Friday, December 24, 2021

The One Humanity


The One Humanity

There is only ONE Humanity. However, to talk about Humanity as an existing Whole, we need to understand that the ONE Humanity is comprised of a number of individual units of consciousness. Each is a unique, free willed, self-conscious, individual part of the ONE Humanity. According to the Ageless Wisdom, give or take a few, Humanity is made up of “sixty thousand million units of consciousness or spirits in the evolving human hierarchy.” Letters On Occult Meditation p. 34 

When we consider facts like these we can begin to understand the time that has elapsed in the process of evolution. Not only is there a largish group of units, the process was and is being deliberately opposed and interfered with by retrogressive forces. These super intelligent opposing forces became the tactica adversa which makes the Path into the Light. 

Thus, the collective One Humanity is very much like a single individual unit of Humanity. All of the individually Conscious Units of the ONE, One Humanity are unique. Each one has an incredibly amazing animal body or equipment. And as we became more and more “self” conscious, we each developed a separate personality and became identified with our dense physical body. 

We, that One, one, have been evolving from the illusion of this identification with our dense physical vehicle into the realization of being not the dense physical equipment but the Consciousness that is focused in and working through this dense physical vehicle on behalf of the Unfolding Plan. 

Through numerous reincarnations into form existence each evolving unit of the One Humanity, bit by bit, eventually achieves the realization of this Truth. She or he recognizes its wholeness and unity not only with all of the other units of consciousness but with Nature, and well, LIFE. With this recognition comes the realization that there is no such thing as separation or DEATH. 

The whole death thing is part of the created and engineered delusion of identification with the dense physical body. It is this delusion that has created the monsters of hate and fear and the insane struggles of individuals to gain forms of power or wealth to fend off the mesmerizing delusion of unavoidable death. 

It is also this delusion of selfish separation which has confused the meaning of Revolution, the basic revolving motion of cosmos, with Evolution. Motion or revolution is constant in the infinite cosmos. It is through this revolution that Humanity Evolves into an ever greater awareness not only of its own collective consciousness, but of the ever present infinite Cosmos. 

In just the past few hundred years humanity has been engulfed in almost countless wars/revolutions. Just a partial list: Louis -14 wars, Napoleonic Wars, the Civil War, the recent 2 world wars. On top of this is the ongoing destruction of Nature, disease and epidemics of all kinds, and the numerous recently “weaponized” unending delusions of lies flooded into the common mind by multiple versions of media. It is though this tactica horror of devolution that the adversa of the Evolution of human consciousness has exploded. “About many conditions technology will be as uninformed as was the cave age.” Community #192 

We have finally GOT IT. Hence the doubling of human population through the incarnation of 4 billion units of consciousness in 40 years! Today, the vast majority of the present 8 billion humans see Humanity as One. 

Currently, we are witnessing the twisted efforts of a small minority of humans who, still identified with their animal bodies, and see themselves as separative individuals who are vastly superior to other people. True, these few still maintain an apparent ancient control over the economic/governmental systems that control some of the daily life on the planet. However, the steadily expanding consciousness, the power of Good Will within Humanity will transform and transfigure this situation into the beautiful cooperative multidimensional reality it actually is.

As we approach the end of a cycle, physical change appears to speed up. Thus, process has in the past 400 years, a truly brief bit of time, made enormous progress. And in just the past 100 years, in spite of, and in a way because of every retrogressive effort the principle of tactica adversa has rapidly responded with greater manifestations of Truth. Pay close attention to 2022! 

This is the Will of the Intendor driving the future into form. This is what we call Evolution. For the One Humanity it is, as it has always been, UNAVOIDABLE.

Loving us















It is essential that refinement of thought be developed along with the advances in technology. Agni Yoga #554


The time will come when people will be compelled to turn to a more subtle mode of thinking. Evolution is created by man himself and nothing can impede it. Even the present state of evolution will in the long run serve a good purpose as a unique tactica adversa, for in his attachment to technology man will drive himself into such a dead end that no way will be open to him but to turn to the joy of the Subtle World. Supermundane #366


Letters II, 18 June 1936 »


Perception of the higher laws will subjugate technology to the spirit; hence, the recognition of higher aims will be affirmed, which will lead to a regeneration of the whole material nature. This regeneration of nature and the regenerated spirit of the people will prompt new, better forms of the structure of life. Therefore, I advise you to watch most attentively all the signs that come from the New Country.


 Good Will IS transfiguring the world NOW.