Thanks to TV and the internet we have recently been first row observers of the efforts to destroy the social, economic, and political systems that we have struggled to generate over the past 250 years to create our present Democratic Civilization. These systems are obviously very far from perfect. However, they do represent the rather limited progress we have made—from the get go against huge Retrogressive forces—to actually implement the Self-evident Truths, “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
So, anyway, we could say that a Nation such as The United States of America is …maybe 40% civilized, and we are struggling mightily to hold on to that. However, it is quite clear that say Equality for All is miserably uncivilized or unbalanced. For example, daily we see miles long lines of cars full of families waiting to pick up a box of food. A moratorium to prevent the eviction of some 20 to 30 million people from their apartments and homes has been extended until January 31, 2021. And they still owe the unpaid rent!
This is happening during a pandemic which as of January 8, has killed 364,029 people in the U.S. We could say this is a problem caused by the pandemic. However, the actually negative efforts from our present Federal Government, the denying, and down playing, plus the refusals to approach the problem as a Nation fractured our unified response into a deadly kind of chaos: 50 different States instead of a unified Nation unleashed the virus which pays no attention to anything human. Hence, the chaos, hence the disease spread and death count!
Another dense physical example of the effort to destroy the social, economic, and political systems that we have struggled to generate over the past 250 years occurred on Wednesday the 6th of January. On that day we a watched minute by minute a completely different virus attack on our Democracy. This was the totally planed, financed, and executed assault on the Congress and Senate of the United States of America. How much money would you suspect went into that endeavour?
The purpose of this criminal assault, which easily could have but did not explode into a ton of bloodshed, was to generate CHAOS! We really have to get that Evil is not the polar opposite of good. Good has no opposite. Evil is Chaos.
This entire event, which was a piece of a much larger program, was the implementation of someone’s intention. If we try to unpack this particular event that is to trace it back to the Intendor, we will move quickly to Donald Trump. However, a wider view will reveal that said individual is a puppet in an even deeper scenario, and finally we get to forces of Retrogression.
Actually, both of these incidents are very large examples of what is going on in various dimensions in the consciousnesses of most of us. It comes down to a question of the Intention and the Intendor. In the cases sighted, we could ask, “What was driving the decisions that were made on the highest possible level of our government? What was the intention of the Intendor behind these decisions?” Well, it certainly was not the preamble of the United States Constitution “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness….”
It was pretty obviously the desires of a deluded personality working for more power, more recognition of his personal separate value compared to others. It is actually a massive example of the kind of insanity to which the delusion of separative self-consciousness eventually leads. On that level the entire last few years have served as a giant metaphor of our evolution from delusions of a one dimensional reality where might makes right into a multidimensional Reality and a planet where certain unalienable Rights like Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for all are the obvious conditions of Life.
All of this, of course, pertains to each of our unique individual selves. This is the Path over which we have been traveling, low these many, many incarnations. There are presently 8 billion or so units of consciousness on the Planet.
The frequencies of the Light in the Human Kingdom have rapidly increased in presence and power over the past 4/5 hundred years. Obviously, there are many among the 8 billion who have equipment that is simply unable to sustain a balanced presence within these higher frequencies. The percentage of those who can, who are actually group conscious will, probably sooner than we think, likely dominate the planet. It is called Evolution. It is simply the presence of the incarnating 6th subrace individuals and the passing out of incarnation of 5th subrace individuals.
My personal fancy is that this
is what the angels were singing about at the moment some 2500 years ago. Joy
truly is a Special Wisdom.