousness have achieved or are rapidly achieving liberation from the delusions of separative self-consciousness that has dominated most of our known history including very large portions of the presently rapidly fading 5th subrace units of consciousness of the Fifth Root Race.
These disintegrating thoughtforms are the intelligent creations of the Retrogressor’s “planned distortion of the divine will”. These thoughtforms are the base upon which our present fake reality, our social, economic and political systems have been developed. It is these distortions which generate the delusive consciousness of identification with our dense physical bodies, manifest as a separative selfconsciousness in the incarnating units of consciousness, and end in the terrifying delusion of death.
The true History of Humanity about which we have any verifiable concrete knowledge has primarily been the continuing story of humanity’s struggle to follow the path of Light through these distortions to the point of Liberation. The Path has led through unending war on every level of human interaction. The wars were and are still being fought over power and ownership of anything on the mental, emotional, and dense physical planes.
When looked at closely, what was deliberately held back and denied to the masses by those who held power was primarily education or enlightenment. The scientific realities of the Golden Age of Greece were held in secret by various religious entities who did not even notice Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato. Data or information that attempted to bring light in were swiftly and often deadly dealt with. Think of Galileo and Copernicus.
Only the enslaved can free themselves. No magic wands, no galactic forces from other planets, no interference by our Sisters and Brothers of the 5th Kingdom will do that for us. What would be the point!? It’s called Free Will and over the millions of years that we have been on this Path millions of us have had the courage and the Free Will to follow the Path into the Light regardless of the cost, the pain, the struggle. If like me you have ever wondered why you were here now….Say Hello to the future.