Friday, October 29, 2021



At an online meeting the other day, I witnessed two presentations concerning the covid pandemic. One was from an individual who related her firsthand experiences concerning the disease and interactions with a personal friend who had the disease and several others in the hospital, doctors, and nurses, who worked on individuals who had this disease. Her presentation highlighted the suffering of the patients and the dedication and love of those who were working with covid victims and the value of the covid vaccine. Her presentation was given and driven, in my sense of it as a recipient, through the heart.

This was followed by a presentation of entirely different energy. It was an intellectually driven argument, a presentation of data with quotations from a few doctors and other designated authoritative sources. As far as I could make out, this presentation was given to support the notion that the covid vaccine is a hoax being perpetrated upon Humanity by some level of evil doers with, at the very least, strange motives, one of which sounded like the evil doers were interested in implanting some kind of tracking device, i.e.: the vaccine, into human beings. The message I got was that it was foolish and totally unnecessary to have these vaccinations.

The AMA says that 96% of its doctors have been vaccinated. 
This presentation ended with a sweeping condemnation of the major news and TV Networks, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN as shadow perpetrators of the Big Lie and boosters of a deadly vaccine. In my opinion, these networks regardless of their owners materialistic goals are sources of some of the most vibrant and powerful Units of Consciousness working for the Common Good today. I have in mind sisters and brothers like Joy Reed, Chris Hays, and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, Anderson Cooper of CNN. There are, thank god, numerous other incarnated units of consciousness in the other major and minor “News” and information outlets such as Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan on Democracy Now, who in my opinion, are also conscious of and working for the Common Good.
And then, of course, there is Fox News. The anti-vaccine commentary was typical of the data and opinions poured forth with authoritative gusto on fox news. All of Fox News employees, by the way, must be vaccinated or checked every day to work there. 
As for the Big Picture: Anyone who is conscious, realizes that the vast majority of the world wealth, Corporations, and property has, for as long as we have any data, been and is today, privately owned by a tiny, tiny fraction of the 8 billion humans now on earth. For example, in the US, the 400 or so billionaires, who make up about 0.00018571428571429% of the population of the US own more wealth than 60 % of the population of 350,000,000Americans.
The owners, worldwide, purposefully drive the delusion of a one dimensional reality based on the ancient lies of Separation, Superiority, and the private owner ship of property in which Might Makes Right. All of this, manifesting now in what we call Capitalism, is simply the new clothes for the old Kings, Lords etcetera. And, of course, there are many members of the Retrogressors with their boot lickers, followers and simple fools throughout the class based structure of human manifestation. Basically, they never went away, just changed clothes.
This is not new. The Retrogressors have been opposed to the evolution of Humanity from the get-go. For background, please see The Rays and the Initiations PP349-351
Fortunately, today, thanks to many millions of years of evolutionary development of consciousness, there are also many, many more sisters, and brothers of the Light EVERYWHERE. My thought is that a significant part—some 3/5ths of the 8 billion or so present units of consciousness within the Human Family—are consciously evolved and are serving the Common Good and General Welfare all over the world in all aspects of our daily Lives. This service in many cases is an almost automatic thing like breathing or beating your heart. In a majority of cases, these units of consciousness do not belong to any esoteric group or religious operation. However, in some places, these sisters and brothers are referred to as members of the New Group of World Servers.
The point is that Humanity has from the get-go and is now Evolving. This present effort of Revolution, ever the tool of the retrogressive forces, is being driven by the same forces of retrogression: the “Confederates”, that perpetrated the Civil War and the Nazis that launched WW2. However, Evolution cannot be stopped!
The speed up of human evolution since 1500 is obvious. And the growth of Human population in the past 30 to 40 years is especially interesting in the light of a comment by Master R. “Now in order to move through this most difficult period (which the whole of this incarnation, which actually the whole of the latter part of this century—and very much the latter part—constitutes there is going to have to be a much greater comprehension of the ashramic plan which you serve, the ashramic plan which you are endeavoring to embody.” (The century to which Master R. is referring in this remark was the 19th century)

To overpower the Voice of Silence, Retrogressive forces are using the insane noise and chaos of "alt truth. They try to fill the three worlds of thought, with vicious actions, love of guns, and the use of the force of hate and fear. This is their ancient "MO". It will fail, AGAIN.

One effort during the past 40 years was the embodiment of the “Ashramic Plan”. Today, it is visible in the consciousnesses of the billions of human beings who have incarnated during that period, and who are simply not resonating to the ancient delusion of Might Makes Right.

 Actually, they cannot resonate to those evil delusionary thoughtforms. Their equipment is of too high a frequency. They are concerned with, and are working and voting for the Path of the Common Good and the General Welfare, for the Principles “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Among the most visual of these sisters and brothers is, the now 18 year old, Greta Thunberg. She is only one of the not so obvious billions of her brothers and sisters giving voice to the unavoidable future.

Many thousands of years ago it was said, "The time will come when people will open their hearts and offer their Chalices to the Supreme." The time has approached when humanity nears its sixth stage of perfectment, and the flame will soon begin to glow above the Chalice. How many images and prophecies have been accumulated in space! Truly, it is time to recall the image of the Chalice, when resin flamed within the chalices of the ancients, and the priestess, leaning on the sword of attainment, raised the Chalice to the Highest. Agni Yoga #554

Tuesday, October 19, 2021




Well, we finally figured out that Life is just another name for infinity. Life is of course Infinite. So, when we are talking about our “Life,” you know the few years we spend walking around in our dense bodies, breathing, and doing random stuff on the planet, it’s sort of illuminating when we suddenly realize that our “Lives” are like tiny rain drops in a never ending, or for that matter, beginning monsoon. 

I suspect that such an experience has happened to many, many of the present units of consciousness in one reincarnation or another. That original experience, the planting of that tiny seed of Truth, is the power center, that deep point of Wisdom that drives every succeeding incarnation upon the Path of return. Eventually, depending on one’s Free Will Choices, we “get it!”

Again! you might say.

But this time a door opens. Or a door that wasn’t really there disappears, and we see. What we see is the Path! The door was the delusion of death and the lie of a one dimensional reality that manipulated our “personality” the individual that the delusion had created in order to get around on the planet.

Granted. The realization of this fact does not instantly eliminate the load, or the “long tail of ugly thoughts” Supermundane #669 and old, selfish habits accumulated during the many incarnations of our delusional self-centered lives in the cave. However, it does open the door to a few of the higher realities of a multidimensional cosmos and the fact of our growing ability to register, and learn to consciously direct the energies of the Cosmos within which “we live and move and have our being” into facets of the Great Unfolding Plan.

As we know from lots and lots of hiking, this is not Our Path, it is the Intendor’s Plan for Humanity’s Path. Each of us, according to the door we opened whether we are consciously aware of it or not, choose the way in which we will direct this energy.

As points of Light within the Greater Light each of is a part of a huge group endeavour within an unfolding Plan. As we consciously register this fact we experience this wave of Joy, and Confidence. The upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections are presenting us with a great opportunity to help Humanity take a highly significant step in our evoltionary Destiny.

Shield and lance! God has blessed the warriors. All will come. Twilight will end. Do you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion? We know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered. From the Beginning the dark ones struggled. From the Beginning We conquered. 

Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231.