Saturday, May 21, 2022

“Love Is All”

 “Love Is All”

It frequently seems now-a-days that our merry-go-round has been changed into a never ending ride on Thunder Mountain. Just a few plunges: While gradually becoming able to at least deal with the world wide Covid monster, we have the pending evermore serious Climate disasters plus the insanity in Ukraine, serious drought, wildfires all over the place, 6$ a gallon gas, random murders of people in churches, schools, and even super markets, and of course, the erasing of a hundred plus years of actual evolutionary progress by the pending dehumanization of women and their return to their animal status. 

And of course, we also have the ongoing 3rd attempt to take over the Democracy of the United States by Retrogressive forces operating through seriously demented individuals. The first attempt was the insertion of slavery into the first constitution. The second was the effort to divide the nation in to Slave and Free sections which was blocked by the Civil War and took 1,030,000 dead to fix. 

The ongoing 3rd effort, which by the way is simply the same monster with different clothes, is to take over the U.S. by the fascist efforts of the Trumpistas. Or failing that, to again try to split the Nation into two separate nations. 

These are not actions of Love! 

All of these situations, both worldwide and local, occurring virtually simultaneously are the efforts of the Forces of Retrogression to retard or stop evolution. To this end, they have for centuries generated an energy field of doubt, fear, and hate. Presently, this field is fostered and pushed by giant media systems in the effort to blot out any kind of rational inclusive thinking, or efforts to reveal the Common Good and the actual unity of Humanity. 

In all of this chaos and fake change what is presently often overlooked or not even thought of is Evolution! Our amazing technological advances are pushed as evolutionary growth. Yet it is a mistake to see these technology advances as evolution. Many are advances in weapons technology of all kinds designed to kill human beings. Much of the other really amazing technological advances in tools and “things” are designed to serve the acquisition of more tools and things (think of your iPhone 13 Pro Max or Space X) with which to harvest personal wealth. 

Evolution has almost nothing to do with technology. In fact evolution is all about producing Human Beings that need absolutely zero technology to live and move and serve the Plan on Planet Earth. It involves the expansion of consciousness that liberates the animal man from the identification with the animal body to the realization of his immortal conscious self. “Even the present state of evolution will in the long run serve a good purpose as a unique tactica adversa, for in his attachment to technology man will drive himself into such a dead end that no way will be open to him but to turn to the joy of the Subtle World.” Supermundane the Inner Life, 1938 #366 

Obviously, we are in the Great Unfolding. We are passing through the remnants of the decarnating Piscean Age which has been crawling through unending warfare for some 2500 or so years and, simultaneously we are evolving ever more swiftly on a much tighter and more narrow arc into the incarnating Age of Aquarius. In the visible speed of the current arc of evolution, Humanity has made more progress in both the decarnatinon and the incarnation areas in the past 100 years than in the previous millions of years. 

Still, even in these remaining days we feel the pain and power of being held in bondage by the retrogressive system of Capitalism. Capitalism, the cave of delusion, is not a product of Love. Its purpose is not to generate Life Liberty and Justice for All. It is a product of chaos, an ancient heartless power driven by Evil whose purpose is to keep Humanity enslaved in the cave of separation and the deluded ownership of Matter. 

It is because they are very much aware of their unavoidable, rapidly impending disappearance that the deluded mobsters are generating as much hate and fear as they can to blind us to the Great Unfolding through which we are now living. The “NEW AGE” isn’t coming. It has actually been here for some years now. Its dense physical appearance is not the technology; it is the evolutionary struggle of Human rights and Liberty for all which since 1776 has been and is rapidly manifesting throughout the Planet.

If you really want to understand history you have to realize that everyone and thing on the planet is intelligent. Intelligence is! The obvious Harmony of life between the multitudes of different forms, easily seen in the Plant Kingdom, is an overwhelming example of the Love. What we are working on, what evolution has always been about is using our incredible intelligence to foster and manifest on the dense physical planes forms of government and economic systems of living that manifest the Infinite Cosmic Principles of Harmony, Balance, Joy, Truth, Equilibrium, Kind-ness, and not least of all Life, Liberty, and Justice for ALL!

This is what LOVE is about. Love is not an emotion. Love is the ultimate power, the energy aspect of the Will to Good that drives Creation through the use of intelligence into the envisioned forms of Harmony and Beauty. 

None of this is or would ever be imposed on Humanity. The gift is Free Will. It is up to us, to Human Beings to save the world. One very intelligent single action that we can take is kind of simple. Human Beings just automatically love. Voting is definitely Love in action. 

Tom carney

Post Wesak April 17,2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Breathe & Vote

 Breathe & Vote

If one is even remotely conscious, one will see the clear lines of division between freedom and slavery. Too true, many of our sisters and brothers are still, at this point in time, unconscious. Yes, they are acutely aware of the events of everyday living, as are all animals. However they are so identified with their dense physical existence that they are almost totally unaware of or unconscious of the infinite multidimensional Cosmos just as they are unaware of aspects of their daily dense physical lives in which they are more or less treated as animals or actually in many cases as objects or things which can be owned, and sold. (Friends, simply observe the behavior of Kevin McCarthy.) 

I understand that these facts are alarming and seldom mentioned in polite company; however, this avoidance of reality is a part of the manipulation of Reality. It is time to really understand the level of manipulation which has been used over the millennia. For example, at the end of the U.S. Civil War black human beings who had been purchased as if they were animals, or objects, or a piece of property, were “freed.” They were allowed to join the delusion of freedom in which all of the other lesser or totally non-owners of property live. 

The basic result of this one dimension delusion is that not just Freedom, but “HUMAN” existence depends on the ownership of property. One only exists to the level of the value of the property one owns. This has nothing to do with being Human. This was the primary definer of Value in the first solar system. It is the primary definer of value in much of our present civilizations now. It is implemented through the latest version of the illusion of Might Makes Right. It is the basic driver of our economic and social systems presently known as capitalism. 

The freedom, the life liberty and justice for all that we now have, while in some respects far from being the slaves, serfs and or peasants which we were for thousands of years, is extremely limited by the machinations of the Owners. It is however an amazingly giant step toward total Life, Liberty, and Justice for All that we have achieved in just the last say 500 years. This achievement of evolution has, as is obvious, totally freaked out the “Owners” or as they actually are the Forces of Retrogression. 

The only “tool” we have that can safely be used to continue to evolve our existence out of this fraud and avoid having the whole planet blow up is our vote. (I mean what do you think actually happened in Atlantis? Do you think that they maybe had atom bombs?) 

We started this Nation by voting to remove ourselves from the delusion of being the private property of the then King of England. It was a gigantic step toward the goal of Life Liberty and Freedom for ALL. Voting is the only real way we can effectively gain control of the processes we use to make “laws.” We can’t murder people, or buy people, or forge votes, or take the right to vote away from people. All of these things have been and are being done on a daily basis by those who think they OWN this nation. 

All we can do in a dense physical way is Vote. Vote and work to get others to vote as if your life depends on it because it does.