Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Message From the Mountain Top
We enter the next cycle aflame. Passing through the burning ground of Scorpio we came out on fire. Many of the encumbrances that had banked our inner flame were transfigured, and we came forward with hearts aflame. This led to many new challenges in Sagittarius as we attempted to sight the new Path. These challenges were tests to see if we had sufficient heart to initiate the new direction.

Our presence here indicates that we have!

All around the world now we have gathered on the mountain top or in truth in the Ashram which is our mountain top. This is our annual re-grouping of the incarnated warriors where we come together to pledge ourselves once again to the salvation of the world at all cost.

Thus, we who arrive on the Mountain Top in Capricorn have demonstrated our readiness to face the extreme challenges that await us in the unfolding cycle.

I am urged to speak about the heart because the heart is the only path through that which awaits us. “Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus, one should remember the heart as a weapon. Precisely the heart is the weapon of Light!” Heart #399

Thus, friends, Our endurance and will to achieve has carried us joyfully, if somewhat battered, to the Mountain Top. And here we stand;

However, Capricorn is not about arrival. It is about departure and emergence.
We came here to leave. The Word for us is “Lost are we in that Light Supernal, yet, on that Light we turn our back.” Esoteric Astrology P 174

Why, you might ask, why, after struggling so hard to get here, why do we turn our backs on this Light? Why not linger a while and enjoy the fruits of our work? Take a little break? Get a little nirvana time?

Well, because we are warriors. We gave up nirvana. The inchoate cries of our suffering brothers and sisters who are still in bondage to the Great Lie generates a pull on our hearts that cannot be ignored.

We are the brothers and sisters in the Field or in incarnation if you like. We are the vanguard of the Fifth Kingdom. We will emerge from this place of Light, the “birthplace of the Christ, the place of the second birth” Esdoteric Astrology P.103 as it is known. We will emerge from this staging ground for the externalization of the Hierarchy, carrying the Light of the new cycle into the gloom of our troubled planet.

We will be triumphant in this effort because behind us stands and shines through us the Great Heart of the 5th Kingdom. Thus cheerfulness and Joy light our way, for “Joy is a special Wisdom. Cheerfulness is a special technique” New Eara Community #163

The dark challenges toward which we are moving will manifest and confront us in a multitude of shapes and degrees of stress. These dense forms and the shapes which they assume are not the point. Those forms and shapes are all, without exception, constructs of chaos and glamour. Their shapes mask energy vortexes of fear and greed and hate.

We will not fear, for we have issued forth from the “doorway into life of those who know not death”. Esoteric Astrology P.83 We will suffuse space with the ultimate power of the Silence of the Heart.

The battle cry of our heart is, as it has ever been, “Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth”


  1. I especially appreciate this quote:

    "I am urged to speak about the heart because the heart is the only path through that which awaits us. “Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus, one should remember the heart as a weapon. Precisely the heart is the weapon of Light!” Heart #399

    I have just had an experience of helping a dear friend and Lightworker. We went through a journey and reached the mountain top where her future creation was seen and within reach. She then chose to go back home to where she was before. I have pondered on the meaning and decided that the bonding and heart opening was part of the value of the experience. For her it was a "walk around," in which the initiatory experience was more important than the final result. It was an initiation for both of us.

    Thank you for this insightful post.

    Much Love, Carol

  2. Thank you, it was so HONEST!
    we are here not to harbour the harvest of our achevements. We just piligrims to a Far COUNTRY and on the way we learn, serve and evolve.
    Our HEARTS ARE the connecting link with this Far COUNTRY. And our sights, visions and inspirations and strength come from there.
    Through this link the renewal of the energy and steady purpose shape us, our understanding and will give us power.
