Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3
Sometime long, long, ago, the Retrogressors managed to split science and religion into two different things. Science was about something that could be proved to exist on the dense physical planes, and was thus reduced to the three lowest dimensions, solids, liquids, and gases, of the dense physical plane. If it, whatever “it” was, could not be physically proved to exist, it just didn’t.
Religion took care of everything else except the Laws and Rules that make up the constitution of the United States of America. This document is a human effort to manifest certain Cosmic Principles in the form we call the Constitution. In this case the Constitution is like epic poetry. Thanks to the Wisdom of those who manifested our constitution, both kings and religion were excluded from having any power to impact in anyway the Laws and Rules that make up the Constitution.
It is precisely this fact that has always been and is currently under huge attack by those who are not the least interested in maintaining the Freedom and Liberty for All guaranteed by our Constitution. We did, at great cost, defeat the effort to keep slavery in the Constitution, and we stop this effort again with our triumph in WWII. Now, the retrogressors through the Regan Con “government is the problem” have initiated the 3rd WW.
The smashing defeat of their dense physical effort in WW2, however, made little if any impact on The Big Lie, which has changed clothes from Rule by the Chosen Ones called Kings who owned everything to the façade of Capitalism and rule by dictators, fascists, autocrats most of whom either work for or are Billionaires who basically own almost everything. The Big Lie, as we well know starts with the delusion generated by highly intelligent individual holdovers from the first manifestation of Earth that LIFE is something that only exists on the three lowest dimensions of this planet, that this is the only planet in the Universe upon which this “Life” exists, and humans are the most advanced FORM of this Life. The Lie holds that Life in an individual, like you or me, begins with the appearance of a living, i.e., breathing dense physical body on the dense physical plane. We call this “birth.” When it ceases to breathe, we call that death.
In spite of the evolution of true Science finally breaking free from the grasp of Intelligence and Religion starting in mid-1500 (Erasmus, Copernicus, Newton, etcetera) which recognized the actual existence of the Living multidimensional Infinite Universe, and which put the Sun back into the center of our solar System where it belonged, the basic presence of Life on this Planet is still driven by the ridiculous notion that human beings are very smart animals. For example, many, many, very, very “intelligent” individuals “believe” this planet, Earth, is the only one in the Universe that has “life” i.e., plants and animals on it. And Human-animals are simply the most highly developed creatures on this Planet.
The fact that Life is Cosmos, and that the planet itself is a living evolving being within the Infinite Vehicle of Life is not as yet recognized by form based intelligence or technology which passes for Science in this 20th century AD.
It’s obvious, to anyone that looks, that other than having dense physical bodies, animals are not even close to being plants. And, other than having dense physical bodies, many, many humans are not even close to being animals. However, since the Fake Owners, who as Plato/Socrates pointed out, kept Science and Humanity in a cave, were loath to add another level of Reality, that of Humans, to the two allowed living forms, Plants and Animals, that can be seen without some form of microscopic tool, humans were simply added to the animal category. Hence, we became “animal-man.”
Obviously, for uncountable centuries, this Lie is implanted at or very near birth in the consciousness of practically every human being that was born. This, unbelievably, is still going on. And many Humans still do assume that they are their animal bodies, and that they will die.
It is this ancient, implanted assumption that drives the delusion of separation. It is the delusion of separation that empowers hate and fear, to say nothing of pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and last but not least, greed, that drives the idiotic notion that we are our bodies. We are born to die and that every minute of every hour it is necessary to protect ourselves from one another because we are constantly in some way on some plane trying to eliminate, control, use, and even kill one another.
It is also this ancient con job that created the insane notion that a Human Animal-Man can “own” things from “thought forms” (for example, there are 10.6million patents) to anything that exists on the dense physical planes including other humans. It is the amount and kind of stuff, dense physical anything, one owns, that indicates ones value, indeed our very existence. It’s what one “owns,” on any level, that gives her/him value and identity. It is just the notion that one can claim ownership of things—such as the 2,330,000 acres in California, Oregon, and Washington, owned by some humans called the Emerson Family— which gives one a sense of superiority and worth of being greater than, better than other human-animals.
I can recall clearly how the number of marbles I personally owned gave me place in the group of boys with whom I hung out. I was a lousy marble player, but my older brothers where great and they kept me in the games.
Now, it’s not marbles but it’s the same game. Getting the right thought in the right heart is still the objective, and we are still being backed up and guided by our Brothers as was pointed out in Discipleship In The New Age 2
“The concept of unanimity which has been presented by Soviet Russia (then and now) runs completely counter to the truth. Their idea is that the concept, the idea, the decision, and the interpretation of a group of powerful men establishes the truth, and to this truth the docile masses render prompt allegiance. This is a basic misconception and to it no member of the New Group of World Servers will render homage; they will fight this imprisonment of the human soul to the last gasp. True unanimity is free decision in response to a presentation of truth which is as near the achieved reality as possible. Therefore, it is in the enunciation of truth that security for all men lies. This necessarily involves a deeply spiritual presentation of essential facts. The principle of simultaneity is allied to this, for a mutual recognition of an identical approach to truth renders inevitably activity in unison.” Discipleship In The New Age 2 p.238
So, as anyone who is paying attention can see, we are definitely “fighting this imprisonment of the human soul” which is the aim of the present all-out attack being launched by the Retrogressors, regardless of which Republican is nominated. It may seem that the 2024 election is far in the future, however anyone who is conscious has registered the rapidity with which events of extreme import seem to be coming on an almost daily basis.
As master M. has indicated many times “It is precisely now that reality is so urgently needed because the world is passing through a dangerous stage of reconstruction. At such a time it is inadmissible to indulge in abstractions, when every hour demands a real, concrete decision. But the psychic blind cannot discriminate between urgent, practical reality, and harmful abstraction. They fill their lives with useless abstractions and do not see how harmful they become. Urusvati remembers how an overdressed crowd rushed to an entertainment when the building in which it was to be presented was already falling in. Supermundane #674
It has only been 78 years since the end of WW2. Since then, we have been steadily involved in wars somewhere on the planet, many of which were going on simultaneously. Time “seems” to have been speeding up. Recall, it has been only 5 hundred years since the Sun was moved back to the center of the solar system.
2024 is like tomorrow. We need to think ahead.
Recall, “Every thought is a thunder bearing arrow.” Encourage Liberty and Justice for all with
every thought and word.
Tom Carney
May 18, 2023