Friday, February 18, 2022

Take a Breath!


 It has been said that Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” This has been interpreted to mean that there will always be people who are suffering from lack of basic human needs like food and shelter, and shoes and safety, who are exposed to all kinds of diseases, and who are without any kind of education or medical help. And of course there have always been individual human beings forced to live in this situation simply by being born. 

These human beings, however, are not the poor. They are the  direct product of the POOR. The real POOR, the pitiful poor are the cohorts of Pride, who suffer from the belief of personal Superiority over others. They are consumed by greed, not just for wealth but for personal power. In this they are gluttons driven by envy and hate. 

Such beings are literally more animal than human. They suffer from the delusion of separation and are victims of the Lie of Might Makes Right. What Might or power uses to Make Right is war.

Obviously, Right is whatever the deluded one says it is. One simply takes what one wants. From as far back as the Battle of Megiddo in 1479 BCE history is full of such beings. Examples abound. We have the very recent appearance of The Nazi Adolph Hitler, who “wanted Peace! a piece of France a piece of Italy etcetera.” and now the current example looming on the planet is Vladimir Putin. 

The thing about this that is different from the “olden days” is that the boundary lines for nations only exist on maps. There actually is only One Planet and One Humanity. Since the Korean war of 1950 what has been becoming very obvious in all areas of our day to day lives, political, economic, social, and actually general health, as the current pandemic is revealing, is that every war is a world war. 

Lurking behind all of this talk is the technological advances that have been made in weapons. The use of artillery, and rockets would enable Russia to literally destroy Ukraine, even without using atomic weapons. Ukraine is not without artillery and rockets of at least equal destruction power as those of the Russians. 

It is simple. Putin wants Ukraine. He can come up with any number of reasons for why he should have Ukraine. None of these reasons have anything to do with what the Ukrainians want or probably what the Russian people want. Invading Ukraine would result in the deaths of many, many thousands of Sister and Brother Human Beings of all ages. That it would end there is doubtful. This would only whet the appetite of self-designated ruler of the world.

If this all seems familiar recall the events leading up to WW2.

 As of right now, 4 Pm February 18, 2022 Manhattan Beach California, this has not happened.