Friday, October 7, 2022



This has been the sophistic cry of retrogression from the beginning. Evolution is an unavoidable driver of Life on this Planet. Just look around. The Planet has been evolving for many eons longer than our illusionary one dimensional vision which passes for science can even imagine.

Evolution cannot be stopped any more than the sun can be prevented from rising.  However, there are those whose ignorance, in spite of Plato’s best efforts, has kept them immersed in the cave of one dimension. And there are those leftovers from the first System to whom we refer as the Retrogressors who work tirelessly with great intelligence and cunning to foster the Great Lie of illusion.

These dark ones manipulate the ignorant ones. With illusions of gaining personal power and wealth, they keep the ignorant ones enslaved. They stoke the desires of greed, the worship of grandiosity and the illusions  of ownership of Kingdoms.  All this in the effort to stop or at least slowdown the inevitable manifestation of Life, Liberty and Freedom for All.

Our boundaries are not left and right. They are Reality and Illusion, or Beauty and Chaos and Good or Evil. There is no Too Far Left. We cannot get too beautiful, or too good, or too Real.

Every effort to reach for something better for Humanity and the Planet, needs to be all out. There is no half-way, no baby steps.

Caution is not fear. Caution is the bedrock of progress. It has nothing to do with halfway efforts. Halfway is the hand of the retrogressor in the glove of the coward.

Caution is the wisdom in the heart of the courageous. Caution has everything to do with the willingness to face and overcome obstacles of ignorance and chaos with every ounce of everything we have.

Under the present dominant systems of capitalism, of the exclusive ownership and manipulation of just about everything for the exclusive benefits of the super wealthy few, the large percentage of humans are literally being murdered in wars, starved to death, deprived of basic human rights such as education and healthcare.

This system has been maintained by, greed, murder, theft, and lies for centuries. It’s like a rotten melon ready to burst.

All we have to do is go as far as we can go toward Equality and Liberty for All. The time is not tomorrow or maybe next year. It is Now. Vote!