Thursday, April 6, 2023

Out of the Closet!


Out of the Closet!


Since the 15 hundreds Humanity actually began to break free from being the property or subjects of the Owners, by whatever name. However, our actual ownership has been kept pretty much in place by The Forces of Retrogression through the delusion of Compromise. What the German Nazis and the Japanese failed to do through the mainly dense physical second world war, the Retrogressors are working harder and more obviously than ever to accomplish now through the ownership and use of a number of “governments” and huge corporations. 

Humanity did make a great step forward through the triumph of WW2. However, these ancient Forces of Retrogression have managed to maintain and intensify their efforts. These forces are not focused in just two nations as they were in WW2. They have a total controlling presence in a number of Nations. 

Since being unavoidably revealed through their evil efforts in WW2, The Dark Forces are more than ever on worldwide display. Their goal has not changed. They will use any number of kinds of physical dense destruction to achieve their ends, not the least of which is the continued use of oil. Also, poison gas may have been removed from the arsenal of death, however, new high tech weapons which Russia has recently indicated it could use in “special combat,” are readily available. 

From the beginning, the single minded goal of these forces has been the complete elimination of Government of for and by the people, and the maintenance or return to the absolute power and rule of the most powerful, of the owners of property. Anciently, these were somewhat advanced animal man human individuals who simply claimed because they could, that they were chosen by God to be the Kings. In that totally heartless or loveless one dimensional system of sheer power driven by highly intelligent, self-centered individuals, the non-kings, or regular people were/are simply not considered as Human Beings. They, like other animals, were simply the property of whoever owned them. 

However, in the 15 hundreds evolution, suddenly, went from the eons of occasional individuals realizing they were more than heir separated dense bodies into an explosion of the awareness of the existence of the inner formless Immortal Soul. In modern language this immortal being occupies the dense vehicle. This condition has come to be known as “group consciousness.” 

Simply put, group consciousness is the realization that one is in fact not one’s body, but a unit of immortal consciousness that occupies the body. This is true of all human beings; however many sisters and brothers are still mired in the quick sand of the Old Lie which identifies the immortal unit of consciousness with its dense physical equipment. 

It has been 158 years since December 6, 1865, when the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. But make no mistake regarding the unity of these Retrogressive forces, or their intentions and goals. That slavery, as it pertains to actually owning a human being as property, is against the Law, True. However, there are numerous ways to own or “enslave” Humans. 

Slavery in many disguises is actually the basic structure of a power and ownership of wealth society. In 1860 the population of the U.S. was 31,443,321. 4,000,000 of these were slaves. Today our national population is 336 million. In 2021, 37.9 million people lived in poverty. These humans may not be the personal property of some other individual; however they are enslaved in many ways different from being chained up at night. The chains that bind and punish them are hunger, lack of basic shelter, and work that supports themselves and their children. 

Slavery on “higher” levels of living is not so obvious, but is still overwhelmingly present through the divisions of Humanity into groups such as poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper class, millionaires, billionaires. And, we are about to experience the very first Trillionaire! Basically this situation only differs in name from Barons, Dukes, Kings, and Queens and of course commoners. 

The goal, the end of the enslavers has never changed. It remains the elimination not simply of “freedom and justice for all,” but of Free Will and the re-domination of the Planet by the most powerful few. In the olden days this was called among other names the Divine Right of Kings. Today it’s simply known as a Dictatorship. Most of the would be dictators, by the way, are really simply paid mouthpieces or high class slaves for the less public Owners. But It’s all “the same old same old,” just another name for the de-humanizing or enslavement of the many by the more powerful few. 

In a Democracy where a level of actual “free will” still reigns, those who know that all humans are created Equal, that every person is a free and equal human being determine the Laws and Rules of the Nation. These Laws and Rules actually lay out the Scientific conditions necessary for a Humanity to exist on this planet. They are not nice sounding rules and laws. They are the actual scientific Principles that make the dense manifestation of the Planet possible. 

Human Beings consciously live under the scientific reality of Right Makes Might. Understanding that there is no separation between us, that we are actually scientifically inseparable from one another, we understand that if it is GOOD it is GOOD for everyone. And that it can’t possibly be good for even the possessor if it is not Good for everyone. 

However, In this the second manifestation of the Solar System there are units of consciousness which appear to be separate from the One Life, and exist as separative individuals. They exist in the delusion that they can actually own physical matter—from their thoughtforms to their blood and bones—which they call Property. They suffer from a kind of cancer of the Mind which manifests as pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. 

This disease was implanted at the beginning of this the second appearance of the present Solar System by those who refused to evolve from the laws and rules of the first Solar System based on MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. They refuse to move with the evolution of Humanity through the introduction of the energy we call LOVE in this second appearance of our Solar System. Thus we have this merry go round prison of insanity we call revolution. Each revolution or incarnation on this dilutionary path hopefully provides an opportunity for the traveler to eventually figure out that he is going around in circles and to start Home!  Light. 

In the meantime, this cancer is widely spread throughout the Planet’s individuals who still identify themselves as being their animal bodies or as they are referred to by todays “science” Animal Man. We see it in almost every Nation, through all kinds of media and dense physical presence in all areas of Human interaction from governments, economics, education, and recently the outbreak of the return of book banning cancer. And, in the United States of America, we see the actual ridiculous stripping of women of their Humanity and re enslavement as birthing tools. 

This effort to “takeover” is nowhere more obvious than in the so called Supreme Court of the United States, and presently in the House of Representatives where a human soul can be purchased by the Owners for a tiny delusionary sense of power or its dense physical appearance money and some level of luxury. 

You would think that this would be enough for the Retrogressors to complete their hideous plan to return Humanity to the first System rule where the super intelligent but heartless animal men ran the programs. But there is something here that needs to be understood. This system is not based in Love. It is based in Intelligence. 

Intelligence does NOT think. It builds or manufacturers forms to embody to whatever it is told. It makes dense physical bodies to house a thought in a “thing.” This thing is not just a dense thing like a pyramid, or space ship, it is personal value or worth. Hence as I mentioned, “the divisions of Humanity into groups such as poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper class, millionaires, billionaires. And, we are about to experience the very first Trillionaire! Basically this situation only differs in name from Barons, Dukes, Kings, and Queens.”


Well, as MM points out below, we have been there and done that. “Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudoprophets and a pseudosavior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created. Hierarchy #145 

However it does seem, to me at least, that we have come a long, long way in this recent 500 year period. Although at present, they do seem a bit disturbed—perhaps a warning— we have an excellent chance of avoiding the disruption of “the equilibrium of the subterranean forces.” It does seem that the presence of human beings who have this sense of synthesis, of Oneness without naming and talking about it but just living it has “exploded “on the planet. As I am fond of pointing out, the Futuer is the unfolding Beauty of the Plan, and as we know the Future is Unavoidable.

Tom Carney

April 6, 2023