Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Mr. President:
I received the following from your V.P., Joe Biden.:
“This will be blunt:
This isn't hyperbole or exaggeration:

If we don't win this election, it will be because we didn't close the spending gap when we could.”

This note to you  is also blunt. WE Will Win the election regardless of any "spending gap"!

The only gap that could possibly cause the election to be even close are messages such as this one which carry a frequency of fear and terror. Such messages, which your no doubt highly paid, expert campaign managers do not seem to realize, carry a deadly, negative virus. This virus has a frequency of discouragement, hopelessness and despair which infects the vast majority of the people whom we are trying to encourage.

Faced as we are with obligations for our family that have been generated by the years long, horrible employment situation, my wife and I have regularly contributed all that we can to your campaign. We do not contribute because of the non-stop, fear laced notes and letters we receive from all quarters of your campaign.

We contribute because we understand the stakes of the election, and we see that democracy itself is in grave danger from the forces of greed and retrogression. We actually marvel at what you and your administration have been able to accomplish in the past four years. Our personal opinions regarding the  role and function of Government for this nation and the Planet are actually dimensions more liberal or progressive than the issues about which the vocal “progressives” wail and bemoan. These are well meaning individuals who do not understand what you meant when you promised a new kind of government. They do not understand or realize the power that is opposed to the agenda which you espoused.

Common sense indicates to any observer of the common good that valuable resources and time are not only being wasted by your campaign but are actually generating a negative subjective impact. Large numbers of people are simply tapped out. After feeding housing and clothing their families, even if they happen to be among the fortunately employed, they have no “spendable” income left over to donate, not even 3$.

However, what they do have is the vote. What we need— far more than enough money to match the money of the Retrogressors, a goal that any reasonably informed individual with common sense knows is not possible to achieve anyway— is their vote. These messages are so discouraging that many of these people will not bother to vote because we have informed them that we cannot win.       

Your campaign managers need to get this. Stop wasting energy on these kinds of messages and begin to proactively work to engage the Hearts of our brothers and sisters.

Think! People follow their hearts. The heart does not traffic in fear. We give to what we love, not what we fear. And we give whatever we have to give which in the huge majority of the cases, as you well know, is not money.

My counsel is to forget about hustling people for money like a bunch of bill collectors. Those who can support the effort with money will. I think you can count on that. Their number  however is pitifully smaller than those who have only their love and vote to give. Those are the ones we need to talk to, and not about donations, but about the beauty and power and wonder of government of the people for the people and by the people.

Remember Saint Crispin’s Day. Remember the long bow.

Loving us

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dear Mr. President.
Your commentary regarding the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado carried the frequency of the heart. When you speak in this manner about the things that matter in our lives, you touch the hundreds of millions of hearts which make up the heart of our Nation.
There are a great many of our brothers and sisters who have been disenfranchised, not just from the vote, but from actually participating in the things which matter, those things you indicated in your address. This condition is nothing new. On the one hand, it is the result of centuries of furiously generated and propagated desire to identify life values, that is the things that matter, with material consumption and personal place in the hierarchy of wealth and power.  On the other, it is the result of a kind of creeping hopelessness, a disease which envelopes those who fall into what is now called the 99% and is a necessary product of such a warped hierarchy.
I think of these folks, both the “winners and the losers”, as being asleep, not conscious of life or living. As you  know, the constant stream of lying propaganda which flows from the Consumers of Life and Liberty, those who cultivate and feed on this system, is just about all that can be heard. It reinforces, minute by minute, this illusory system of transient value and keeps these brothers and sisters asleep in their prisons.
All of these brothers and sisters, without exception, have heart. Most of them are just sleeping. They are not heartless. You carry the heart of this Nation. I have heard and watched you model it on numerous occasion over the past 7 years.
My counsel is that you simply start talking on a regular basis to the people about the things that matter, the things you outlined in your Colorado address, the struggle of our ancestors to create a nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I know that you know what the real value of this Nation is to Humanity and the world. Giving heart and voice to these principles will reach those sleepers, those dwellers in the canyons of comfort who have hearts.
When you speak of these things there is a frequency of love and truth that is unmistakable to the heart. When the same words are mouthed by the opposition, there is an unmistakable frequency of sophistry. They simply do not “ring true.” The heart can hear this.
So,  one,  two to three minute spot that speaks to principle and carries the frequency of love will awaken more voters than an hour of intellectual stuff about economics or foreign policy. I also think, by the way,  that those matters can be approached from a heart perspective as aspects of the Principles upon which this Nation stands.
Loving us

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012
Dear  Mr. President:

Regarding the message received today from your Deputy Campaign Manager, Ms. Smoot:

We will be out raised. We will be out spent. We will be out monied.

There is nothing new in that. We usually have been. We have seldom been more powerful than the forces of greed and retrogression in any respect other than our will to good and love of the people, of humanity.  Most often in this area we have been both more powerful and victorious. This is true throughout history, most notably in the American Revolution, the Civil War and WWI and II.

It is this power that will win this battle, not how much money we have. And we must make no mistake, although being waged mainly on the emotional and mental planes, this battle is a battle of even greater magnitude than those sited.

We use the money we have to make messages that carry the truth, the light and will of the people to be free. One minute of one such message will obliterate many thousands of the lies that are pouring from the orifices of retrogression. 

Trying to raise money through the ingestion of fear,which the message from your Deputy Campaign Manager does,  is using the methodology of the Retrogressors and heartless. By disheartening and discouraging the people we are actually doing more harm than good in using this approach.

I suggest that we use our money and time in a more positive,  proactive and powerful way. Remember, David did in Goliath with a sling and a stone. It is seldom noted, but the stone was a stone of Light and Truth.  

For us losing is not an option.

lots of love

Cc: Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012
Dear Mr. President:

Your staff  continues to put out self defeating messages. I quote, We could lose if this continues!”

If this election is to be decided by who has the most money, we were beat at the beginning. As long as you are framing the election around who can raise or who has the most money, we will not be reaching the heart of the population, the vast majority of whom do not have $35 to send in to have a cup of coffee with Joe or to ride on the bus with you.

The messages that your staff are sending are disheartening. They are engaging in a competition which is ridiculous and actually fuels the power of the opponents. When you focus the people’s attention on the news that they did not raise enough money, and rattle the snake of defeat you are discouraging us.

This is not a football game. We cannot be encouraged to go to the poles and “win one for the Gipper”!

This messaging, BTW, also focuses the opponents attention on the news that they are Winning. It says to them that to win all they have to do is out-spend us. This will only encourage the billionaires to  bury us in a mountain of money, which for them is a mole hill of chump change.

This line of approach is playing the opponents game. Focusing the election on money   rather than values and principles, is a sure way to not be reelected.

People want to vote for the individual with the most heart, not the most money.  Making the campaign focus on heart qualities is a sure winner, mainly because the opposition is basically heartless. America is about freedom and liberty for ALL. It’s about the right of All to Life liberty and happiness. It is the Common Good and the General Welfare that matter, not the size of one’s yacht or the number of one’s personal planes or houses.

These are the things that your staff needs to focus on. We have lots of rather the grim realities to illustrate the lie and failure of the oppositions message: The spreading poverty, the sad state of our schools, the 12 to 15 million unemployed mothers and fathers and the 30 or 40 millions of their hugely disadvantage children, the obesity of our people, the pollution of our environments, the wasting of human life in stupid wars, the corruption of the Banksters and their minions just to name a few.

Strongly suggest that you consider this approach. The heart is the path to “change the matters.”

Lots of love


Tom Carney

1504 Walnut Ave

Manhattan Beach, 90266