Thursday, October 19, 2023



It is not too soon to start planning for the protection of the 2024 elections. It is, or should be, obvious by now that there will be an all-out assault to destroy or discredit or even prevent the elections from being held and to claim some sort of victory for the Forces of Retrogression. The efforts of the retrogressive forces which are behind these current efforts are not just in the U.S. They are at work all over the world in every aspect of our daily lives. 

The current criminal efforts of Trump in the USA are a part of a world wide effort of the Dark Forces. The assault by Russia on Ukraine, the present outbreak of evil in Israel, the ongoing struggles in Brazil and  several other nations in South America are only the most obvious aspect of the effort. 

The forces of Evil work through the manufactured delusion of human beings who assume that they are animalman, that they are their individual separated bodies of flesh and bone. Hence, they are driven by the fear of death and hatred. From the Beginning this delusion which Plato referred us to in “Allegory of the Cave” has obliterated the fact of the infinite multidimensional Cosmos of the Energy forces of Creation. 

On our “little” planet Earth, these Cosmic Energies are the source of the One Humanity, of Life Liberty and Justice For All, or more specifically, commonsense, goodwill and love. These are the Drivers of Evolution. 

What we are seeing everyday all over the world is the Retrogressors literal efforts to replace Humanities evolutionary gains in consciousness that over the past 500 years have revealed the existence of the infinite cosmos and freed Humanity from the delusion of being property just like any  animal man. The Retrogressors goal is, as it has always been, to eliminate these changes bought with the blood of billions of human beings, and to re-instate the one dimensional delusion that drove the evolution of the first Earth, that Might Makes Right. 

This is the delusion that generates and supports the lie that humans are their animal bodies, and, just like any other animal they can be, and billions are, the personal property of  more powerful animal men. Recall that for centuries women were—and in some countries still are—considered to be the private property of their husbands or any stray man that was around. This is just a small part of the delusion of Rulers and Kings that the forces of Darkness have re-established in the guise of Owners of Wealth. 

In the Untied States, the return of Females to slavery, or at best second class animal status is just the beginning. Movements are already in place to eliminate the difference between religion and government. They want to change the age for voting from 18 to 25 thus eliminating some 30 to 40 million voters a very large percentage of whom would vote for the Principles of Freedom and Justice for all. 

The aim is to basically eliminate Life, Liberty, and Justice as self-evident Principles of Humanity. This is what is on the table in the 2024 election. We will not see this simple fact talked about even in the so called liberal media such as MSNBC. 

However, the ridiculous, actually meaningless concept of Compromise which allowed us to take tiny baby steps has finally been thrown out the window by the Retrogressors. No more of this little step stuff. They want total control over Humanity. 

Our only tool to oppose this return to ancient history is to exercise our Free Will and vote for Common Sense, for life liberty and justice for everybody. Human beings cannot use force to make others see it our way. However, If it comes to that we can protect the Good with every ounce of Life we have which is what we did in the two recent world wars. 

I could go on, but the point is to avoid some kind of insane armed thing we need to protect the voting systems NOW and to turn out and vote in 2024. If we love Humanity and JUSTICE and work on it, thanks to evolution and the explosion of Group conscious incarnating sisters and brothers, we can win the 2024 election by 20 or 30 percent.


October 17, 2023