Friday, March 24, 2023

From Delusion to Reality Or From Revolution to Evolution


From Delusion to Reality


From Revolution to Evolution


To make this move, two things need to be seen and understood. Intelligence does not think, it processes data. It does not initiate action. We use Intelligence to enable the formulation or the dense appearance of an initiated action to reach a desired goal, or a realized Truth. 

In one respect the deluded self-centered units of consciousness use what intelligence they have to manifest and maintain their separative self-conscious forms with their emotional and mental power. In the other, the Heart uses intelligence to embody the Ideas or Images of Truth which it has apprehended via the intuition from the Plane of Principles to drive the manifestation of the Plan. 

What animal-man has been and is now experiencing is the intelligent use of fear, and hate driven ravings by deluded individuals to generate massive human and material destruction. This destruction is driven by a kind of Evil which works through the animal-man forms which it has usurped and used to thwart evolution for a very long time. 

However, since around 1500 the incarnation of relatively heart polarized, group conscious individuals has been rapidly accelerating. What this means is that a steadily increasing number of individual units of consciousness who have established a clear sense of their Common Humanity have moved from being “animal-men” to Human Beings, and are gradually focusing their lives within the higher creative energies of the mental plane. These individuals are not so open to manipulation by fear and hate. They are more and more rapidly realizing, and manifesting a greater and greater sense of their Humanity. 

Between 1980 and 2021, a mere forty years, the population of Earth has doubled from approximately 4 to 8 billon. This explosion contains a very large percentage of group conscious polarized individuals. The number of these group conscious Human Beings will rapidly increase. 

Likewise, the numbers of animal-man, that is humans who are still identified with their animal bodies, and are open to the manipulation of the Dark Forces will more and more rapidly disappear. They are even now into their last generation. They will have to continue their evolution on a new planet because the level of consciousness which they use will not be supported on this planet. 

The presence of these “anti-evolutionary” groups and individuals in the world’s Governments and Economies whom we call the Dark Forces used to be quietly manipulating from “within”, frequently at leading levels of various corporations and governing groups. They depend on human ignorance of the multidimensional Cosmos and the delusionary system of compromise to maintain their true grip on power. They created, foster, and maintain the delusion of the private ownership of property and separation of humans into groups of more and less worthy individuals.

The evolution of the Plan for Human development on this planet was greatly interfered with through this delusion. However in the recent 4 to 5 hundred years or so the evolution of Human Beings has gradually freed itself from the ages long identification with its animal body/vehicle. It has been evolving more and more rapidly into the reality of their being human individuals who know as the Declaration of Independence indicates,We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” 

Virtually zero information regarding the unavoidable evolution of Humanity is recognized or even mentioned in the present forms or mediums of communication, TV, News, movies. Most movies are not concerned with the evolution of Humanity into Human Beings. Separately focused in the struggle for “money” or actually power over others, through the use of the latest generations of technology, they continue the basic Lie of human animals revolving into the never ending struggle to achieve dominance over other human animals. What evolves in this never ending delusion is the technology of how to kill and/or enslave others. 

Leaders of the evolution of consciousness manifest Truth or the presence of Human Beings as simply being one. They model Truth through living their present lives. Such “leaders” or simply revealers of the next step in the Great Unfolding are found in every level of the anciently deluded vision of the 4th Kingdom we presently refer to as Humanity. 

The age-old reason for this present situation is that the forces of Retrogression still maintain the separative delusion of animal consciousness that power or might makes right. This delusion of Separation gave us Kings and now gives us equally greedy and mostly stupid, self-serving billionaires. Currently in the absurdity of a one dimensional cosmos, this ancient disease is called Capitalism. 

The details of the present assault of the Retrogressors as mouthed by Marjorie Taylor Greene, are available in a detailed article by Jamelle Bouie published in a February 24th column of The New York Times, “The federal government would still exist, Greene explains, but it would be a minimal state, devoted to border security and defense — an update, of sorts, of America under the Articles of Confederation.” 

You have to read her whole article and realize that this person is one of a significant number of the members of the United States of America’s House of Representatives. These individuals are not stupid. They are present, not only in key areas of the world’s Governments but in the Economic and Social systems as well. 

They are the remnants of the ancient effort of the Dark Forces to stop if possible, and to retard and delay as much as possible otherwise, the evolution of this Planet into a “Sacred Planet.” Since 1550 or so they have been seriously losing. Their losses in the first and second world war were major and resulted in the Conscious Tactica Adversa creation of the United Nations and is now present in the empowerment of NATO. 

We mistake the insanity we call war as something natural in evolution. It is neither natural nor rational. Competition is not a force of evolution. It is an ancient weapon/tool of the Retrogressors used to further the delusion that one can grow or achieve by “beating” another. 

The forces of Light do not compete. They are warriors of Light. They simply refuse to allow the Darkness to block the manifestation of the Plan! They do not think of this as being at war with the deluded others. 

The Light does not have to “win.” It has already won. It simply protects the Method of Evolution on this Planet which is the use of Free Will to not be against anything, to not generate delusion but to realize and harmonize with Commonsense. 

This is really how Truth expresses/manifests in the lower three worlds. We go on the Offence every time we live and act with Love! 

Shield and lance! God has blessed the warriors.

All will come. Twilight will end.

Do you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion?

We know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered.

From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.

From the Beginning We conquered.

Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231.

Tom Carney

March 3,2023