The gradual realization of and identification with
our dense physical bodies as individual separate selves, which came with the
process of mass consciousness evolving into separative selfconsciousness, produced
the simultaneous delusion of our conscious separation from each other and our
attachment with the dense physical planet. Along with this delusion came the
ancient animal instincts that the most powerful individual in the pack is the leader
or superior animal. Hence we have the continuing delusion called Might Makes
Right. Also, since we were now conscious of being living individuals, we began
to realize and be terrified by the fact of unavoidable death!
In the known centuries of our present history, the assumption of “Might
Makes Right” created the pseudo reality of the ridiculous separation of Human
beings into a hierarchy ranging from slightly less than human levels to the “true”
Humans or Royals. Or, in the modern language of Capitalism, the poor and the wealthy,
or the owned and the Owners.
Might Makes Right is not a Cosmic Law. It is a manufactured “thoughtform.”
Its “laws and rules,” the methods of control in the economic, government and
social aspects of life, are the products of Lies.
These laws are not Immortal Scientific Principles of Cosmos. These
“laws” are thoughtforms produced by the Retrogressive Forces. Their aim is to
continue to foist on to Humanity the ancient delusion of our living in this One
Dimensional dense physical system of Kings and slaves as natural Reality.
Since the Divine Right of Kings was exposed as a delusion these lies have
had to be remanufactured over and over and given new names. Currently, as you
well know, they are called Capitalism. These systems—literally, scientifically—are
These lies generate and maintain a massive split in the One Humanity.
About 8 billion human beings presently live on earth. 2668 of these are
billionaires. 689,000,000 million people, live in extreme poverty on less than
$1.90 a day.
Not to worry, they can get a
16 oz. can of coke for $1.19.
Hence we have revolving centuries of ignorance. We have the rise
and fall of innumerable kingdoms, and dictatorships many of which presently masquerade
as Corporations. And, as always, with the very occasional exception, we have
numerous insane and, self-claimed vastly superior fools who claim titles from, God’s
appointed Ruler to Capo or CEO.
In this delusion the infinite poles of Spirit and Matter, Light and
House, or more scientifically, Energy and Form are claimed to exist as being
in opposition to or in competition with each other. In this delusion they
are known as Negative or Evil, and Positive or Good. Consequently, Animalmen
get their personal sense of value from the private ownership or possession (which,
when boiled down, means power over) of these “forms.”
The “owned thing” may be any-thing from your bag of marbles, to being
the biggest bully on the block, or a present dictator, to vast chunks of the
physical plane, to tons of gold, (presently round $1800 an ounce), and huge
holdings of “stock” (one share of Apple is currently worth $170-$200)”. So,
obviously, the one with the most marbles or blocks or stocks, or guns is the
But most kings, by any other name, are still deluded separated fools who
get their personal sense of their value by identifying themselves with their property,
their Ownings, their Power. They are what they own!
Humanity has existed under the power of this delusion for eons. We have all
experienced lives from dirt poor—you do not own anything— to filthy rich—you own
billions—, from slaves to billionaires. Until we realize that we are not our
equipment but the immortal unit of consciousness that is using the equipment to
serve the Plan, We identify our present personal value with the amount and size
of our ownership or lack of ownership of things.
Caught in this delusion for incarnation after incarnation, we have
struggled with endless desires to acquire things which give us personal
identity and power over others, only to find Death at the end of every one
of them. As Emerson pointed out, “Things are in the saddle, and they ride
mankind.” “Ode, Inscribed to William H. Channing" Or as T.S.
Eliot later observed, “Birth, and copulation, and death. That's all the facts
when you come to brass tacks.” And as “The Thinker said, “Man, you drag
behind you a long tail of ugly thoughts. Do you really intend that in the
Supermundane World you will also be surrounded by the same mean little
companions?” Supermundane #669
So, we have the absurdly delusional existence in which energy or
“spirit” and form or “matter” are “believed” to exist as being in opposition to
or in competition with each other. And we, Humanity, are supposedly trapped in the
middle of this delusion forever! As SCIENCE knows, the claim of two opposing
forces, Spirit, and Matter, locked in a fake battle forever is a delusion. It simply
does not exist. There is no two! There can be no Spirit and Matter without
something connecting them. That something is called LOVE!
However, while there is no such thing as Spirit and Matter existing as
separate units at eternal war with each other, the very real delusion of such a
Lie exists massively throughout Human history. This “fake” history was/is
generated simply by removing the cosmic Energy of Love from the equation. This
Loveless delusion manifests in varying degrees of intensity within the consciousnesses
of those sisters and brothers who are still identified to some degree with
their dense bodies.
The absence of Love generates eternal competition and various forms of Insanity.
These kinds of insanity, exist in people from very mild to totally absorbing. Labeled
by the ancients as the 7 deadly sins they are: pride, greed, lust, envy,
gluttony, Hate, sloth. Again, it is significant to note that all of these
conditions are the children of the delusion of one’s identification with the
dense physical body, and are mostly the byproducts of the Fear of Death.
Talk about the missing link! The energy field in the center of every
manifesting form is the energy we call Love. This fact is the best kept secret
of our entire existence on the Planet. However this fact is being steadily
discovered by billions of Human sisters and brothers the world over.
Love, the energy which moves Will into form or
Good Will, a word that is almost useless because of its confusion with emotion,
actually works out as Common Sense and The Common Good. So, one, actually the
ONLY way we have to Move Humanity out of this insanity of endless war and death
is to model our love for one another by using our Free Will and to VOTE!