Love the Great
As the Ancient Wisdom indicates, “Energy follows Thought”.
However, it is Will or Desire that motivates the Goal, Quality, and Purpose, of
the initiation of the thought. As Animal Men we are self-identified as our
dense physical body immersed in a one dimensional, dense physical world of
competition for personal value and meaning, and the fact of eventual
unavoidable death. Consequently, most of our actions were the results of motives
of self-preservation, or self-gratification. Or to be blunt, in whatever
situation we found ourselves, we act first for our own separative welfare and “good”.
This reality is not good or bad. Self-preservation is simply
the natural law of the animal kingdom. To the degree that we are consciously
willing to act in a manner that serves the Common Good and the General Welfare
we have evolved from the ancient, deluded identification of being our animal
bodies into a growing realization that we are in fact immortal units of
consciousness who have “incarnated” or taken on dense physical animal bodies to
help unfold the obviously multidimensional Reality in which we find ourselves.
As we know from multitudes of sources regarding ancient
history, Retrogressive Forces of Evil have resisted the evolution of the Plan
from the beginning. That these forces are presently working “over-time” is also
painfully obvious. To ignore this or treat it as something that should not
be mentioned is foolish and actually empowers it.
Likewise, to try to “cooperate” or achieve some form of
“bipartisan” agreement with these ancient evil forces is simply playing into
their game. The fact that they do not cooperate is obvious to anyone who looks
at the past 2/300 years of our bloody history.
An inexhaustible variation of the above occurs in the daily
lives of many, if not still the most, Human Beings. I am sure many of us
recognize, often with pain, the efforts to compromise and make deals with our
own struggles with the delusion we call our “personalities”. The solution of
both the macro and the micro of this situation lies in the heart centered analysis
and exposure of the MOTIVE.
On an individual level, Why! Why do we as individual human
beings do all of the things we do? All of Them!
For whose sake?
What Motivates
This Behavior?
Why are 689 million people, living in extreme poverty,
$1.90 or less a day while at the same time one single person, the “richest”
person in the U.S. possess $177,000,000,000?
Why is $741 billion, 55% of the U.S. national 2021 budget, the
projected spending for the military, and 6% or $70 billion is being projected
for Education.
Why do we have a worldwide economic system that separates
Human Beings into various categories of worth?
Why do 2,755 billionaires in the U.S. hold not just the
greatest dense physical amount of money, but the power that that money
represents in a materialistic focused world?
Who benefits from this incredibly unbalanced system?
What motivates this literally insane situation?
The motive power that drives these obscene conditions is the
blindly accepted ancient delusionary lie that we live in a one dimensional
world in which might makes right and death is the end of the road for all! Consequently,
the forces of fear, hate and greed have been major creators of the social and
political systems which we have created and through which we have had to evolve,
and in which we are still struggling.
In the present rapidly unfolding of
the Real World, harmony, cooperation, the realization of Unity and the value of
every single life form is a given. The motives that drive the thoughts that
drive the energies of those of us who are incarnating and incarnated are heart
sourced facets of Love.
The more than obvious insane chaos on all three of the lower
dimensions, physical emotional and lower mental, are the results of last
struggle of the forces of Retrogression. As Intelligence was the basic energy that created
the Earth of the first Solar System, Love is the basic energy of this
If we look at the period of time from the fifteen hundreds to
the present, we can see that our progress from the delusionary state of reality
that has created the systems of war, poverty, death, to the realization of the
existence of a Love generated system of Life, Liberty, and Justice for all has
steadily gained in power and presence.
The powers which use hate, fear, greed, and lust to block our
efforts to evolve into the true destiny of Love in manifestation are still
powerfully present. Their delusionary
programs of separation and death are no more powerful or present now than they
were three hundred years ago. However, in the recent 100 years those
retrogressive programs have become highly identified and visible as the
numbers of those who can see and understand the natural harmony and unity of
Life on earth have increased,
Evolution, of course is unavoidable. However, the speed of
this growing sense and appreciation of our Unity, not only with one another but
with the entire Planet, is not fixed. The speed of our evolution—from the
delusion of being animal men living and dying in a one dimensional reality, to
the recognition of the multidimensional Cosmos and our own immortal existence
as Units of Consciousness temporarily occupying dense physical animal vehicles—has
The old form of evolution required numerous incarnations
spread out over many hundreds if not thousands of dense physical years just to
evolve from the first initiation, the realization that one is in fact an
immortal unit of consciousness, to the second initiation which demonstrates in
the domination and control of the astral body by the mental. The “new” form of
human evolution on the planet, coherent with the ever expanding energies of the
Aquarian Age (Rays 1,2,7), as Master R lays out in Ashramic Projections PP123-125, is the taking of the 5 initiations
in three incarnations.
It is not clear just when this Hierarchical adjustment to the
Plan was initiated or how long this “new” method for human evolution has been getting
“phased in”. However, it is notable that it took over 100 years (from 1804 to
1927) for world population to grow from one billion to two billion. In just the
last 110 years the world population has increased by 6 billion and of that some
2 billion units of consciousness incarnated in just the past 25 years.
Well as the Poet Laureate Bob Dylan said, “Something is
happening here, but you don’t know what it is do you Mr. Jones!” And as the
murdered poet John Lennon pointed out, “All you need is Love!”