Saturday, March 12, 2022

The GI Tool


The GI Tool

 It is a mistake to see the situation in Ukraine as somehow detached from the multitude of situations going on the planet. It is a significant part of the Retrogressors insane plan to maintain the delusion of a one dimensional reality in which Might Makes Right, and those with the billions deserve them because they are obviously superior beings, and “the poor will always be with us” anyway.

Possibly among the most effective things we can do regarding this current specific Putin insanity is to use the Great Invocation. The GI is not a song or a prayer. The Great Invocation is a synthesis energy generation, compression, and direction tool. The impact the focused energy stream tends to generate a solution which is a synthesis of the present possible Good. There is no “evil” in Synthesis. 

Synthes, an energy stream which is becoming more and more evident and powerful, is the presence of the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. It is the Path. It is the Way out of the idiocy of the delusion of being separated individuals locked in some never ending war for survival.

Synthesis doesn’t actually make anything. It reveals the Unity that is, the unity that is distorted and hidden by the delusion of separation. Synthesis does this mainly by generating the realization within the consciousness of individuals of their essential individual uniqueness and simultaneously of their essential Oneness with all others including the other Kingdoms. You know, that old, “I Am That!” bit.

A conscious and therefore synthesized worker who has an opinion on how to do something will with complete detachment, discrimination, and dispassion—or the short version, love—, spontaneously accept and review alternate solutions to the problems on any level of human interaction. It is this inclusiveness that will generate the best solution for any problem. Obviously, the solutions are heart generated rather than intellectually hammered or argued out.

“Synthesis is.” Actually! We, humans, after some 17 million years of evolving are finally getting it. The solution to the present last gasps of the retrogressors, one of which is the cruel and disgusting situation in Ukraine, is the rapidly unfolding realization by billions of individuals that we are actually the One Humanity. 

You will notice I said retrogressors, not Russians. As thousands of years of documented history shows, the Retrogressors will and do use any race, nationality, religion, sex. As we can clearly see, none of these things matter for them. What does matter is the power they have and get through the identification with and the ownership of wealth or Property. It is the same old King thing about which we can simply point out that it is not human. To own property one must be identified with it. To identify with the dense physical plane is to be un-conscious or actually dead. 

You will note that the GI is not a request for someone else to do something. We are the Doers. The Great Invocation is the formula for a totally conscious step by step delivery of the Power of the Light into these ancient issues. We can Think or say or sing the GI. When we do, we are consciously, deliberately, employing the Power of the Light to implement the Plan we need to do to Triumph over the efforts of retrogression. 

This invoked and delivered energy will support all of our dense physical everyday efforts to manifest in new forms and systems the New Age. The Future is coming in. It is Unavoidable. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Understanding Peace

Basically, when people use the word “peace” they mean freedom from disturbance, tranquility, or much more often, a state or period of time in which there is no war. For uncountable centuries Humans of different factions at any level of human interaction from face to face, to nation to nation have agreed to pause, to not attack and kill one another, to “be at peace” with one another, for a while. So over the eons Peace has simply come to mean the space between wars. 

Always there have been those who ignore this. They simply use the hiatus or peace in the killing to figure out better ways to kill the others. This is the documentable history of Peace, and it is exactly what Putin and dark forces in control of Russia have done. 

On Wednesday February 23rd, Ukraine and Russia were at “peace,” On February 24th, a premeditated, ruthless, overwhelming assault on the Liberty and Freedom of Ukraine by Russia simply happened. This particular assault appears to be the product of the insane fixation of one individual person on 44.13 million other human beings. 

This is an act of war, and as we know all wars are world wars. What we need now is a total stop of this present insane display of “Right Makes Right.” We can call it a truce or a peace. We must be ready to avoid the "peace in our time" con. Gluttons always want more! Regardless of the ending of the present assaults, We must achieve this before the maniacs resort to atomic weapons. 

In the resulting period we must find a way to bring not just a pause in the mayhem, but true Peace. Peace is a word that has been used for the concept of Equilibrium. Equilibrium is a necessary condition of Cosmos. It means perfect balance which is actually the basic energy of Life, Liberty, and Justice for ALL.

To do this we must bring the realization of the Scientific fact of the One Planet and the One Humanity into the conscious government of this Planet. I think that the vast majority of the 8 billion humans on the plane already know this in their hearts. We must move the delusional concept of Reality from its prison of dense physical matter into the Scientifically obvious multidimensional Cosmos. This of course was the effort of the United Nations. We must revisit this effort and continue to enable it to unfold. 

This present Putin thing is the effort of the Retrogressors to stop our evolution. Failure to at least begin to do this could end up in a huge atomic war that could wipe out life as we know it for thousands of years.