Back in the pre1500rds it was necessary to display one’s wealth/power in every way possible so that there would be no mistake that one was a member of Royalty and would be treated properly by the gross commoners. This separation of humans into classes or groups made it much easier for the powerful Owners of Wealth to maintain the delusion of actually being Superior Beings.
As we gradually got rid of actual Kings and such, we began to gain glimmers of equality, and of being actual individual human beings with the same “rights” as any other human being. We eventually created a “democracy” in which there is what appears to be huge progress in gaining Equality and Justice for All. However, as anyone who bothers to look, sees the system of power through ownership of “property” or wealth is still very much the delusion that drives our lives.
We work for the owners who pay us wages which we use to buy food, housing, transportation, and if you look at it carefully, everything else from them as well. Our reality is gauged by the level of stuff we can buy and “own.” Recall, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. there are actually, 37.9 million Americans living in poverty which means that they can barely “buy” enough food to feed themselves let alone pay “rent” for a place to raise the children. Also, there are considerable number of human beings who can do neither.
Meanwhile, the Kings have become Billionaires. There are about 735 billionaires in the U.S. And a largeish number of slightly poorer who are multimillionaires. Mostly these folks prefer to hide out in their exclusive estates and mansions. However they direct huge amounts of money, energy into maintaining the capitalist system of rule by the million/billionaires and the delusional fraud of bipartisanism in which the People get a tiny step toward the Common Good, and the Retrogressors maintain the ownership and control of the Government via Capitalism.
For a very obvious example of this situation, simply check out the global situation of fossil fuels destroying the planet.
So, the system is still basically the same as it was pre 1500.
The huge change is that in just the last 50 or so years the human population of the planet has grown from some 3 billion to 8 billion or so. The vast, vast majority of these recently arrived Earthlings, as they have been demonstrating in multitudes of ways and significantly demonstrated at the last two elections, are not the least bit interested in being poor and deprived of their Human Rights and the equal sharing of the wonders of this Planet. They can see the hand writing on the wall.
Hence, we have the increasingly hysterical behavior of the Retrogressors, since Reagan really, but across the board extensively in the recent 20 years. It seems quite probable that the upcoming 2024 elections in the U.S. will result in the reelection of Biden/Harris and the complete control of the House and Senate by the Democrats. This is Evolution rather than revolution which is simply the same old delusion in slightly different clothes.
The reaction of the so called Republicans to this message will be crucial, and will test our ability to evolve through a heart energized system that avoids armed conflict. This requires taking very small steps such as those being put forward by present Democrat Senators and Congress persons.
It is time to consciously replace religiously focused esotericism with Science. We need to liberate the Buddha and Christ and our sisters and brothers who are being held prisoner by the delusion of the ridiculous one Dimensional Cosmos. And, it is helpful to realize that Democracy is based in Science NOT religion. The human beings who are doing the work are conscious of the multidimensional Universe and the Synthesis of Reality. They are visible in every actual area of the so called government, economic, education and personal sectors of Human Society. It is also good to realize that the very first target of the retrogressive onslaught was the effort to destroy the educational aspect of evolution and replace it with sports, (Check out The Labors of Hercules An Astrological Interpretation by Alice A. Bailey) vocation and business.
As you know, Sisters
and Brothers, it’s getting very near the end, and the New Beginning. As always,
“Triumph is unavoidable.”